17 سبتمبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
تحركات الطائرات الاسرائيلية فوق جنوب لبنان
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Khamenei: The US & the West have become weaker than before. And despite their expending great effort & money, the influence of their policies in our region - including in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon & Palestine - has significantly declined
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Israeli army holding a drill over the next few days in southern Israel, the military says. Explosions to be heard, some roads may be blocked
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Israel army bombed a Hamas position in Gaza in response to earlier firing into Israel territory
Israeli army says a bullet fired from the Gaza Strip earlier today hit an industrial building in Netiv Ha'asara. No injuries2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says a bullet fired from the Gaza Strip earlier today hit an industrial building in Netiv Ha'asara. No injuries
PM Lapid during a tour of Israeli army's north command: "Israel is prepared and ready to act against any threat. We are not heading to a confrontation, but whoever tries to harm our sovereignty or the citizens of Israel, will very quickly find out that he has made a serious mistake
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Khamenei: Palestine is the world of Islam's top issue. Despite certain govts' interest in the Zionist government, nations totally oppose this usurper. Today, neither the Zionist government nor the US can prevent Palestinians' profound movement & it will end to the benefit of the Palestinians
شاهد يطلق قنابل الغاز خلال هدمه منشآت في بلدة عناتا
شاهد استمرار الاشتباكات بين مقاومون وجيش  المتوغل في جنين2 سنة منذ
شاهد استمرار الاشتباكات بين مقاومون وجيش المتوغل في جنين
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Israeli army shot down a drone launched from southern Lebanon and flew over Israeli airspace in northern Israel
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قائد القوات البحرية بالحرس الثوري الإيراني: سنلقن العدو وحلفاءه درسا قاسيا إذا ارتكب أي حماقة ضد أمننا القومي
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A Palestinian Islamic Jihad subunit called Katibat Tubas issued a statement on Sunday claiming responsibility for clashes against Israeli army troops operating in Tubas, northeast of Nablus
In a speech at a ceremony marking the change of the military's Home Front Command chief, Israeli army Chief of Staff Kohavi says it is a "moral obligation" to prepare a military response against Iran's nuclear program
During an overnight arrest raid in the West Bank town of Tubas, Israeli soldiers came under fire, the military says. Israeli army troops returned fire at the gunmen and other Palestinians hurling stones and Molotov cocktails and "hits were identified," the Israeli army says
On the background of the escalation in the Gaza Strip, the Political Security Cabinet will convene tomorrow at 12:45
Israeli military chief of staff Lt. General Aviv Aviv Kochavi will travel to Morocco in the upcoming week for talks on military cooperation, Israeli official says. This will be the 1st ever such visit
The Israeli army says it struck another Hamas weapon manufacturing site in Gaza this morning2 سنة منذ
The Israeli army says it struck another Hamas weapon manufacturing site in Gaza this morning
Another angle:  Israeli army Israeli strike on Hamas' Shuha'a Nusairat military camp, central Gaza2 سنة منذ
Another angle: Israeli army Israeli strike on Hamas' Shuha'a Nusairat military camp, central Gaza
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Israeli army says it struck an underground Hamas rocket manufacturing facility in the Gaza Strip, in response to the rocket attacks on southern Israel. In total, 4 rockets were launched from Gaza tonight, 1 was intercepted
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Red alert warning (04:45) at Ahuzam
Footage shows the two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip toward Ashkelon. (Video: Dadi Fold)2 سنة منذ
Footage shows the two rockets launched from the Gaza Strip toward Ashkelon. (Video: Dadi Fold)
Purported video of an interception over Ashkelon. Residents report explosion heard
At least one interception being reported over Ashkelon
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Red alert warning (00:50,00:51) at Ashkelon Southern Industrial Zone, Ge'a, Ashkelon
وزارة الخارجية الأميركية تقول إنها ملتزمة بتسهيل المفاوضات بين لبنان وإسرائيل سعيا للتوصل إلى اتفاق لترسيم الحدود البحرية
عباس: نسعى لتحقيق سلام شامل وعادل يقوم على الشرعية الدولية ومبادرة السلام العربية
محمود عباس: نطالب بمحاسبة قتلة الشهيدة شيرين أبو عاقلة
محمود عباس: أمد يدي إلى إسرائيل لتحقيق سلام الشجعان وهذا ما واصلنا فعله منذ اتفاق أوسلو
عباس: يجب وقف الاقتحامات والاعتقالات الإسرائيلية للأراضي الفلسطينية
عباس: نتطلع لجهود أميركية لوقف الاستيطان وعنف المستوطنين