6 أكتوبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
اندلاع مواجهات بين الشبان وقوات في المنطقة الجنوبية بمدينة الخليل
تحدث رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي يائير لابيد مع الرئيس الأوكراني زيلينسكي وهنأه بمناسبة عيد الاستقلال الحادي والثلاثين لأوكرانيا ، كما أعرب عن تعازيه للقتلى والجرحى في الحرب ، ودعا إلى حل دبلوماسي لإنهاء القتال.
Palestinian media reports say two killed in clashes with Israeli army troops during overnight raids in the West Bank. One in al-Birah near Ramallah and the second in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus
Following the strikes in Aleppo tonight there were reported airstrikes in Damascus too. Hearing Aleppo International Airport is out of service and Damascus International Airport may also be
مقتل عنصرين من قوات النظام وإصابة آخرين بقصف جوي إسرائيلي على قاعدة "الهيجانة" العسكرية الواقعة قرب مطار دمشق الدولي
الفرقة الأولى التابعة لقوات النظام في منطقة الكسوة جنوب دمشق تعرضت لأربع غارات جوية إسرائيلية متتالية
Today, @POTUS spoke with @yairlapid "to consult on global and regional security challenges, including threats posed" by Iran, according to the @WhiteHouse
Explosions near Aleppo International Airport, possible airstrikes reported by local sources
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GPS disruptions are felt mostly along Turkey's southern coast, Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus and Israel, and mostly affect passenger planes, not ground-based systems in vehicles
Israeli army says troops detained 9 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank overnight. Weapons seized in Silwad and Hebron. One suspect who fled was shot, arrested, and taken for treatment2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained 9 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank overnight. Weapons seized in Silwad and Hebron. One suspect who fled was shot, arrested, and taken for treatment
Israeli army says troops engaging in a gun battle with armed Palestinians during an arrest operation in the West Bank city of Nablus2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops engaging in a gun battle with armed Palestinians during an arrest operation in the West Bank city of Nablus
Israeli PM: "I briefed opposition leader @Netanyahu on Iran deal & Israel's activities to influence the issue. In matters of national security there's no opposition/coalition. Israel is strong & acts together to protect its security interests against those who try to harm us
Another weapons smuggling foiled on the Jordan border. Border Police says officers seized 26 handguns from a suspect near the Palestinian town of Al-Auja2 سنة منذ
Another weapons smuggling foiled on the Jordan border. Border Police says officers seized 26 handguns from a suspect near the Palestinian town of Al-Auja
المرصد السوري: مقتل قيادي مقرب من حزب الله اللبناني في منطقة استهدفتها إسرائيل بريف دمشق
Reports of an armed clash between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in the Silwad area in the West Bank. No immediate reports of injuries2 سنة منذ
Reports of an armed clash between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers in the Silwad area in the West Bank. No immediate reports of injuries
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"Resistance fires at Israeli forces while they are on Haifa Street in Jenin"
Israeli army troops seized 50kg of hashish on the Egyptian border, in the latest drug smuggling attempt. No arrests made2 سنة منذ
Israeli army troops seized 50kg of hashish on the Egyptian border, in the latest drug smuggling attempt. No arrests made
Israeli army says troops seized two firearms during a raid in Silwad overnight. No arrests made2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops seized two firearms during a raid in Silwad overnight. No arrests made
تنشر شركة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية الخاصةImageSatIntl صور الأقمار الصناعية التي تظهر أن روسيا نقلت نظام S-300 من سوريا إلى روسيا على ما يبدو2 سنة منذ
تنشر شركة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية الخاصةImageSatIntl صور الأقمار الصناعية التي تظهر أن روسيا نقلت نظام S-300 من سوريا إلى روسيا على ما يبدو
2 سنة منذ
The US needs to ensure that it retains a viable military option against Iran's nuclear facilities even if a new deal is reached with Tehran, the Israeli DM told Sullivan. A senior defense official said the Americans responded positively to Gantz's comments on military option
Defense Minister Gantz met with CENTCOM chief Kurilla in Tampa, Florida earlier to discuss ways to increase cooperation between Israel and US military, methods for countering Iranian threat in the Middle East, and a Plan B to the nuclear deal2 سنة منذ
Defense Minister Gantz met with CENTCOM chief Kurilla in Tampa, Florida earlier to discuss ways to increase cooperation between Israel and US military, methods for countering Iranian threat in the Middle East, and a "Plan B" to the nuclear deal
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Syrian state media says at 19:15 Israel launched airstrikes from over the Mediterranean southwest of Tartus, targeting several sites in the Hama area, wounding two civilians and causing material damage
"We'll act in every way to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state. I held an intelligence briefing today with Mossad chief David Barnea, who was dealing with an update on the current security issues on the table, primarily the nuclear agreement with Iran," Israeli PM said
"We welcome the US strikes against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria," Israeli Prime Minister @yairlapid told
A soldier was lightly hurt by Palestinians' gunfire during a raid in Burqin near Jenin, the Israeli army says. Several wanted Palestinians arrested
Israeli army chief Kohavi issues a statement condemning Israeli troops who were filmed beating two Palestinian detainees in the West Bank last week. A military police investigation has been opened
Israeli army says troops arrested 14 wanted Palestinian during overnight raids in the West Bank, several firearms seized2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops arrested 14 wanted Palestinian during overnight raids in the West Bank, several firearms seized
اشتباكات بين مقاومين وقوات العدو في جنين واعتقالات بعد اقتحامات في الضفة الغربية2 سنة منذ
اشتباكات بين مقاومين وقوات العدو في جنين واعتقالات بعد اقتحامات في الضفة الغربية
2 سنة منذ
Palestinian media reports say at least 7 hurt in an explosion in Khan Younis, southern Gaza. The cause is not immediately clear
Israeli army says troops detained 18 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids in the West Bank; makeshift Carlo SMG seized by police near Hebron, ammunition and weapon parts seized in Qatanna2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained 18 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids in the West Bank; makeshift Carlo SMG seized by police near Hebron, ammunition and weapon parts seized in Qatanna