19 سبتمبر 2024
Following two stabbing attacks near Hizma Checkpoint NE of Jerusalem City; ISF arrested today a Palestinian suspect in  Shu'fat Refugee Camp NE of Jerusalem City2 سنة منذ
Following two stabbing attacks near Hizma Checkpoint NE of Jerusalem City; ISF arrested today a Palestinian suspect in Shu'fat Refugee Camp NE of Jerusalem City
Israeli army says the stabbing this morning in Hizme is apparently a terror attack. Troops continue to search the area
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مصادر محلية: "مقـــاومون يتصدون لقوات في جنين ونابلس واستهداف آليات عسكــرية في كوبر بالزجاجات الحارقة".
بعد إصابة مستوطن بعملية طعن.. قوات  تغلق جميع مداخل بلدة حزما بالقدس وتفتش المحال التجارية وتفرغ تسجيلات الكاميرات2 سنة منذ
بعد إصابة مستوطن بعملية طعن.. قوات تغلق جميع مداخل بلدة حزما بالقدس وتفتش المحال التجارية وتفرغ تسجيلات الكاميرات
Israeli army says the stabbing incident in Hizme yesterday appears to be a terror attack. Israeli army launches a manhunt for the alleged Palestinian stabber. The stabbing this morning is still being investigated
2 سنة منذ
A Jewish Israeli man is moderately hurt after allegedly being stabbed in Hizme this morning. He is taken by medics to Shaare Zedek, Rescuers Without Borders medical service says. (A similar incident occured yesterday)
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Blasts in Quneitra, southern Syria
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Security alert at Hizma Checkpoint NE of Jerusalem City
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Police arrested 8 settlers at the illegal Homesh outpost overnight, over allegedly assaulting Israeli army soldiers and Palestinians a month ago
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The Palestinian Health Ministry says the man, identified as Ammar Shafiq Abu Afifeh, died of his wounds after shot by Israeli army troops near Beit Fajjar
Israeli army says troops fired at 3 Palestinians hurling Molotov cocktails at Israeli drivers on Route 60 near Halhul. One suspect was hit, and has been arrested, the military says
Later this evening, Israeli army says troops will fire flares over the Egyptian border near the junction between Route 10 and Route 12, as part of a drill
Later this evening, Israeli army says troops will fire flares over the Egyptian border near the junction between Route 10 and Route 21, as part of a drill
Israeli foreign minister Lapid says Israel will vote in favor of a UN general assembly resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine
إصابة فلسطينيين خلال اقتحام قوات  شمال الخليل  التفاصيل على الرابط2 سنة منذ
إصابة فلسطينيين خلال اقتحام قوات شمال الخليل التفاصيل على الرابط
Israeli security cabinet meeting now
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Israeli ambassador to Russia was summoned to the foreign ministry in Moscow over Israeli criticism of Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israeli official says
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Initial reports of a ramming at Hizme checkpoint near Jerusalem. Shots reportedly fired by troops at alleged attacker's vehicle
A Palestinian was shot and seriously wounded after allegedly hurling an IED toward Israeli army troops at the Jalamah Checkpoint in the northern West Bank last night. The Israeli army says troops were not hurt
Israeli FM @YairLapid: "Russia's attack against Ukraine is a serious violation of international order. Israel condemns it and is prepared to extend humanitarian aid to Ukrainian citizens״
2 سنة منذ
SyAAD was activated over Damascus around 4 minutes ago, ongoing Israeli airstrikes
Syria: area bombed last night by Israel is located few km S. of Quneitra. Target was a SAA outpost2 سنة منذ
Syria: area bombed last night by Israel is located few km S. of Quneitra. Target was a SAA outpost
Russian envoy at UNSC says Moscow does not recognize Israeli sovereignty on Golan Heights. (The only country that recognizes Israel's Golan sovereignty is the US. Russia brought it up here, hours after Israel spoke of its concern over the Russian incursion into eastern Ukraine)2 سنة منذ
Russian envoy at UNSC says Moscow does not recognize Israeli sovereignty on Golan Heights. (The only country that recognizes Israel's Golan sovereignty is the US. Russia brought it up here, hours after Israel spoke of its concern over the Russian incursion into eastern Ukraine)
Israeli army says troops downed a Hamas drone that was flying over the northern Gaza border. The aircraft fell on the Palestinian side of the fence
صور.. اندلاع مواجهات عقب تشييع جثمان الشهيد محمد صلاح في بلدة الخضر جنوب بيت لحم2 سنة منذ
صور.. اندلاع مواجهات عقب تشييع جثمان الشهيد محمد صلاح في بلدة الخضر جنوب بيت لحم
Israeli foreign ministry releases first statement on the Russian invasion to Ukraine: "We share the international concern about the escalation, support Ukraine territorial integrity and sovereignty and willing to give Ukraine humanitarian assistance"
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is meeting now with Foreign Minister Lapid, Minister of Defense Gantz and Minister of Finance Lieberman to discuss the Israeli response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine
After the alleged Israeli strike in Quneitra overnight, leaflets bearing the symbol of the Israeli army's 210th Bashan Division warning the Syrian Army of cooperating with Hezbollah in the region, are found nearby2 سنة منذ
After the alleged Israeli strike in Quneitra overnight, leaflets bearing the symbol of the Israeli army's 210th "Bashan" Division warning the Syrian Army of cooperating with Hezbollah in the region, are found nearby
Syrian state media publishes photos of the damage caused by the Israeli missile strikes in the Quneitra area overnight2 سنة منذ
Syrian state media publishes photos of the damage caused by the Israeli missile strikes in the Quneitra area overnight
Israel Defense Minister Gantz denounced Maduro for manufacturing drones and receiving ammunition from Iran