4 Юли 2024
Israeli army says a suspect who was detained by troops after crossing the border from Syria into the Golan Heights on January 27, was involved in Hezbollah efforts to gather intel. Ei'th Abdollah, according to the Israeli army, was part of the so-called Golan File1 година назад
Israeli army says a suspect who was detained by troops after crossing the border from Syria into the Golan Heights on January 27, was involved in Hezbollah efforts to gather intel. Ei'th Abdollah, according to the Israeli army, was part of the so-called Golan File
1 година назад
Highway 1, the main artery connecting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, is blocked by protesters LIVE S
1 година назад
The Iranian Foreign Ministry rejects Israeli accusations that Tehran attacked an oil tanker in the Gulf
Израелската делегация на Кнесета пристигна в Украйна1 година назад
Израелската делегация на Кнесета пристигна в Украйна
1 година назад
The security forces arrested 19 wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria
Israeli protesters block a major road in Tel Aviv ahead of the initial voting today in the Knesset on the judicial coup1 година назад
Israeli protesters block a major road in Tel Aviv ahead of the initial voting today in the Knesset on the judicial coup
1 година назад
Israeli media: The navy raises the level of readiness in the Red Sea for fear of an Iranian attack
1 година назад
US Ambassador to Israel says "as Biden has said, we will not stand by & watch Iran get a nuclear weapon, number one. Number two all options are on the table. Number three, Israel can & should do whatever they need to deal with that and we've got their back" - Times of Israel
1 година назад
Syria and Iran condemn repeated Israeli attacks against Syria, the last of which killed five Syrians after midnight on Sunday
1 година назад
Netanyahu stops short of claiming overnight strike. "our efforts unceasing for simple reason Iran's acts of aggression unceasing. Last week, Iran again attacked oil tanker in Persian Gulf, struck at intl freedom of navigation. Yesterday, Iran attacked US base in Syria"
1 година назад
Five killed in Israeli strike on Damascus, Syria says
WarningwarningOvernight , roads blocked by burning garbage and rocks in Silwan,Shuafat,Anata,Issawiyeh and Al Eizariyeh Jerusalem1 година назад
WarningwarningOvernight , roads blocked by burning garbage and rocks in Silwan,Shuafat,Anata,Issawiyeh and Al Eizariyeh Jerusalem
1 година назад
Syrian reports claim 13 dead, 7 wounded in the alleged Israeli strike on Damascus
More images from the scene in Kafar Sousah1 година назад
More images from the scene in Kafar Sousah
Reported site of damage in Kafar Sousah in Damascus by the Israeli strike1 година назад
Reported site of damage in Kafar Sousah in Damascus by the Israeli strike
An apparent Syrian air defense missile exploded over the Golan Heights. (Video: מצב בטחוני גלובלי)1 година назад
An apparent Syrian air defense missile exploded over the Golan Heights. (Video: מצב בטחוני גלובלי)
1 година назад
SANA says air defenses are engaging "hostile targets" over Damascus
1 година назад
Khamenei: Being silent on the Palestinian issue has harmed the Islamic world. This silence of Muslim governments about such an invasion, an invasion on them & the Islamic nation, & then recently they even go along with it, has weakened those countries and caused their subjugation
1 година назад
Khamenei: Palestine is still a major issue today. A nation, a country, is completely dominated by not ordinary human beings, but by a group of savage, evil, wicked people while Islamic governments just look and watch
1 година назад
Израел засили преговорите със Саудитска Арабия за развиване на по-тесни военни и разузнавателни връзки в светлината на нарастващата загриженост за Иран, твърдят източници - Bloomberg
1 година назад
Last Friday, Iranian drones targeted the Campo Square commercial ship owned by an Israeli billionaire in the Arabian Sea causing no serious damage,a US mil official confirms. "The attack was carried out by Iran itself" another military source in the mideast told
Iran's revolutionary guard has attacked an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire with suicide drones, Israeli source confirms - N121 година назад
Iran's revolutionary guard has attacked an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire with suicide drones, Israeli source confirms - N12
Ръководителят на израелското външно министерство пристигна в Буча1 година назад
Ръководителят на израелското външно министерство пристигна в Буча
Израелският външен министър Ели Коен бе на необявено посещение в Киев. За среща със Зеленски1 година назад
Израелският външен министър Ели Коен бе на необявено посещение в Киев. За среща със Зеленски
US Department of State: The U.S. is deeply troubled by Israel's announcement that it will reportedly advance thousands of settlements and begin a process to retroactively legalize nine outposts in the West Bank that were previously illegal under Israeli law. We strongly oppose these unilateral measures1 година назад
US Department of State: The U.S. is deeply troubled by Israel's announcement that it will reportedly advance thousands of settlements and begin a process to retroactively legalize nine outposts in the West Bank that were previously illegal under Israeli law. We strongly oppose these unilateral measures
1 година назад
The wounded, a policeman, dies from his wounds, brings the death toll in recent Jerusalem terror wave to 11. The assailant was a Palestinian boy
The impact of Israeli air strikes on Gaza overnight, following rocket fire from the territory.  Owner says they hit his seafront wedding hall complex, which is near a military site1 година назад
The impact of Israeli air strikes on Gaza overnight, following rocket fire from the territory. Owner says they hit his seafront wedding hall complex, which is near a military site
Israel's Parliament panel approved for a first reading vote parts of the judicial plan, despite massive protests across the country against what would be in fact the end of the courts' independence1 година назад
Israel's Parliament panel approved for a first reading vote parts of the judicial plan, despite massive protests across the country against what would be in fact the end of the courts' independence
Happening now in Tel Aviv - parents and school children march against the judicial overhaul.  A  nationwide general strike against the Netanyahu government' begins. Tens of thousands are expected to demonstrate outside the Knesset in Jerusalem1 година назад
Happening now in Tel Aviv - parents and school children march against the judicial overhaul. A nationwide general strike against the Netanyahu government' begins. Tens of thousands are expected to demonstrate outside the Knesset in Jerusalem
1 година назад
Red alert warning (04:38) at Kibbutz Ruhama