20 سبتمبر 2024
Palestinians are clashing with Israeli police at the al-Aqsa mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Fireworks launched, tear gas deployed
Five people were taken to Barzilai hospital from the overnight rocket attacks. 2 for anxiety, and 3 for minor trauma after falling over while running to bomb shelters. They have all been released
Israeli army publishes a video of overnight strikes against what it says is an anti-aircraft missile facility
Shortly before 06:00, a rocket was fired from Gaza at Israel, but fell short of the fence, the Israeli army says. The launch triggered an alert in an open area near the border
Ramadan "Day 21": Intensive ISF presence at Damascus Gate area. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque after Iftar time. Large crowds of Palestinians expected to gather at Damascus Gate. Confrontations/ clashes expected
Ongoing clashes between Palestinians and ISF at Al Aqsa Mosque Yard
Israeli army says 4 rockets intercepted over Sderot
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Last video of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot, I promise
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Footage of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot a short while ago
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More footage of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot
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Eyewitnesses reports several interceptions over Sderot
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Hamas says following the event in Jerusalem "we succeeded in imposing a new deterrence equation without the need to enter a war"
اندلاع مواجهات بين الشبان وجنود  قرب حاجز بيت فوريك شرق نابلس2 سنة منذ
اندلاع مواجهات بين الشبان وجنود قرب حاجز بيت فوريك شرق نابلس
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PIJ says that for each Israeli army strike in Gaza, rockets will be launched towards Israel
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Israeli army chopper, east of Khan Younis Gaza
CCTV footage shows the rocket launch from the Gaza Strip toward Sderot. (Credit: Dadi Fold)2 سنة منذ
CCTV footage shows the rocket launch from the Gaza Strip toward Sderot. (Credit: Dadi Fold)
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Israeli army confirms one rocket launched from Gaza into Israel. Iron Dome was not activated, looks like a direct impact on the outside area of a house
A projectile reportedly landed in Sderot. Unclear if direct rocket impact or shrapnel from an interception2 سنة منذ
A projectile reportedly landed in Sderot. Unclear if direct rocket impact or shrapnel from an interception
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مصادر إسرائيلية: دوي 3 انفجارات في منطقة سديروت القريبة من حدود قطاع غزة
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Residents of the area report hearing an explosion
Red Alert in Israel: 22:33 Local / 1933Z Sderot, Ibim, Nir Am2 سنة منذ
Red Alert in Israel: 22:33 Local / 1933Z Sderot, Ibim, Nir Am
قوات تعتدي على أهالي الحي الغربي في الشيخ جراح بالقدس
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Biden officials have notified their European counterparts that Washington does not plan on delisting Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as part of the nuclear talks in Vienna aimed at reviving the JCPOA, a senior Israeli diplomatic official claims
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الجيش الإسرائيلي: فرض إغلاق عام على الضفة والمعابر لقطاع غزة ابتداء من مساء الخميس حتى فجر الأحد
سترسل إسرائيل خوذات وسترات واقية من الرصاص لأوكرانيا للفرق الطبية والمستجيبين الأوائل ، بحسب وزير الدفاع غانتس لنظيره الأوكراني
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حركة حماس: نطالب المجتمع الدولي بالتوقف عن التعامل مع شعبنا وقضيته بسياسة المعايير المزدوجة
ISF undercover unit arrested a Palestinian near Atara Checkpoint N Ramallah City
Ramadan "Day 20": Intensive ISF presence at Damascus Gate area. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque after Iftar time. Large crowds of Palestinians expected to gather at Damascus Gate. Confrontations/ clashes expected
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الجيش الإسرائيلي: اعتقلنا 5 فلسطينيين مطلوبين في الخليل وبيت لحم ومخيم بلاطة وشرق نابلس
2 سنة منذ
Several rockets fired from Gaza toward the sea as part of rockets testing