4 يوليو 2024
7 الشهر منذ
In the West Bank town of Qalqilya, an IED detonated against an Israeli army military vehicle
Pentagon confirms new airstrikes vs ran IRGC facilities in eastern Syria Per @SecDef Lloyd Austin US hit a training facility near AbuKamal & a safe house near Mayadin "in response to continued attacks against US personnel in Iraq & Syria"
7 الشهر منذ
Explosions reported in Deir Ez Zor, Eastern Syria
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منظمة الصحة العالمية: مستشفى الشفاء في غزة خرج عن الخدمة
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Five U.S. Army Special Operations troops killed in a helicopter refueling accident off the southeastern coast of Cyprus on Saturday morning, according to U.S. officials familiar with the incident
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Israeli army Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari confirmed this evening that Israeli forces have captured Gaza's port. "Forces from the 36th Division, in cooperation with Navy forces, raided the Gaza port. They are currently in the port and in the areas to its east," he says
US President Joe Biden called Qatari Emir Tamim Ben Hamed and talked with him about the development of the war
Israeli army spokesman during his daily briefing: "We have operational plans on how to change the security reality on the Lebanon border. We will not allow our citizens to return home and find militants sitting on the border. We are ready for every development"
الجيش الإسرائيلي: سنواصل ضرب مصادر إطلاق الصواريخ والقذائف من لبنان
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صحة غزة: قصف إسرائيلي متجدد على محيط مستشفى الشفاء وساحاته
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بيان لصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان واليونيسف والصحة العالمية: هناك حاجة لوقف إنساني فوري لإطلاق النار بغزة
Israeli army says fighter jets and drones carried out strikes against Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the missile, rocket, and mortar attacks on northern Israel today. Among the sites was a Hezbollah weapons depot7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says fighter jets and drones carried out strikes against Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the missile, rocket, and mortar attacks on northern Israel today. Among the sites was a Hezbollah weapons depot
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وكالة الأنباء الفلسطينية: قتلى وجرحى خلال قصف إسرائيلي استهدف أحياء شرقي خان يونس
@POTUS on death of 5 US servicemembers during a training accident in the Eastern Mediterranean
In cooperation with the Air Force: IDF forces destroyed an anti-tank post on the outskirts of the Gaza port. The operation in the field was carried out by the fighters of the 74th Battalion of the 188th Brigade, under the command of Lt. Col. Oren Schindler7 الشهر منذ
In cooperation with the Air Force: IDF forces destroyed an anti-tank post on the outskirts of the Gaza port. The operation in the field was carried out by the fighters of the 74th Battalion of the 188th Brigade, under the command of Lt. Col. Oren Schindler
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وزيرة الصحة الفلسطينية للعربية: إسرائيل أخرجت بالقوة العاملين من مستشفيات الرنتيسي والنصر
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إعلام إسرائيلي: إصابة 7 جنود جراء قصف بقذائف المورتر من لبنان
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قصف إسرائيلي في محيط منطقة "الحمامص" قرب مستعمرة "المطلة" في القطاع الشرقي من جنوب لبنان
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Emergency forces had updated that there were 10 injuries, 2 in moderate condition and 8 in light condition from another projectile explosion incident in the Upper Galilee, unclear where exactly
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Reuters report: Hamas announced the suspension of negotiations due to the Israeli attacks on Shifa Hospital
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يونيسف والصحة العالمية والأمم المتحدة تدعو لتحرك دولي لإيقاف الهجوم على مستشفيات غزة
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Hamas says that its Lebanon branch launched a barrage of rockets at Haifa, Nahariya, and nearby towns
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Israeli army says some 15 rockets launched from Lebanon at northern Israel. Four intercepted by Iron Dome, the rest landed in open areas. Troops responding with artillery shelling against the sources of the rocket fire
Israeli army says fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the missile attack on civilians  near Dovev earlier. Additionally, the Israeli army says the cell behind the  attack was struck. Two more cells that launched mortars near Menara and Yir'on were  struck, the IDF says. Mortars were also fired at an army base on the border, causing no injuries. Troops responding with artillery shelling.7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the missile attack on civilians near Dovev earlier. Additionally, the Israeli army says the cell behind the attack was struck. Two more cells that launched mortars near Menara and Yir'on were struck, the IDF says. Mortars were also fired at an army base on the border, causing no injuries. Troops responding with artillery shelling.
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Incoming rocket sirens sounding in Kiryat Shmona and nearby towns
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نتنياهو: عرضنا إدخال الوقود إلى مستشفى الشفاء في غزة وحماس رفضت استلامه
سوليفان: واشنطن منخرطة في المفاوضات بين إسرائيل وقطر بشأن المحتجزين لدى حماس
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Israeli army says troops of its Harel Reserve Brigade have captured the "al-Karameh area" — apparently named after a local hospital — between Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya, in the northern Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli army, during the raids, the troops destroyed Hamas infrastructure in the area
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Hezbollah claims responsibility for the anti-tank missile attack targeting civilians near the northern community of Dovev on the Lebanon border. The terror group claims it hit soldiers installing surveillance equipment. In reality, it was Electric Corporation employees repairing power lines.
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Multiple civilians were injured as a result of an anti-tank missile attack in the Dovev area in northern Israel, near the border with Lebanon
This picture released yesterday shows Israeli troops have indeed reached the centre of Gaza and the Unknown Soldier Monument7 الشهر منذ
This picture released yesterday shows Israeli troops have indeed reached the centre of Gaza and the Unknown Soldier Monument
Israeli army artillery towards Kafrchouba7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army artillery towards Kafrchouba
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الناطق باسم اليونيفيل: إصابة أحد أفراد قوتنا برصاصة مجهولة المصدر في بلدة القوزح جنوبي لبنان
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الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني يعلن خروج مستشفى القدس في غزة عن الخدمة بسبب نفاد الوقود
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قصف إسرائيلي على أطراف بلدة يارون
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كتائب القسام تقول إنها دمرت 3 دبابات وناقلة جند إسرائيلية في اشتباكات اليوم
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الوكالة اللبنانية: قصف إسرائيلي لأطراف بلدتي شيحين وأم التوت في القطاع الغربي جنوب لبنان
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أ ف ب : الأمم المتحدة تعلن سقوط "عدد كبير" من القتلى في قصف على مقر لها في قطاع غزة
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وزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية تعلن توقيع اتفاقية لبيع منظومة الدفاع الجوي الصاروخي "مقلاع داوود" إلى فنلندا
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تلفزيون فلسطين: ضحايا وجرحى في قصف إسرائيلي استهدف خان يونس
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القوات الإسرائيلية تطلق قنابل دخانية في معركة مستشفى الشفاء
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مراسلتنا: قصف إسرائيلي على مرتفعات كفرشوبا وحلتا جنوبي لبنان
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الجيش الإسرائيلي يقول إنه دخل في اشتباكات عنيفة بمخيم الشاطئ في شمال غزة
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الصحة في غزة: نحن عاجزون عن تقديم أي خدمات تنقذ حياة المصابين بمجمع الشفاء
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a front for other Iranian-backed militias, claims responsibility for an attack against Eilat, yesterday. This is the second time the group claims to have attacked Israel7 الشهر منذ
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a front for other Iranian-backed militias, claims responsibility for an attack against Eilat, yesterday. This is the second time the group claims to have attacked Israel
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تجدد القصف والغارات الإسرائيلية على قطاع غزة
الجيش الإسرائيلي: طائرات إسرائيلية استهدفت بنى تحتية "إرهابية" في سوريا
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الجيش الأردني: سلاح الجو ينفذ عملية إنزال جوي جديدة لمساعدات طبية في غزة
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واشنطن تعلن سقوط طائرة عسكرية كانت في مهمة تدريبية في شرق البحر المتوسط
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قيادة القوات الأمريكية في أوروبا: لا مؤشرات على أن سقوط الطائرة العسكرية الأمريكية ناجم عن عمل عدائي
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فصيل مسلح عراقي يعلن استهداف قاعدة "عين الأسد" حيث تتمركز قوات أميركية في محافظة الأنبار
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شهداء وجرحى في قصف إسرائيلي استهدف منزلًا يعود لعائلة الرنتيسي بمخيم الشابورة في رفح
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تجدد القصف الإسرائيلي على حي النصر بمدينة غزة
نتنياهو: لا أعتقد أن عودة الاستيطان لغزة هدف واقعي وقلت إن هدفنا جعلها منطقة منزوعة السلاح تحت سلطة أمنية
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القوات الإسرائيلية تقتل فلسطينيين اثنين خلال اقتحام جنين
وزير دفاع إسرائيل: حزب الله يلعب بالنار وقواتنا مستعدة
Hamas has lost control of the northern Gaza Strip - Israeli army spokesperson
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الطيران الحربي ينفذ 3 غارات جوية على أطراف بلدة راميا وغارة على أطراف عيتا الشعبوالطيران المسير اطلق 3 صواريخ على بلدة الخيام من دون وقوع إصابات
إعلام إسرائيلي: وفد إسرائيلي رفيع المستوى يصل القاهرة لبحث صفقة التبادل
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Israeli army says it is carrying out airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in response to the missile and rocket attacks today
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Iran’s president said that if Riyadh summit “fails to yield result, nations might come to the field themselves"
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The Israeli army is striking Syrian territory after two launches were detected into the Golan. The rockets fell in open areas - Israeli army
Thousands gather in Tel Aviv, in a vigil for the 239 kidnapped Israeli children women and men. They are held in Gaza by Hamas for the past 5 weeks
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Israeli army says two rockets fired from Syria. Both landed in open areas
Israeli army Spokesman: A suspicious target has been identified that crossed from the Gaza Strip into the Sderot7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army Spokesman: A suspicious target has been identified that crossed from the Gaza Strip into the Sderot
The Shin Bet and the Israeli army killed about 20 militants who in recent years were involved in promoting attacks from the Gaza Strip to Israel - Israeli army statement7 الشهر منذ
The Shin Bet and the Israeli army killed about 20 militants who in recent years were involved in promoting attacks from the Gaza Strip to Israel - Israeli army statement
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بدء جلسة العمل المغلقة للقمة العربية الإسلامية في الرياض
Israeli Defence Minister Galant warns that Beirut may turn to be Gaza, if Hezbollah continues with its escalating attacks against Israel "It will be a mistake" (by Hezb) and the "Lebanese people will pay the price, what we do in Gaza we could repeat in Beirut" He says
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طائرات تقصف منزل تابع لإحدى الشركات في رميش جنوب لبنان
Israel Defense Minister Galant on the northern border: "Hezbollah is close to making a grave mistake - the residents of Beirut may end up in the same situation as Gaza where they are already raising a white flag and running away from home."
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قصف جوي وسط خان يونس
قصف عنيف محيط المستشفى الاندونيسي قبل قليل،،nوإذ بلغت القلوب الحناجر،،7 الشهر منذ
قصف عنيف محيط المستشفى الاندونيسي قبل قليل،،nوإذ بلغت القلوب الحناجر،،
صور..  جيش  ينفذ حزام ناري في محيط المستشفى الإندونيسي شمال قطاع غزة7 الشهر منذ
صور.. " جيش ينفذ حزام ناري في محيط المستشفى الإندونيسي شمال قطاع غزة"
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القوات الإسرائيلية تحاصر مجمع الشفاء الطبي من جهتين
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الدبابات الإسرائيلية تبتعد 200 متر من الجهة الشمالية لمحيط مجمع الشفاء
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مشروع بيان القمة العربية الإسلامية: لا سلام بالمنطقةيتجاوز قضية فلسطين
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Israeli army: Head of Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration under COGAT, Colonel Moshe Tetro* regarding Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza: "There is no shooting at the hospital and there is no siege.The East Side of the hospital remains open. "Additionally, we [the Israeli army] can coordinate [with] anyone who wants to leave the hospital safely."
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Israeli army: A short while ago, a terrorist cell attempted to launch anti-tank missiles toward Israeli territory in the area of Aramshe (northern Israel). An Israeli army tank struck the cell
Israeli army tanks seen moving along Al Senaa Street, Gaza City7 الشهر منذ
Israeli army tanks seen moving along Al Senaa Street, Gaza City
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الأمين العام لحزب الله اللبناني يقول إنه إذا أراد الأميركيون أن تتوقف الهجمات ضدهم فعليهم وقف الحرب على غزة
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مدير مجمع الشفاء الطبي محمد أبو سلمية: فقدنا جرحى بينهم أطفال بسبب استمرار حصار وقصف لمجمع الشفاء
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The leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, says that he is not asking the dozens of leaders who are gathering today at the Arab-Muslim summit in Riyadh to send armies to Gaza to lift the siege, but rather that the Arab and Muslim world stand as one man with a united position (for the benefit of the Palestinians), implored them to put pressure on the US to stop the aggression in Gaza
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الأمين العام لحزب الله: لم يعد أحد في العالم يدعم العدوان الإسرائيلي سوى الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا
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Nasrallah: The main goal of Israel's brutal actions in Gaza (and its leaders say so) is to subdue, to subjugate not only the people of Gaza, but the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people and the peoples of the region
Israeli tanks are 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital. Direct shooting at the hospital, creating a state of extreme panic and fear among 14000 displaced people7 الشهر منذ
Israeli tanks are 20 meters away from Al-Quds Hospital. Direct shooting at the hospital, creating a state of extreme panic and fear among 14000 displaced people
Bashar al-Assad speaks at the Arab summit about the situation in Gaza7 الشهر منذ
Bashar al-Assad speaks at the Arab summit about the situation in Gaza
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The Palestinian Islamic Jihad's al-Quds Brigade said they were engaged in heavy clashes with Israeli troops in Tal al-Hawa and al-Shati, in Gaza earlier today
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Israeli army strikes are continuing throughout the Gaza strip non stop
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Israeli army artillery fire towards Labbouneh, Alma El Chaeb, Naqoura, Btaichiye, Tayr Harfa in southern Lebanon
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كتائب القسام: استهدفنا 3 آليات إسرائيليفي محور شمال غرب غزة بقذائف الياسين 105
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Suspected drone infiltration alert sounding in the northern community of Cabri, close to the Lebanon border
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Hamas's al-Qassam brigades claim responsibility for firing rockets at Be'er Sheva in southern Israel. A rocket impact is reported nearby in Nevatim
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الرئيس الإيراني: يجب فرض عقوبات نفطية وتجارية على إسرائيل
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أمير قطر: إلى متى سيسمح لإسرائيل بضرب القوانين الدولية بحربها الشعواء التي لا تنتهي على سكان البلاد الأصليين
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حماس تدعو لتحرك عربي إسلامي لوقف العدوان الإسرائيلي وإنقاذ مستشفيات غزة
Rocket launcher found in Sheikh Aljin in Gaza7 الشهر منذ
Rocket launcher found in Sheikh Aljin in Gaza
Heavy artillery shelling and air strikes in Ramya, Marawahin and Ayta Ash Shab in southern Lebanon7 الشهر منذ
Heavy artillery shelling and air strikes in Ramya, Marawahin and Ayta Ash Shab in southern Lebanon
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مصادر صحية في غزة: خروج مستشفيي الشفاء والقدس عن الخدمة بسبب نفاد الوقود
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الصحة الفلسطينية: توقف العمليات بمجمع الشفاء الطبي في غزة بعد نفاد الوقود بشكل كامل
In Lebanon it is reported that the Israeli army attacked a truck from the air in the Zaharni area7 الشهر منذ
In Lebanon it is reported that the Israeli army attacked a truck from the air in the Zaharni area