5 أكتوبر 2024
An Israeli army drone fell in Syrian territory during "routine activity," the military says
ISF are currently detaining groups of Palestinians (with Israeli citizenship) in Wadi Al Joz neighborhood and Lions Gate area, who came on motorcycles from Lod, Ramle and Yaffa cities in solidarity with Al Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem City
Israeli army says troops were attacked by dozens of Palestinians who hurled stones and molotov cocktails during clashes in the Aqabat Jabr camp near Jericho. "The force responded with riot dispersal means and live fire," a spokesperson says. The army is aware of a Palestinian death
The Palestinian Health Ministry says a 20-year-old died after being shot by Israeli army troops near Jericho overnight. Israeli army says it is looking into the details
2 سنة منذ
وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية: استشهاد مواطن بنيران قوات أثناء اقتحام مخيم عقبة جابر بأريحا
Police and Israeli army foiled an attempt to smuggle 100 grenades and two weapons into Israel from Lebanon last night. No arrests made2 سنة منذ
Police and Israeli army foiled an attempt to smuggle 100 grenades and two weapons into Israel from Lebanon last night. No arrests made
Biden spoke with King Abdullah of Jordan today, per WH
Israel Defense Minister says "we will use the necessary force" to respond to the rocket attack from Lebanon
ISF arrested a Palestinian cell from Jenin Govornorate affiliated to Islamic Jihad who allegedly planned to carry out attacks in Israel.  An IED was discovered and safely detonated by ISF sappers2 سنة منذ
ISF arrested a Palestinian cell from Jenin Govornorate affiliated to Islamic Jihad who allegedly planned to carry out attacks in Israel. An IED was discovered and safely detonated by ISF sappers
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الطيران الحربي الإسـ.ـ.ـرائيلي يحلق فوق الجولان المحـ.ـ.ـتل وجنوب لبنان ومثلث الحدود السورية اللبنانية الفلسـ.ـطينية
2 سنة منذ
At least 8 rockets fired from Gaza toward the sea as part of rockets testing
Israeli army has published video of artillery fire against a position in southern Lebanon in response to rocket fire from the country overnight2 سنة منذ
Israeli army has published video of artillery fire against a position in southern Lebanon in response to rocket fire from the country overnight
Israeli army says it struck an area in Lebanon from which a rocket was launched at Israel last night, with artillery fire. It adds that "infrastructure" was also hit. The rocket landed near the northern town of Matzuva, and caused no damage or injuries
2 سنة منذ
Israel Defense Forces:In response to the projectile launched from Lebanon into northern Israel earlier tonight, Israeli army Artillery forces are currently targeting the source of the launch in Lebanon
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Flaming/explosive balloons launched from Gaza toward southern Israel
Israeli army says one rocket fired from Lebanon at northern Israel landed near Shlomi. No damage caused
Explosions heard near the town of Shlomi on the border with Lebanon. Some reports say 2 rockets fired, which land in open aras. Israeli army says looking into details of incident
President Biden spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Bennett about the latest escalation in Jerusalem. Biden told Bennett he will visit Israel in the coming months, Israeli PM office says
Israeli army troops foiled a drug smuggling attempt on the Egyptian border earlier today. 200kg worth NIS 4 million siezed, the military says
Ramadan "Day 23": Intensive ISF presence expected at Jerusalem Old City and Gates Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque Large crowds of Palestinians expected to visit Jerusalem Old City. Confrontations/ clashes expected
2 سنة منذ
In a response to the rocket attacks, Israeli army closed the Erez crossing
Walid al-Sharif, a resident of Jerusalem's Old City, was hit by a sponge-tipped bullet in the head or neck area during clashes with police forces, Palestinian sources say
At around 02:00, a rocket launched from southern Gaza landed in an open area near a town on the border. Israeli army says an alert was activated in an open area, no siren sounded in town
MARCH - Um Al Fahem: Palestinians (with Israeli citizenship) are currently marching in Um Al Fahem City in North Israel, in solidarity with Al Aqsa Mosque. Clashes expected with ISF
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الجيش الإسرائيلي: سقوط قذيفة صاروخية ثانية أطلقت من غزة داخل القطاع
2 سنة منذ
Reports of 2 rockets launched from northern Gaza toward Israel. The rockets apparently fell short of their intended target and landed inside the Gaza Strip
Another video shows the two rocket launches at southern Israel, one which fell short2 سنة منذ
Another video shows the two rocket launches at southern Israel, one which fell short
Video: A Palestinian was shot, seriously injured and arrested by ISF earlier today at Al Aqsa Mosque Yard. The Palestinian is in serious condition and being treated at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem W of Jerusalem City
فلسطينيون يحاولون إخماد نيران اشتعلت في أشجار داخل باحات الأقصى، بعد إطلاق الشرطة الإسرائيلية قنابل الغاز والصوت تجاه فلسطينيين عقب اقتحام المسجد صباح اليوم الحدث
الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني: ارتفاع عدد المصابين جراء قمع قوات للمصلين في المسجد الأقصى إلى 57