7 يوليو 2024
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UN says 88 staffers killed in Gaza, highest toll ever for body
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The king of Jordan just announced that the Jordanian air force air dropped medical supplies to the Jordanain hospital in Gaza
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تغطيةصحفية اشتباكات عنيفة جدا و مستمرة منذ ساعات شمال غرب غزة _
34 Israeli army soldiers killed since the start of ground operations
Iron Dome failed interception in Tel Aviv City8 الشهر منذ
Iron Dome failed interception in Tel Aviv City
@CIA Director William Burns visiting "several countries in the Middle East" a US official tells @VOANews. Burns meeting with multiple intelligence counterparts & country leaders
Ashab Al-Kahaf in a statement: all political solutions were useless, we are only left with military operations aganist US embassy and bases8 الشهر منذ
Ashab Al-Kahaf in a statement: all political solutions were useless, we are only left with military operations aganist US embassy and bases
Israeli army says it is investigating after Lebanese reports said an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon killed four civilians. "Earlier today, the IDF struck a vehicle in Lebanese territory that was identified as a suspicious vehicle containing several terrorists. The claim that there were several uninvolved citizens in the vehicle is being examined. The event is under review," the IDF says in response.
Iron Dome Tamir missile interceptors fired during a rocket attack against the Tel Aviv area
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A direct hit to a house in Kiryat Shmona in the latest barrage, no casualties
Al Qassam Brigades continue to fire rockets barrages at Central Israel cities
A number of rocket impacts in Kiryat Shmona in the latest attack from Lebanon, according to the municipality. No injuries reported8 الشهر منذ
A number of rocket impacts in Kiryat Shmona in the latest attack from Lebanon, according to the municipality. No injuries reported
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جيش العدو يطلق النار في محيط مركز للجيش اللبناني قي رأس_الناقورة
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بلينكن للسوداني: تجب محاسبة المسؤولين عن الهجمات المستمرة ضد قواتنا
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More rocket sirens now sounding in Kiryat Shmona
Israeli army says it facilitated in the opening of a humanitarian corridor on the Gaza Strip's main north-south Salah a-Din road, to allow Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate to its south. The Israeli army publishes drone footage showing Gazan civilians moving south on the road8 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says it facilitated in the opening of a humanitarian corridor on the Gaza Strip's main north-south Salah a-Din road, to allow Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate to its south. The Israeli army publishes drone footage showing Gazan civilians moving south on the road
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Israeli army Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says Israeli ground forces have fully encircled Gaza City, and have split the territory in two. He says troops led by the Golani Brigade's reconnaissance unit "reached the coastline and are holding it." "Today there is north Gaza and south Gaza," Hagari says. He says the Israeli army will still allow civilians to leave north Gaza and head south
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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken makes surprise visit to Baghdad, Iraq says
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حماس: إسرائيل تنفذ غارات مكثفة على محيط المستشفيات في قطاع غزة
Hezbollah claims responsibility for rocket fire on the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona earlier, saying it came in response to an alleged Israeli airstrike on a civilian car in southern Lebanon, killing a woman and three young children.8 الشهر منذ
Hezbollah claims responsibility for rocket fire on the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona earlier, saying it came in response to an alleged Israeli airstrike on a civilian car in southern Lebanon, killing a woman and three young children.
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Hizbullah claimed responsibility for firing a Grad rocket barrage towards Kiryat Shmona and surrounding communities
وزير الخارجية اللبناني: بيروت ستقدم شكوى للأمم المتحدة بشأن مقتل مدنيين في ضربة إسرائيلية على جنوب لبنان
Live network data show a new collapse in connectivity in the Gaza Strip with high impact to Paltel, the last remaining major operator serving the territory; the incident will be experienced as the third telecommunications blackout since the start of the conflict8 الشهر منذ
Live network data show a new collapse in connectivity in the Gaza Strip with high impact to Paltel, the last remaining major operator serving the territory; the incident will be experienced as the third telecommunications blackout since the start of the conflict
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Heavy strikes in the northern part of the Gaza strip
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أولى :n العدو يستهدف سيارة تقل 4 مدنيين على طريق عيترون - عيناثا في محلة "غدماتا"
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مراسل الجزيرة: 3 شهداء في قصف إسرائيلي استهدف منزلا في بيت حانون شمالي قطاع غزة
Israeli army says troops of the 551st Brigade scanning residential homes in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza found dozens of weapons, intelligence materials, and equipment, including drones that are used by Hamas to drop explosives. Some were destroyed and others were taken to Israel for further research.8 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says troops of the 551st Brigade scanning residential homes in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza found dozens of weapons, intelligence materials, and equipment, including drones that are used by Hamas to drop explosives. Some were destroyed and others were taken to Israel for further research.
Israeli army says its forces have found dozens of guns, explosive drones and ammunition while operating on the ground in Gaza8 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says its forces have found dozens of guns, explosive drones and ammunition while operating on the ground in Gaza
Reported Israeli shelling near Naqoura, southern Lebanon following  Hezbollah attacks against targets in near the border8 الشهر منذ
Reported Israeli shelling near Naqoura, southern Lebanon following Hezbollah attacks against targets in near the border
The Office of Iran's Supreme Leader confirms that Khamenei met recently with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. It does not give a date as to when the meeting took place and interestingly, the photo Khamenei's office put out of him and Haniyeh is old: from June 2023.8 الشهر منذ
The Office of #Iran's Supreme Leader confirms that Khamenei met recently with #Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. It does not give a date as to when the meeting took place and interestingly, the photo Khamenei's office put out of him and Haniyeh is old: from June 2023.
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تلفزيون فلسطين: قصف إسرائيلي يقتل ويصيب عددا من المدنيين في جباليا
He says the Israeli army has intelligence of a tunnel network under the so-called Indonesian Hospital, as well as aerial imagery showing rocket launchers a few dozen meters from the complex8 الشهر منذ
He says the Israeli army has intelligence of a tunnel network under the so-called Indonesian Hospital, as well as aerial imagery showing rocket launchers a few dozen meters from the complex
In a briefing to international media outlets, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reveals new intelligence information and evidence showing Hamas's use of medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for terror purposes. Hagari presents a video showing an underground entrance from Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he says connects to Hamas tunnel networks.8 الشهر منذ
In a briefing to international media outlets, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reveals new intelligence information and evidence showing Hamas's use of medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for terror purposes. Hagari presents a video showing an underground entrance from Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he says connects to Hamas tunnel networks.
Turkish police firing tear gas to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters near İncirlik air base near Adana, Turkey; base houses U.S. troops8 الشهر منذ
Turkish police firing tear gas to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters near İncirlik air base near Adana, Turkey; base houses U.S. troops
More and more protestors are reaching the demonstration area in front of Incirlik US base in Turkey. Those who seek to storm the base continue to charge through a field towards the gates8 الشهر منذ
More and more protestors are reaching the demonstration area in front of Incirlik US base in Turkey. Those who seek to storm the base continue to charge through a field towards the gates
هكذا تصاعد الدخان الأسود من موقع البياض بليدا من مكانين بعد استهداف آلية عسكرية وتجمع لجنود العدو بداخله8 الشهر منذ
هكذا تصاعد الدخان الأسود من موقع "البياض" بليدا من مكانين بعد استهداف آلية عسكرية وتجمع لجنود العدو بداخله
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الصليب الأحمر الدولي لـ"الشرق": ما دخل غزة من مساعدات غير كافٍ
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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank, amid rising settler violence
Strikes in Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza city8 الشهر منذ
Strikes in Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza city
Remains of an Israeli army Hermes 450 UAV intercepted by Hezbollah over Nabatieh in southern Lebanon in the last half hour
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رويترز نقلا عن مصدر أمني في مصر: تعليق الإجلاء من قطاع غزة جاء بعد ضربة إسرائيلية على سيارات إسعاف
IDF says troops detained 36 wanted Palestinians, including 18 Hamas members, during overnight raids across the West Bank. In Abu Dis, troops killed Nabil Halabia, an Islamic State operative who had been released from Israeli jail a few months ago. IDF also signs demolish order for home of Kamel Abu Bakr, the terrorist behind the deadly Tel Aviv shooting in August. Since Oct. 7, IDF says troops have arrested 1,350 wanted Palestinians across the West Bank, including more than 850 affiliated with Hamas
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Incoming rocket sirens sounding in Avivim and Yir'on on the Lebanon border
نتنياهو يعلق مشاركة الوزير عميحاي إلياهو في اجتماعات الحكومة بعد دعوته لإلقاء قنبلة نووية على غزة
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أطراف بلدات علما الشعب ومروحين والضهيرة والناقورة واللبونة وتبليسين تتعرض لقصف مدفعي إسرائيلي عنيف
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حماس: منذ 7 أكتوبر حتى تسبب القصف الإسرائيلي على غزة في فقدان أكثر من 60 محتجزا
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Incoming rocket sirens sounding in the northern community of Mattat, close to the Lebanon border
Strikes in Gaza city short time ago8 الشهر منذ
Strikes in Gaza city short time ago
Israeli army says that since the start of the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip it has struck more than 2,500 targets. The Israeli army also reports several gun battles with Hamas overnight, and publishes footage showing troops operating in Gaza.8 الشهر منذ
Israeli army says that since the start of the ground offensive in the Gaza Strip it has struck more than 2,500 targets. The Israeli army also reports several gun battles with Hamas overnight, and publishes footage showing troops operating in Gaza.
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تجدد الغارات والقصف الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة
Israeli army releases additional photos of troops operating in Gaza8 الشهر منذ
Israeli army releases additional photos of troops operating in Gaza
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غارة جوية استهدفت محيط مزرعة بسطرة جنوب كفرشوبا
The Israel Defense Forces says it struck a Hamas site on the roof of a building in the Gaza Strip, as well as a tunnel near the building, following intelligence information gathered from the Shin Bet interrogation of a Hamas terrorist. Ground forces also battled gunmen in the Strip today, killing several of them, and seizing weapons and intelligence materials, the IDF adds.8 الشهر منذ
The Israel Defense Forces says it struck a Hamas site on the roof of a building in the Gaza Strip, as well as a tunnel near the building, following intelligence information gathered from the Shin Bet interrogation of a Hamas terrorist. Ground forces also battled gunmen in the Strip today, killing several of them, and seizing weapons and intelligence materials, the IDF adds.
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وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: هناك معارك قاسية في غزة وحماس تحارب في المناطق المأهولة
Video showing Al Qassam Brigades operatives destroying an Israeli tank invading Gaza8 الشهر منذ
Video showing Al Qassam Brigades operatives destroying an Israeli tank invading Gaza
وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: سنواصل حربنا حتى ننتصر
Rocket landed in Sderot in the latest barrage from Gaza. No injuries. (Pic: Sderot Municipality)8 الشهر منذ
Rocket landed in Sderot in the latest barrage from Gaza. No injuries. (Pic: Sderot Municipality)
Israeli army says it used the Arrow ballistic missile defense system to detect and intercept a missile north of Eilat. The launch was from the Gaza Strip
الخارجية الإسرائيلية: استدعاء تركيا لسفيرها يمثل خطوة أخرى من أنقرة للوقوف إلى جانب حركة حماس