5 אוקטובר 2024
Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says the military has so far notified the families of 97 hostages being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip
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לראשונה ממלחמת יום הכיפורים: אל-על תפעיל בשבת 2 טיסות חילוץ להשבת אנשי מילואים מהמזרח וארה"ב
The Israeli Army: Yesterday we made a mistake in announcing the warning on the northern front, and there was no air threat
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Israeli army spokesman: Clashes are still ongoing in the Gaza Strip, and it will remain a closed military zone
דובר צה"ל: "צה"ל על כלל יחידותיו נערך לשלב הבא של המלחמה - מוכנות מלאה של כלל הזרועות והאגפים"
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Israeli aircraft targeted a house west of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, there are victims
Israeli Defense Minister to NATO: We are fighting a war for our future in the Middle East
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Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Gaza to Al-Arabi: Our health institutions are exhausted and have begun to collapse completely
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PIJ commander Abdul Rahman Shahab has been elimianted following the IAF airstrikes in Jabaliya, Northern Gaza
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Red Cross: We are communicating with Hamas and Israel regarding the hostages
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10 dead in an Israeli bombing of the Baroud family home in Rafah
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Journalist Ahmed Shehab was killed in an Israeli bombing of his home and his family in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip
Airstrikes in Tal El Sultan, Gaza11 חודש לפני
Airstrikes in Tal El Sultan, Gaza
Israeli army strikes in the strip this morning11 חודש לפני
Israeli army strikes in the strip this morning
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In the last 20 minutes: heavy mortar shelling of Nahal Oz
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Scholz: Hamas would not have been able to launch an attack without Iranian support in recent years
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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrives in Israel
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UNRWA: Only 8 of our 22 health centers in Gaza are able to provide basic medical services
מפקד פיקוד העורף: חמאס מצמצם את הירי כי הוא מבין שזו מלחמה ארוכה
Israel will not supply water, fuel to Gaza until hostages freed, Israeli minister @Israel_katz says
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Israeli Ministry of Health: The number of Israeli deaths has risen to 1,300 and those injured to 3,300
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Palestinian Health: 1,203 dead and about 5,763 wounded as a result of the Israeli attacks, and most of the victims are children and women
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Iran foreign minister will also visit Lebanon in his regional tour to meet officials on the developments in Palestine. Iranian ambassador to Beirut confirmed Iranian FM’s visit to Lebanon
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Jordan says it is sending first aid to Gaza since start of latest conflict - state TV
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Associated Press, citing an Egyptian source: We reject the establishment of exit corridors from Gaza for Palestinians fleeing the Strip.
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Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says Israel is targeting those who filmed and broadcast Hamas's murderous invasion of southern Israel on Saturday morning. Overnight, the military killed Mustafa Shahin, a Hamas operative the Israeli army identified from footage online
Airstrike on central Gaza11 חודש לפני
Airstrike on central Gaza
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The Israeli army announces the deployment of reserve forces in towns on the border with Lebanon
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Palestinian Agency: 15 victims as a result of an Israeli bombing on a house in the Jabalia Al-Balad area, north of Gaza
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Local sources: Shooting targets Israeli forces during the storming of Qalandia camp, north of Jerusalem
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New Israeli raids on residential neighborhoods in the western Gaza Strip, including the Karama neighborhood
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The bombing of a house belonging to the Al-Agha family in the western line of Khan Yunis
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Israeli army said at around 4 a.m. it was carrying out more "widespread" airstrikes against Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip
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Several simultaneous air strikes in the center and south of the Gaza Strip and continuous artillery shelling along the eastern border
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סיכול טרור צה''ל פועל בג'נין - חילופי אש במרחב - מספר מעצרים
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Amid recent developments in Palestine, specifically in Gaza, Iran FM is expected to visit Iraq on Thursday, @IranNuances has learned. preparations are underway for more trips by Iranian FM to some other regional countries
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צה"ל ממשיך לתקוף בעזה, משרד הבריאות הפלסטיני מדווח על 51 הרוגים בשעות האחרונות
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New Israeli raids on the city center of Khan Yunis
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Security operation in Aqabat Jabr camp in Jericho
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6 citizens were killed and 5 others were injured in attacks on four homes belonging to the Abu Al-Rish family, the Al family, the Abu Daqqa family, and the Al-Bashiti family in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip
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Medical sources: A young man wounded by live bullets in the waist arrives at Darwish Nazzal Hospital in the city of Qalqilya, and his condition is moderate.
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Renewed violent bombardment west of Gaza City
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Violent bombardment on the Gaza Strip
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UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed receives a phone call from Iran's Foreign Minister
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6 dead so far in a airstrike on a house in the camp area, west of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip
CNN, citing Israeli officials: Iran gave the green light for Hamas attacks
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Israeli aircraft targets a house in the Al-Maaskar area, west of the city of Khan Yunis.
Biden tells heads of the U.S. Jewish organizations: "It matters that Americans see what is happening. I have doing this a long time – I never thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of militants beheading children"
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Israeli bombing west of Khan Yunis Governorate, south of the Gaza Strip
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Injuries in aircraft bombing of a house belonging to the Al-Hazain family, north of Al-Sawarha School in Al-Nuseirat Camp
ברייקינג: ביידן בפגישה עם הארגונים היהודים: "הבהרתי לאיראנים - תיזהרו"
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הופעלה התרעה על חדירת כלי טיס עוין לנחל עוז
@POTUS calls Hamas attack "a campaign of pure cruelty" and "the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust". "Silence is complicity . I refuse to be silent," he says
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Al-Qassam Brigades: An Israeli woman and her two children were released after being detained during the clashes
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לראשונה שיחת טלפון בין נשיא איראן, ראיסי, ליורש העצר הסעודי, בן סלמאן
גנץ: "בעזה מרגישים את העוצמה שלנו, ואם יהיה צורך - גם בלבנון ירגישו"
נתניהו: "ראינו ילדים כפותים שנורו בראשם, אנשים שנשרפו בעודם חיים, צעירות שנאנסו ונטבחו - אנחנו נלחמים באויב גרוע מדאעש"
רה"מ @netanyahu: "עם ישראל מאוחד והיום גם ההנהגה שלו מאוחדת - הקמנו ממשלת חירום לאומית"
Netanyahu: We are fighting with all our might and on all fronts
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Israeli army says it is carrying out a new wave of airstrikes against "many" Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip.
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Local sources: Heavy gunfire targeted the "Dotan" military checkpoint near the town of Ya'bad, southwest of Jenin
שר הביטחון והרמטכ"ל לשעבר @gantzbe, בהצהרה לצד נתניהו: "העמידה שלנו כאן היא מסר ברור לאויבינו ולכל אזרחי ישראל - כולנו יחד"
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Al-Sisi and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are discussing stopping the escalation in the region
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: "What happened has not happened to the Jewish people since 1945. There's no situation in which you kill Israeli kids and we go about our business
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in a press conference tonight: "We will wipe Hamas off the face of the earth”
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The Saudi Crown Prince stresses the need to stop the attack on the Gaza Strip
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Shelling targeting east of Khan Yunis
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UNRWA Arabic: We warn of a major humanitarian crisis that the Gaza Strip has not witnessed
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Preliminary reports indicate senior Islamic Jihad member Mousa Naseer was killed in an airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip
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Israeli naval forces are currently heavily shelling different areas along the Gaza coast
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Israeli boats fire shells towards the beaches of Khan Yunis and Gaza
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Numerous airstrikes near An Nada towers, northern Gaza
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מטוסים הפציצו את בניין אל-אשקר ליד מגדל אל-שיפא, ממערב לעיר עזה
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UAV strike on a building in An Nasr, Gaza
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Erdogan meets with Hamas officials in Ankara and discusses with them the file of Israeli prisoners held by the movement
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Erdogan informs the Saudi Crown Prince that Ankara has begun working to send aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza
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Strikes reported in Nuseirat and Khan Younis
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Blinken: We are discussing opening safe corridors with Israel and Egypt, but the situation is complex and Israel must take steps that allow it to defend itself
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Blinken: We will deter any country that tries to exploit the situation towards further escalation in the region
We stand resolutely against terrorism, said @SecBlinken. We stand with Israel and will continue to do so, Blinken added as he's heading to Israel11 חודש לפני
"We stand resolutely against terrorism," said @SecBlinken. "We stand with Israel and will continue to do so," Blinken added as he's heading to Israel
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Shooting targets the Huwwara checkpoint, south of Nablus
The White House: We have not seen any actor in the region deliberately trying to expand the conflict between Israel and Hamas
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Palestinian Health Ministry: Munis Rabhi Musa Ziadat (16 years old), was shot and killed in the town of Bani Naim
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An Israeli tank kills 3 Palestinian militants who infiltrated from the Gaza Strip near the town of Niram
US “concerned” by Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israel: @WhiteHouse
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Rocket salvoes launched from Gaza
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Israeli army: Israeli army soldiers identified a number of vehicles with militants in an area adjacent to Kibbutz Nir Am. An Israeli army tank responded by firing toward them, and thwarted three militants. Israeli army soldiers are continuing to conduct searches in the area
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שדרות: ככל הנראה חוסל מחבל אחד. החשש הוסר והתושבים קיבלן הודעה שהם יכולים לצאת מהמרחבים המוגנים
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Israeli gunboats bombard the beaches of Gaza with artillery
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Shots were heard in Sderot, residents asked to stay sheltered
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The President of the UAE and the Prime Minister of the Netherlands discuss efforts to contain the escalation in light of the dangerous developments in the region
State Department now has number of US killed in Hamas attack at 22
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The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations stresses the necessity of establishing two states as a solution to the conflict
Evacuation flights for Dutch, Spanish, French, and Brazilian nationals living in Israel are airborne and headed home11 חודש לפני
Evacuation flights for Dutch, Spanish, French, and Brazilian nationals living in Israel are airborne and headed home
Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says there is no security incident in northern Israel, military is investigating after the drone alerts sounded in northern Israel
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נשלל החשש לחדירת כלי טייס מגבול לבנון
New alert in Rishon LeZion area11 חודש לפני
New alert in Rishon LeZion area
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Guterres: I call for the immediate release of all Israeli hostages held in Gaza
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The U.S. Embassy in Beirut @usembassybeirut: The U.S. Embassy in Beirut has not evacuated and is open and operating normally. Reports saying otherwise are false. For more information and travel advisories, visit our embassy website
צה"ל על חדירת כלי הטיס מלבנון: אין נפילות ואין נפגעים בצפון