19 سبتمبر 2024
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مصادر محلية: اندلاع مواجهات بين قوات والشبان في بلدة أبو ديس شرقي القدس
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At least one rocket fired from Gaza towards the sea as part of rockets testing
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At least one rocket fired from Gaza towards the sea as part of rockets testing
A group of Palestinians including armed individuals are currently demonstrating in front of Al Am'ari Refugee Camp in Ramallah City in solidarity with a sick Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails
Israeli army says forces downed a drone belonging to Hezbollah that crossed the border with Lebanon into Israeli territory
The Israeli army downed a drone belonging from Hezbollah that was flown into Israel from south Lebanon2 سنة منذ
The Israeli army downed a drone belonging from Hezbollah that was flown into Israel from south Lebanon
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مصادر فلسطينية: النيابة العسكرية الإسرائيلية توافق على الإفراج عن الأسير هشام أبو هواش في 26 فبراير
In the coming hour, a group of Palestinians expected to gather at Beit Eil-DCO Checkpoint vicinity NE of Ramallah City and burn 141 tires in support of Hisham Abu Hawash (Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike for 141 days). Clashes between protesters and ISF/ CP closure expected
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Israeli Prime Minister Bennett spoke on the phone with his British counterpart @BorisJohnson. They discussed the nuclear talks with Iran in Vienna and the Omicron crisis
Palestinians are marching/ demonstrating at several major cities across West Bank in solidarity with Hisham Abu Hawash (On hunger strike for 141 days)
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Reports in Gaza: number of rockets were fired by Hamas towards the Mediterranean Sea "as a test"
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Navy captain and pilot killed in helicopter crash near Haifa
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Helicopter crash in Haifa: The other two fighters were rescued, their condition is unknown
Released for publication: A military maritime helicopter crashed off the coast of Haifa. 1 light-moderately wounded, two still missing2 سنة منذ
Released for publication: A military maritime helicopter crashed off the coast of Haifa. 1 light-moderately wounded, two still missing
Flares fired over the coast of Haifa amid the searches for two missing crewmen in the helicopter crash2 سنة منذ
Flares fired over the coast of Haifa amid the searches for two missing crewmen in the helicopter crash
Video apparently shows the moment the helicopter crashed off the coast of Haifa2 سنة منذ
Video apparently shows the moment the helicopter crashed off the coast of Haifa
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The helicopter crashed off the coast of Haifa: Three crew members were rescued and evacuated to Rambam in an unknown condition
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تحطم مروحية إسرائيلية قبالة سواحل حيفا
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Haifa: Emergency alert at off coast Bat Galim area in Haifa City, North Israel
To mark two years since the killing of Qassem Soleimani, a famous Iranian general, hackers with suspected links to Iran took over the websites of Israeli newspapers Maariv and the Jerusalem Post, posting a threatening message
Stabbing incident at Gey Ben Hinom Street near Mount Zion Hotel/ Hebron road in Jerusalem City; One individual was seriously injured. ISF are investigating; Criminal motivations suspected
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Israeli army cleared for publication that Palestinian militants had been opening heavy machine gun fire towards Israeli communities in Eshkol regional council in the southern part of the Gaza border. No reports of damage nor injuries
وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي: لا نعارض اتفاق القوى الكبرى مع إيران من حيث المبدأ لكننا نرفض اتفاقاً سيئاً
Israel's government approved a proposal by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday to designate Israel's Special Police Unit - known as Yamam - as the national unit for counter-terrorism
Israeli army confirmed two SA-7 MANPADS were launched at an Israeli Apache helicopter striking targets in Gaza yesterday
Israel confirms buying CH-53K helicopters and additional KC-46 tankers
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At least three rockets were fired from Gaza towards the sea as part of rockets testing
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قناة الأقصى: المقاومة تستهدف الطيران المروحي المغير بصاروخين من نوع سام 7 غرب غزة
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Gazan channels claim that Hamas has launched 2 strela towards Israeli army Israeli helicopter
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Israeli army says it struck a series of Hamas sites in Gaza, including rocket manufacturing facilities, in response to the rockets fired toward the coast of Tel Aviv