5 أكتوبر 2024
1 سنة منذ
Confirmed info Tonight's airstrikes on Al Bukamal, Iraqi-Syria border was NOT a US strike, a senior US official confirms. Centcom is investigating the attack at the moment. There are reports of civilian casualties
الخارجية الأمريكية: نشعر بقلق عميق إزاء تدهور الوضع الأمني في الضفة الغربية وندعو الأطراف للتهدئة
Israel President Hertzog has offered a unity government, but ongoing PM Lapid and outgoing Defense Minister have rejected the offer to join Netanyahu's next government
1 سنة منذ
اتصل الرئيس الأوكراني زيلينسكي برئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي المنتخب نتنياهو لتهنئته على فوزه
1 سنة منذ
Earlier today, several testing rockets were fired from Gaza toward the sea
Israeli bulldozers demolished a bakery in Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem this morning. The bakery belongs to the family of Udai Tamimi, a 23-year-old Palestinian who shot dead an Israeli soldier before he was killed in October
1 سنة منذ
أبلغت روسيا إسرائيل أنها سترد إذا وصلت صواريخ دفاع جوي إسرائيلية الصنع إلى أوكرانيا - بلومبرج
Heavy machine-gun fire from Gaza amid the Israeli army strikes apparently hit a home in Sderot1 سنة منذ
Heavy machine-gun fire from Gaza amid the Israeli army strikes apparently hit a home in Sderot
Israel Defense Forces:In response to the rockets launched from Gaza into Israel tonight, we targeted a Hamas underground site in Gaza used as a rocket development & manufacturing complex. We hold Hamas responsible for all terrorist activity emanating from Gaza
Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip during the night
3 more rockets fired from Gaza. Fell within the Strip, according to the Israeli army
Israeli army says one rocket was fired from Gaza and intercepted by the Iron Dome
1 سنة منذ
إذاعة الجيش الإسرائيلي: إطلاق صاروخ من قطاع غزة نحو الأراضي الإسرائيلية
Israel Defense Forces:Sirens sounding in southern Israel
1 سنة منذ
Red alert warning (21:10) at Ein HaShlosha, Kissufim, Nirim
Election 2022: Final results announced with Netanyahu receiving 32 seats
Border Police say Farouk Salameh involved in the killing of officer Noam Raz during a raid in Nablus earlier this year. Another 5 suspects arrested, weapons seized1 سنة منذ
Border Police say Farouk Salameh involved in the killing of officer Noam Raz during a raid in Nablus earlier this year. Another 5 suspects arrested, weapons seized
1 سنة منذ
Khamenei: The events over the past few weeks weren't simple street riots. The enemy started a hybrid war. The US, Israel, some sly, vicious European powers, & certain groups used whatever they had to do this
عباس: ندعو إلى إنشاء لجنة قانونية ل الجرائم الناجمة عن إعلان بريطانيا وعد بلفور في مثل هذا اليوم عام 1917
An Israeli army officer is seriously hurt after a Palestinian driver rammed his car into him at the Bell checkpoint near Modi'in, and then tried to attack him with an axe. Attacker shot dead1 سنة منذ
An Israeli army officer is seriously hurt after a Palestinian driver rammed his car into him at the "Bell" checkpoint near Modi'in, and then tried to attack him with an axe. Attacker shot dead
1 سنة منذ
مصادر محلية: إصابة 3 شبّان بالرصاص المطاطي خلال المواجهات مع قوات في مخيم العروب شمال الخليل
فتح مراكز الاقتراع في الانتخابات التشريعية في إسرائيل
Israeli army to impose closure on West Bank and Gaza Strip crossing for Palestinians during elections day on Tuesday. Exceptions will be made for humanitarian cases
Palestinian killed an Israeli man and wounded four others including a Palestinian near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, rammed by a local security officer and then shot dead by an off-duty soldier1 سنة منذ
Palestinian killed an Israeli man and wounded four others including a Palestinian near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, rammed by a local security officer and then shot dead by an off-duty soldier
Israeli army says troops detained 4 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids in the West Bank towns of Deir al-Hatab, Beita, and Azzun1 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained 4 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids in the West Bank towns of Deir al-Hatab, Beita, and Azzun
A group of Israeli settlers vandalized several vehicles belonging to Palestinians and peace activists at Jibya village N Ramallah City1 سنة منذ
A group of Israeli settlers vandalized several vehicles belonging to Palestinians and peace activists at Jibya village N Ramallah City
1 سنة منذ
Early this morning an Israeli army post near Nablus came under gunfire from a passing vehicle, Israeli army says. Troops returned fire, killing two and injuring a third, according to Palestinian health ministry
الرئيس اللبناني: أبرمنا اتفاق الحدود البحرية لكي لا تندلع حرب
1 سنة منذ
وزير الدفاع التركي يصف زيارة نظيره الإسرائيلي لأنقرة بأنها "مهمة جدا" ويقول إنها ستطور العلاقات الثنائية
1 سنة منذ
مصادر العربية: الغارات الإسرائيلية استهدفت مواقع للفرقة الرابعة التابعة لماهر الأسد