4 Юли 2024
Reports a second IRGC member Moqdad Mehghani who was injured in the Israeli attack on the Damascus region a few nights ago has died. IRGC officer and advisor Milad Heydari was the first confirmed Iranian death in this attack1 година назад
Reports a second IRGC member Moqdad Mehghani who was injured in the Israeli attack on the Damascus region a few nights ago has died. IRGC officer and advisor Milad Heydari was the first confirmed Iranian death in this attack
For the 13th week in a row and regardless of the suspension of the legislation: more than 100K Israelis demonstrate tonight in Tel Aviv and tens of thousands more across the country in protest of the Netanyahu plan to weaken the supreme court and other Democratic institutions1 година назад
For the 13th week in a row and regardless of the suspension of the legislation: more than 100K Israelis demonstrate tonight in Tel Aviv and tens of thousands more across the country in protest of the Netanyahu plan to weaken the supreme court and other Democratic institutions
1 година назад
An IRGC advisor and officer, Milad Heydari, was killed in the alleged Israeli airstrike on Damascus last night, according to Iranian media
SANA publishes images of Syrian air defenses engaging the alleged Israeli airstrike over Damascus1 година назад
SANA publishes images of Syrian air defenses engaging the alleged Israeli airstrike over Damascus
The Defense Ministry and IAI successfully launched the Ofek 13 spy satellite into space early this morning1 година назад
The Defense Ministry and IAI successfully launched the Ofek 13 spy satellite into space early this morning
1 година назад
Israeli army says Palestinians hurled an IED from a passing vehicle at troops near the Salem checkpoint in the northern West Bank. Soldiers returned fire at the car as it fled. No Israeli army injuries
1 година назад
Agence France-Presse: Greek police stopped Pakistanis planning to strike Israeli targets
1 година назад
Netanyahu: "I'm taking a time out in the legislation of the judicial reform. I decided to suspend the vote on 2nd & 3rd reading of the legislation in the current Knesset session, in order to try & reach an understanding on the legislation in the next Knesset session"
1 година назад
Israeli media says Netanyahu has agreed with Ben-Gvir to form a National Guard under the Ministry of National Security. Will be approved at the next Israeli cabinet meeting. Protest organizers calling for emergency protests at Kaplan Street at 20:00
1 година назад
Israel PM Netanyahu calls to all "demonstrators in Jerusalem, from the right and the left, to behave responsibly and not to act violently. We are brothers"
1 година назад
Some Israeli banks are closing their businesses due to the protests
1 година назад
Clashes broke out between security forces and demonstrators in the center of Tel Aviv
1 година назад
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has threatened the government to leave the coalition if it suspends the judicial reform, according to Israel's Channel 12
1 година назад
Speaker of the Knesset: A motion of no confidence in the Netanyahu government is rejected by a majority of 59 votes against 53 votes in favor
1 година назад
Ashdod port officials announced a strike and called on all workers to stop working
1 година назад
From 12:00: Big shopping malls are expected to be closed today due to the general strike
1 година назад
The Israeli right calls for demonstrations across Israel in support of the continuation of the judicial amendments
1 година назад
The head of the Israel Airports Authority workers' committee announces a strike at Ben Gurion Airport. All departures halted
Israeli army says troops detained ten wanted Palestinians during overnight arrest raids across the West Bank1 година назад
Israeli army says troops detained ten wanted Palestinians during overnight arrest raids across the West Bank
1 година назад
The Director General of the Ministry of Defense, Major General (Ret.) Eyal Zamir, who is on a working visit to Washington for meetings with senior US officials, decided to cut short his visit and return to Israel
1 година назад
Former PM Naftali Bennett: "The State of Israel is in the greatest danger it has faced since the Yom Kippur War
1 година назад
Israeli police prevent protesters from reaching Netanyahu's house
1 година назад
US says it is "deeply concerned" over the firing of Israel Defense Minister
1 година назад
Israel's Defense & Foreign Affairs Committee to convene for urgent meeting Monday after Netanyahu fires Defense Minister Gallant; invitation says session will be classified; Israel now faces dramatic days of domestic unrest & dangerous security situation
Protest in Jerusalem1 година назад
Protest in Jerusalem
Protesters lit a large bonfire in Ayalon South and chanted The country is on fire.1 година назад
Protesters lit a large bonfire in Ayalon South and chanted "The country is on fire."
1 година назад
Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to fire Defense Minister Gallant following his opposition to the judicial reform
Ciolent clashes in Tulkarem, Palestinian media alleges that large Israeli army reinforcements entered the area  WestBank1 година назад
Ciolent clashes in Tulkarem, Palestinian media alleges that large Israeli army reinforcements entered the area WestBank
1 година назад
Israeli forces besiege a house in Nur Shams camp, Tulkarm
1 година назад
Shots reportedly fired at the West Bank settlement of Avnei Hefetz. One home hit by gunfire. Medics say no physical injuries, one treated for anxiety