19 September 2024
The US State Department says it is committed to facilitating negotiations between Lebanon and Israel in pursuit of an agreement to demarcate maritime borders
Abbas: We seek to achieve a comprehensive and just peace based on international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative
Mahmoud Abbas: We demand accountability for the killers of the martyr Sherine Abu Akleh
Mahmoud Abbas: I extend my hand to Israel to achieve the peace of the brave, and this is what we have continued to do since the Oslo Accords
Abbas: Israeli incursions and arrests of Palestinian territories must be stopped
Abbas: We look forward to US efforts to stop settlements and settler violence
Mahmoud Abbas at press-conference with Biden: The key to peace in the region is recognition of the State of Palestine and enabling the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights
Abbas: Biden's visit expresses American interest in achieving peace
Abbas: I discussed with Biden the bilateral relations and the prospects for achieving peace
Biden: We will provide an additional $100 million to support a Palestinian hospital network
Israeli FM Lapid said the only way to stop Iran's nuclear program is to put "credible military threat on the table." Pres Biden committed to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons but said: "I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome
A four-way virtual summit brings together the leaders of the United States, India, the United Arab Emirates and Israel
Lapid asked Biden in their meeting how long the U.S. Will continue talks with Iran. Biden told Lapid U.S. wants diplomatic solution with Iran but won't continue talking forever if there is no deal
Biden and Lapid met in 4 eyes for more than an hour. The two main issues were Iran and Saudi Arabia, an Israeli official said
National Security Adviser: The White House wants a consulate in East Jerusalem, but talks are ongoing
Iran President Raisi says Biden Middle East trip won't bring 'security' to Israel
2 year ago
Israel's Israeli army: "A Joint Aerial Exercise Between the Israeli Air Force and the Hellenic Air Force took place" yesterday. "As part of the exercise, the two air forces simulated a wide range of aerial scenarios, including advanced air-to-air combat and airborne refueling
Gantz also just spoke with Egypt's Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel and "addressed reports regarding the graves of Egyptian soldiers who fought in the Six Day War. I assured Director Kamel that the defense establishment will examine the issue with great respect
Israeli media: The Israeli army decides to surround the border settlement of Metulla with walls to prevent the infiltration of Hezbollah fighters
Egyptian Presidency: Lapid promised a transparent investigation into what was reported about the Egyptian soldiers buried in Jerusalem
Egyptian Presidency: Sisi and Lapid agreed to revitalize peace negotiations in the coming period
Egyptian Presidency: Sisi and Lapid agreed to arrange bilateral and multiple meetings between them and Mahmoud Abbas
2 year ago
A Lebanese citizen was arrested by the @Israeli army after infiltrating into northern Israel near Misgav Am on Sunday evening
2 year ago
First phone call between Israeli Prime Minister Lapid and Turkish President Erdogan: Thank him for the co-op in thwarting terrorist attacks against Israelis, the two stressed the importance of relations between the two countries
2 year ago
Lebanon border incident: Israeli forces capture suspect who crossed into Israel, entered abandoned military post
The Israeli army: Military exercises will end by this evening, in preparation for the visit of the American President
ISF pursued a suspicious vehicle in Taybeh City, Central Israel.  The suspect was apprehended after ramming into ISF vehicle2 year ago
ISF pursued a suspicious vehicle in Taybeh City, Central Israel. The suspect was apprehended after ramming into ISF vehicle
2 year ago
Khamenei: The Arrogant West has become weaker by the day in our region &, more recently, throughout the world. The failure of the United States and its criminal accomplice, the Zionist government, can clearly be seen in the recent events of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen & Afghanistan
2 year ago
Khamenei: The situation in Palestine is a manifestation of the phenomenon of Resistance that has been able to bring down the Zionist government from its state of aggression to a defensive stance & impose problems on it. Brilliant examples of Resistance can be seen in Lebanon, Iraq & Yemen
Defense Minister Gantz met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah tonight, his office says