7 يوليو 2024
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt9 الشهر منذ
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt
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Reports of renewed Israeli army firing into Lebanon, into the Kafr Shuba area
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مصادر عبرية: اصابة 5 جنود من قوات النخبة التابعة لجيش برصاص مقاومين فلسطينيين خلال اشتباكات في كيبوتس بئيري الذي تُسيطر عليه المقاومة
PM Netanyahu holding an assessment with DM Gallant, Israeli army chief Halevi, other senior defense officials.
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MDA says one seriously wounded in the latest rocket barrage on Sderot. Sdot Negev regional council orders residents to remain in shelters until further notice.
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The Israeli army has begun evacuating residents from the Gaza Strip, who live up to 4 kilometers from the border
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Kafr Gaza: The security forces are trying to rescue residents under fire, fighting is now going on in the kibbutz
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Near Moshav Yatad, a militants squad was killed in clashes with Israeli army forces
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The Israeli army killed 5 militants who were hiding in the Zikim area, the fighting continues in 7 locations in Gaza envelope
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انتشال جثامين 7 شهداء من بينهم 5 أطفال من منزل عائلة أبو ركاب الذي استهدفه في الزوايدة وسط قطاع غزة
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الجيش الإسرائيلي يغلق مدن الضفة ويقطع عدد من الطرق بينها
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Israel army: In response to a Hezbollah attack from Lebanon into Israel, Israeli army Artillery struck targets in the area. An Israeli army UAV also struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in the area of Mount Dov. The Israeli army has taken preparational measures for this type of possibility. We will continue to operate in all regions and at any time necessary to ensure the safety of the Israeli civilians
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Lebanon: The spokesperson for UNIFIL announced that peacekeeping troops affiliated with UNIFIL observed the firing of rockets from southeastern Lebanon toward the Israeli-occupied territories in Kafrchouba. Israel also responded with artillery fire
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A short while ago, IAF fighter jets struck a compound belonging to the head of the intelligence department in the Hamas terrorist organization. The IAF is currently continuing to strike terror targets in the Gaza Strip
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Hizballah took responsibility for this morning's attack on Mount Dav: "a large barrage of rockets was fired at 3 Israeli army facilities"; the Israeli army destroyed the tent that the organization had erected in the area in response
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Israeli army footage shows strikes on high-rise towers in the Gaza Strip, which the military says housed Hamas assets
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Fighter jets in the sky over southern Israel. Engines roaring above
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Barzilai Medical Center—in southern Israel—was targeted by Hamas rocket fire. Hours before the strike, Dr. Chezy Levy, the Director of the medical center, and his staff moved patients to safety
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A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip strikes an apartment building in Ashkelon
The Israeli army has issued specific instructions for residents in 7 areas of the Gaza Strip to evacuate to predetermined points. Targeted text messages are also outgoing.9 الشهر منذ
The Israeli army has issued specific instructions for residents in 7 areas of the Gaza Strip to evacuate to predetermined points. Targeted text messages are also outgoing.
Senior US official say the administration is in discussions with Israel about assisting Israel, also assisting it's military needs
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu asked President Biden during their phone call to emergency U.S. funding for the purchase of more interceptors for the Iron Dome missile defense system, a senior Israeli official told
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الطيران الحربي يستهدف السوق المركزي لبيت حانون، قبل قليل
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إعلام لبناني: إطلاق قنابل مضيئة على الحدود اللبنانية الإسرائيلية وتحليق مكثف للطيران الإسرائيلي
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The commander of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, Colonel Yonatan Steinberg, was killed this morning during clashes with Hamas militants in the Kerem Shalom area
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The Saudi Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farrakhan, clarifies in a conversation with the American Secretary of State, Blinken, that the kingdom opposes any way of turning unarmed citizens into targets. The Egyptians informed that they are in talks with Saudi Arabia and Jordan to reduce tensions between Israel and the Palestinians
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مراسل الجزيرة: غارات إسرائيلية تستهدف مناطق متفرقة في مدينة غزة
..مصادر محلية: اشتباك مسلح مع قوات في بلدة أبو ديس شرق القدس
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يقصف أرضا زراعية في منطقة قيزان النجار بمدينة خانيونس
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غارات عنيفة غرب خان يونس
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عااجل: إشتباكات في كفار عزة بين الجنود والمقاومة
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الزوارق من جديد تعاود قصف شاطئ السودانية
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Palestinian civilians in Gaza to “leave now” because the Israeli military is going to “turn all Hamas hiding places into rubble”
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طيران يستهدف مسجد سعد الأنصار في بيت لاهيا
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صفا الصحة: استشهاد الشاب محمود باسم خميس (١٨ عاماً) برصاص الحي في الصدر في بلدة بيت أمر
Netanyahu: We will turn all the places in this evil city where Hamas is hiding into ruins
Prime Minister Netanyahu: "What happened today not seen in Israel and I will make sure it does not happen again, we will avenge this black day with force"
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الطيران الحربي يستهدف مسجد الحبيب محمد غرب خانيونس
صفا مواجهات في رأس العامود ببلدة سلوان بالقدس
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Israeli forces seen beginning to demolish a police station in Sderot where a number of Hamas militants were holed up earlier. Unclear how many militants left inside
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عرين الأسود تدعو الشباب الثائر في الضفة لقطع الطرق على جنود والمستوطنين والتسلل إلى المستوطنات بكل الأدوات القتالية.
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The Israeli army announces that control has been achieved in most of the settlements, among them: Sderot, Sofa, Kerem Shalom, Nirim, Natziv Hathara, Nir Oz, Motzav Nahal Oz, Hulit, Nir Am, Nir Yitzhak, Beer Sheva, Sde Yeman, Magen, Sderot, Urim
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Heavy shooting at the Sderot police station after the district commander Amir Cohen ordered to "destroy" it and end the incident there
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رئيس بلدية بات يام: سقط صاروخ في حي سكني بالقرب من مجمع تجاري، وهناك إصابتان ودمار كبير
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Contrary to reports: no control was achieved in Kfar Gaza
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"نقل 3 إصابات جراء استهداف منزل عائلة الوحيدي في تل الهوا غرب مدينة غزة"
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: "What was, is not what will be. We will change the face of reality in Gaza years to come."
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The death toll in Gaza rose to 232, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. 1,697 injured
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Another rocket barrage in the direction of the settlements of Gush Dan, Lachish and the Shefala
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مصادر صحفية: "عــمــليات إطلاق نار متتالية بالضفة.. إطلاق نار يستهدف مستوطنة (مجدال عوز) المقامة على أراضي بيت فجار جنوب بيت لحم"
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اشتباك مسلح مع قوات على بوابة السياج الفاصل في شويكة شمال طولكرم
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At least 200 killed and 1100 wounded Israelis since the beginning of the fighting
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عدد من الشهداء والاصابات إثر قصف منزل أحد المواطنين بمخيم الشابورة برفح
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The chief of the Rahat police, Sen. Gyar Davidov, was killed in a Hamas attack today
Israeli army statement: The Israeli army is currently striking a number of targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip
The Hamas barrage on central Israel wounded five civilians, MDA says. In Rishon Lezion, two men aged 28 were seriously hurt. In Yavne, a 73-year-old woman was seriously hurt and a 77-year-old man was lightly hurt. In Bat Yam, a 24-year-old man was moderately hurt
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The battle at Beit Ofakim: 4 militants are holding two hostages
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Hamas claims to have launched 150 rockets toward central Israel in the last barrage.
MDA says its medics are scanning following reports of rocket impacts in Rishon Lezion, Bat Yam, and Tel Aviv.
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UN peacekeeping force says has enhanced counter rocket launching operations in south Lebanon on Israel border
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The house of Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas has been targeted by IAF
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The Gaza regiment base near Re'im was completely cleansed from Palestinian militants
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Emergency forces say that a terrorist was killed after attempting to run over soldiers near El Arroub, southern West Bank
Israeli military spokesperson: "We will mobilize hundreds of thousands of additional reservists"
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Israeli airstrikes against a Hamas site in the Gaza Strip
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Palestinian Authority health ministry says two killed in the West Bank, near Ramallah and near Jericho. Reports that they were wounded in clashes with Israeli army troops earlier
المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي : خيار التوغل البري مطروح على الطاولة
Biden warns any other hostile party from trying to take advantage of the situation and open another front against Israel
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تغطية صفحية: قصف جوي إسرائيلي يستهدف برج فلسطين في غزة
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مصادر محلية: اشتباكات مسلحة مع مستوطنين وقوات في بلدة قصرة جنوب شرق نابلس
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قصف إسرائيلي يستهدف برجا سكنيا وسط مدينة غزة
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مراسل "الشرق": المقاتلات الإسرائيلية تواصل قصفها متقطعا لمواقع في قطاع غزة
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4 Israeli helicopters were hit by surface-to-air missiles fired by Palestinian militants. The crews were able to land safely according to @ItayBlumental
Information from sources: Hezbollah goes on standby and the UNIFIL force closes in on its bases
The Israeli army spokesman said the Israeli army is on high alert in the northern command but stressed there were no incidents on the border with Lebanon. “Whoever is going to attack us on the northern front will pay a heavy price”, he said
Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari confirms Hamas has taken hostages to the Gaza Strip. Israeli soldiers also killed in the fighting. Numbers are not given. Hagari says 22 locations of fighting ongoing. Four divisions being deployed to the Gaza border, joining 31 battalions already there
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke earlier today with French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte
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Hamas reveals its home made 114 mm short-range "Rajum" missile system, which was used during the latest offensive by the Palestinians against Israel
President Joe Biden called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and emphasized that the US stands by Israel and fully supports Israel's right to defend itself, according to PM’s office
Multiple fires burning near the Gaza border this morning are visible on Sentinel imagery9 الشهر منذ
Multiple fires burning near the Gaza border this morning are visible on Sentinel imagery
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Israeli army Navy: we destroyed at least 2 boats with dozens of militants that were masking as “fishing boats” near Zikim beach ,a group of divers-militants was killed and another group that attempted to damage the border fence with a tractor was killed as well
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High tension between ISF and Hezbollah operatives at Northern Israel borders/ Blue Line. ISF opened gunfire at a group of Hezbollah operatives riding motorcycles and approached the Technical Fence; No injuries reported
White House: "Senior national security officials briefed the President this morning on the appalling Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel. The President will continue to receive updates and White House officials remain in close contact with Israeli partners"
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طائرات تقصف محيط مبنى السفينة غربي مدينة غزة
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Sderot: Gunfight in the last hour near the police station - large forces are pouring into the area
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طائرات تستهدف أرضًا زراعية خلف سوق مخيم جباليا شمال قطاع غزة
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تغطيةصحفية: يشن سلسلة غارات جوية جديدة على قطاع غزة
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نائب رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس صالح العاروري: "نحن نفتح معركة ستتسع وتتصاعد وتتعمق، وهدفها حرية شعبنا ومقدّساته، وحقّنا أن نكون أحرار آمنين في وطن حر ومستقل"
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Palestinians at an apparently deserted Israeli army base near the border with Gaza earlier today- seemingly a Namer heavy APC (Seems to have Trophy fitted) and a Merkava Mk. 4 tank left behind
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صفا العاروري: المقاومة تبني موقفها وخططها على أسوأ الاحتمالات وسيناريو الدخول البري للعدو إلى غزة سيكون أفضل سيناريو لدينا لحسم الصراع معه
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Saleh al-Arouri: There are senior Israeli officers who were captured by the Qassam Brigades
Masked men fired a gun and threw stones at Mob fighters in the Shoafat refugee camp. The fighters returned fire and hit two suspects involved in the shooting
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Militants arrested in fighting in the south are brought to a police station in Netivot
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تغطية صحفية: "اندلاع مواجهات عنيفة بين الشبان وقوات على الحاجز الشمالي لمدينة قلقيلية"
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غارات جوية إسرائيلية على أراضٍ زراعية في حي الزيتون وشرقي بلدة بيت حانون
غارات إسرائيلية استهدفت منطقة تل الذهب في بلدة بيت لاهيا شمال قطاع غزة9 الشهر منذ
غارات إسرائيلية استهدفت منطقة تل الذهب في بلدة بيت لاهيا شمال قطاع غزة
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The Israeli army has not yet gained control over the settlements that Hamas captured, more forces are being poured into the south
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طائرات الحربية تقصف أرضًل زراعية بمنطقة الزرقا شمال قطاع غزة
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الطيران المروحي الإسرائيلي يطلق النار داخل معبر ايرز
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United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin: "We will work to make sure Israel has everything it needs to defend itself"