5 October 2024
Israeli forces fire tear gas during the demolition of facilities in the town of Anata
Continuing clashes between resistance fighters and the Israeli army in Jenin2 year ago
Continuing clashes between resistance fighters and the Israeli army in Jenin
2 year ago
Israeli army shot down a drone launched from southern Lebanon and flew over Israeli airspace in northern Israel
2 year ago
Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy: We will teach the enemy and its allies a harsh lesson if they commit any foolishness against our national security
A Palestinian Islamic Jihad subunit called Katibat Tubas issued a statement on Sunday claiming responsibility for clashes against Israeli army troops operating in Tubas, northeast of Nablus
In a speech at a ceremony marking the change of the military's Home Front Command chief, Israeli army Chief of Staff Kohavi says it is a "moral obligation" to prepare a military response against Iran's nuclear program
During an overnight arrest raid in the West Bank town of Tubas, Israeli soldiers came under fire, the military says. Israeli army troops returned fire at the gunmen and other Palestinians hurling stones and Molotov cocktails and "hits were identified," the Israeli army says
On the background of the escalation in the Gaza Strip, the Political Security Cabinet will convene tomorrow at 12:45
Israeli military chief of staff Lt. General Aviv Aviv Kochavi will travel to Morocco in the upcoming week for talks on military cooperation, Israeli official says. This will be the 1st ever such visit
The Israeli army says it struck another Hamas weapon manufacturing site in Gaza this morning2 year ago
The Israeli army says it struck another Hamas weapon manufacturing site in Gaza this morning
Another angle:  Israeli army Israeli strike on Hamas' Shuha'a Nusairat military camp, central Gaza2 year ago
Another angle: Israeli army Israeli strike on Hamas' Shuha'a Nusairat military camp, central Gaza
2 year ago
Israeli army says it struck an underground Hamas rocket manufacturing facility in the Gaza Strip, in response to the rocket attacks on southern Israel. In total, 4 rockets were launched from Gaza tonight, 1 was intercepted
2 year ago
Red alert warning (04:45) at Ahuzam
Footage shows the two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip toward Ashkelon. (Video: Dadi Fold)2 year ago
Footage shows the two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip toward Ashkelon. (Video: Dadi Fold)
Purported video of an interception over Ashkelon. Residents report explosion heard
At least one interception being reported over Ashkelon
2 year ago
Red alert warning (00:50,00:51) at Ashkelon Southern Industrial Zone, Ge'a, Ashkelon
The US State Department says it is committed to facilitating negotiations between Lebanon and Israel in pursuit of an agreement to demarcate maritime borders
Abbas: We seek to achieve a comprehensive and just peace based on international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative
Mahmoud Abbas: We demand accountability for the killers of the martyr Sherine Abu Akleh
Mahmoud Abbas: I extend my hand to Israel to achieve the peace of the brave, and this is what we have continued to do since the Oslo Accords
Abbas: Israeli incursions and arrests of Palestinian territories must be stopped
Abbas: We look forward to US efforts to stop settlements and settler violence
Mahmoud Abbas at press-conference with Biden: The key to peace in the region is recognition of the State of Palestine and enabling the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights
Abbas: Biden's visit expresses American interest in achieving peace
Abbas: I discussed with Biden the bilateral relations and the prospects for achieving peace
Biden: We will provide an additional $100 million to support a Palestinian hospital network
Israeli FM Lapid said the only way to stop Iran's nuclear program is to put "credible military threat on the table." Pres Biden committed to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons but said: "I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome
A four-way virtual summit brings together the leaders of the United States, India, the United Arab Emirates and Israel
Lapid asked Biden in their meeting how long the U.S. Will continue talks with Iran. Biden told Lapid U.S. wants diplomatic solution with Iran but won't continue talking forever if there is no deal