20 سبتمبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
Israel tightens restrictions on West Bank's Jenin, source of terrorism and clashes
Israeli army publishes bodycam footage of special forces operating in Jenin and Burqin this morning
Unusually fierce Israeli bombardment tonight. At least 5 aistrikes hit 3 different places in area of Masyaf. Weapons laboratory near Zawi, known to have produced barrel bombs & currently used by Iran, is among the targets2 سنة منذ
Unusually fierce Israeli bombardment tonight. At least 5 aistrikes hit 3 different places in area of Masyaf. Weapons laboratory near Zawi, known to have produced barrel bombs & currently used by Iran, is among the targets
2 سنة منذ
مصدر عسكري : حوالي الساعة 6،45 من مساء اليوم نفذ العدو الإسرائيلي عدواناً جوياً من اتجاه شمال لبنان مستهدفاً بعض النقاط في المنطقة الوسطى ، وقد تصدت وسائط دفاعنا الجوي لصواريخ العدوان وأسقطت بعضها ، ويتم العمل على تدقيق نتائج العدوان
Ramadan "Day 8": Intensive ISF presence at Damascus Gate area. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque after Iftar time. Large crowds of Palestinians expected to gather at Damascus Gate. Confrontations/ clashes are expected
An unusual attack attributed to the Israeli Air Force now in broad daylight in the Masyaf2 سنة منذ
An unusual attack attributed to the Israeli Air Force now in broad daylight in the Masyaf
سانا: الدفاعات الجوية تتصدى لأهداف في سماء منطقة مصياف
الدفاعات الجوية السورية تتصدى لأهداف في سماء منطقة مصياف سوريا
طلبة جامعة بيرزيت يخرجون في مسيرة منددة بالعدوان على جنين2 سنة منذ
طلبة جامعة بيرزيت يخرجون في مسيرة منددة بالعدوان على جنين
At least two ISF personnel were injured during exchange of gunfire in Jenin Refugee Camp2 سنة منذ
At least two ISF personnel were injured during exchange of gunfire in Jenin Refugee Camp
Israeli army troops raid Jenin home of terrorist who killed 3 in Tel Aviv: one Palestinian reportedly killed in clashes; soldiers sieze M16 rifle2 سنة منذ
Israeli army troops raid Jenin home of terrorist who killed 3 in Tel Aviv: one Palestinian reportedly killed in clashes; soldiers sieze M16 rifle
Smoke rising from Jenin, cause unknown. Gunfire exchange is reportedly continuing2 سنة منذ
Smoke rising from Jenin, cause unknown. Gunfire exchange is reportedly continuing
2 سنة منذ
وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية: شهيد وعدد من الإصابات برصاص الإسرائيلي خلال اقتحام مخيم جنين
2 سنة منذ
مراسل الجزيرة: اشتباكات مسلحة خلال اقتحام دوريات عسكرية إسرائيلية مخيم جنين
2 سنة منذ
Clashes with Israeli forces in more than one area of Jenin Refugee Camp
Gunfire heard across Jenin Camp. Israeli army currently appear to be conducting a raid/op. In day light again which is rare2 سنة منذ
Gunfire heard across Jenin Camp. Israeli army currently appear to be conducting a raid/op. In day light again which is rare
Ramadan "Day 7": Intensive ISF presence at Damascus Gate area. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque after Iftar time. Large crowds of Palestinians expected to gather at Damascus Gate. Confrontations/ clashes are expected
الجيش الإسرائيلي: توسيع الحملات مع التركيز على الضفة والقرى التي انطلق منها منفذو الهجمات
Death toll from the Tel Aviv shooting attack rises to three. Barak Lufan, 35, who was critically hurt, passed away at Ichilov hospital a short while ago
Israeli PM Naftali Bennett on Friday gave security agencies "full freedom" of operation to curb surging violence after the latest deadly attack saw a Palestinian gunman kill two men in a popular Tel Aviv nightlife area
Israeli army says troops foiled a drug smuggling attempt on the Egyptian border overnight. 120kg worth NIS 2.4 million siezed, the military says. No suspects arrested
الرئيس الفلسطيني: ندين مقتل مدنيين إسرائيليين في عملية إطلاق النار وسط مدينة تل أبيب
Israel: chaos and two dead in an attack in Tel Aviv, the terrorist killed after several hours of manhunt
Israeli army says troops shot at 3 Palestinians allegedly hurling stones at Israeli cars on the Route 60 highway near the town of Turmus Aya in the West Bank. Reports say two were hurt and treated by military medics
Palestinian Islamic Jihad has published a statement praising tonight's terrorist attack in Tel Aviv2 سنة منذ
Palestinian Islamic Jihad has published a statement praising tonight's terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
مكتب رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي: بينت أجرى تقييما للوضع ووافق على استمرار التعزيزات وتدفق القوات إلى تل أبيب
2 سنة منذ
Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar has welcomed tonight's deadly terror attack in central Tel Aviv, in which at least two people have been killed and 16 wounded
إعلام إسرائيلي: الشرطة تحاصر منزلا ثانيا في تل أبيب وتطالب السكان بالبقاء في المنازل
القناة الـ12 الإسرائيلية: الشرطة تقتحم منزلا وسط تل أبيب
Two Israeli civilians killed in shooting attack in Tel Aviv. Police says shooter still on the loose