6 أكتوبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
قوات تقتحم حي المطار في كفر عقب شمال القدس وتطلق قنابل الغاز بكثافة
2 سنة منذ
مسؤول إسرائيلي لهآرتس: وزير خارجية تركيا اتصل بنظيره الإسرائيلي لبحث تقارب العلاقات
Four activists were lightly hurt and taken to Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikva
2 سنة منذ
NYTimes: "But there was a quick and easy way to skip much of that oversight: claiming imminent danger. The law of armed conflict.allows troops in life-threatening situations to sidestep strike team lawyers, analysts + other bureaucracy + call in strikes directly from aircraft
2 سنة منذ
Turkish Foreign Minister @MevlutCavusoglu spoke on the phone with his Israeli counterpart @yairlapid. This is the 1st public phone call between an Israeli and Turkish Foreign Ministers since 2008
Israeli army notified the family of a third Palestinian who allegedly shot Yehuda Dimentman to death near the outpost of Homesh in December, that the military intends to demolish the floor in which he lived
وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: جهد دولي يجب أن يعالج العدوان الإيراني والملف النووي
Police and Shin Bet say 4 suspects in their 20s (3 male, 1 female) were arrested over a nationalistically motivated attack in November in Bat Yam. Two Arab men and two Jewish women in their 20s were hurt on 14.11.21. An improvised gun used in the attack was seized2 سنة منذ
Police and Shin Bet say 4 suspects in their 20s (3 male, 1 female) were arrested over a nationalistically motivated attack in November in Bat Yam. Two Arab men and two Jewish women in their 20s were hurt on 14.11.21. An improvised gun used in the attack was seized
قوات  تعتقل الشاب نبيل خزيمية ووالده عبد القادر خزيمية وهو مُقعد ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، وذلك عقب اقتحام منزلهما وتفتيشه وتخريب محتوياته في بلدة قباطية بجنين2 سنة منذ
قوات تعتقل الشاب نبيل خزيمية ووالده عبد القادر خزيمية وهو مُقعد ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، وذلك عقب اقتحام منزلهما وتفتيشه وتخريب محتوياته في بلدة قباطية بجنين
رئيس شركة سكاي لوك الإسرائيلية لأنظمة الدفاع: الإماراتيون طلبوا دعمنا ال بعد هجوم أبوظبي
2 سنة منذ
يديعوت أحرونوت عن مصادر إسرائيلية: قرار الإمارات بتوسيع ترسانتها جاء عقب الهجوم على أبوظبي
The Israeli army says it is unaware of any rockets being launched from Lebanon at northern Israel
2 سنة منذ
Initial reports: One rocket/ mortar shell fired from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel
2 سنة منذ
A Lebanese radio station claims a rocket was launched from south of Tyre toward Israel. A spokesperson for the military says it is looking into the reports
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett proposed a Russia-Ukraine de-escalation summit in Jerusalem to Russian President Putin in their meeting last October, Ukrainian and Israeli officials tell @axios
Sheikh Jarrah: Israeli forces raid neighbourhood overnight, demolish Salhiya house
Earlier today; ISF stormed a Palestinian school in Deir Nizzam village NW Ramallah City and arrested two school students
Molotov cocktails hurled towards Migdal Oz Settlement Fence S Bethlehem City2 سنة منذ
Molotov cocktails hurled towards Migdal Oz Settlement Fence S Bethlehem City
مكتب الرئيس الإسرائيلي حول دعوة أردوغان: لن نتعاون مع تركيا على حساب اليونان وقبرص
Documentation: Palestinians throw two Molotov cocktails at Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion, and flee on a motorcycle in the direction of Beit Fajar @kann_news2 سنة منذ
Documentation: Palestinians throw two Molotov cocktails at Kibbutz Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion, and flee on a motorcycle in the direction of Beit Fajar @kann_news
UH volunteer EMTs treated a bus driver in his 40s for light injuries after his bus was hit by a firebomb - molotov cocktail - near the Makassed Hospital in the neighborhood of A-Tur by the Mount of Olives in North-East Jerusalem
A bus driver was lightly hurt from a molotov cocktail hurled at his vehicle in East Jerusalem. He was treated by medics for minor glass shrapnel lacerations
2 سنة منذ
Turkish president Erdogan says Israeli president Herzog may visit Turkey soon
Two Israeli army soldiers were moderately and lightly injured earlier by grenade shrapnel during training in Nachshon Camp, near Ma'aleh Adumim
Israeli forces raided a school in Deir Nidham north of Ramallah and detained two Palestinian students on Tuesday morning2 سنة منذ
Israeli forces raided a school in Deir Nidham north of Ramallah and detained two Palestinian students on Tuesday morning
قوات  تجري تدريبات عسكرية في قرية فروش بيت دجن شرق نابلس2 سنة منذ
قوات تجري تدريبات عسكرية في قرية فروش بيت دجن شرق نابلس
Israeli police use NSO's Pegasus spyware to hack Israeli citizens' phones, without any warrant or court supervision. Some hacked were not even suspects. Among hacked, leaders of anti-Netanyahu protests
Israel Defense Forces:An assailant—armed with this knife—arrived in a vehicle at the Gush Etzion Junction & attempted to stab an Israeli army soldier.  In response to this threat, another soldier fired at the assailant and neutralized him. No Israeli army injuries were reported.  We are currently pursuing the vehicle2 سنة منذ
Israel Defense Forces:An assailant—armed with this knife—arrived in a vehicle at the Gush Etzion Junction & attempted to stab an Israeli army soldier. In response to this threat, another soldier fired at the assailant and neutralized him. No Israeli army injuries were reported. We are currently pursuing the vehicle
The Palestinian who was shot by ISF died from his injuries2 سنة منذ
The Palestinian who was shot by ISF died from his injuries
Video from the scene of the reported attempted stabbing attack in the Gush Etzion region2 سنة منذ
Video from the scene of the reported attempted stabbing attack in the Gush Etzion region