6 أكتوبر 2024
شاهد   قوات  تطلق قنابل الغاز على حرم جامعة خضوري فرع العروب شمال الخليل درع_وسند1 سنة منذ
شاهد قوات تطلق قنابل الغاز على حرم جامعة خضوري فرع العروب شمال الخليل درع_وسند
1 سنة منذ
Israeli army says Palestinians hurled an explosive device from a passing vehicle at troops near Nablus earlier today. Soldiers returned fire at the car and the suspects fled. The Israeli army says troops found another IED in the vehicle
Israeli army says troops detained six wanted Palestinians during overnight arrest raids across the West Bank; seized weapons and ammunition1 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained six wanted Palestinians during overnight arrest raids across the West Bank; seized weapons and ammunition
Israeli army says troops recovered the assault rifle used by the Hamas affiliated gunman and another suspect in the attack on the settlement of Beit El
مصادر محلية: قوات  الإسرائيلي تعتقل 3 شبان، بعد اقتحامها قرية دير جرير شمال رام الل1 سنة منذ
مصادر محلية: قوات الإسرائيلي تعتقل 3 شبان، بعد اقتحامها قرية دير جرير شمال رام الل
1 سنة منذ
Khamenei: The enemy wants the opposite of unity between Muslims today. They created a cancerous cell in the region, the Zionistgovernment, to serve as a base for Western enmity against Islam. They brought the murderous, brutal Zionists to oppressed Palestine creating a fake govt to do this
1 سنة منذ
Khamenei: One of the lessons from ProphetMuhammad for the Islamic nation is, "The Prophet grieves for your suffering." Of course, this doesn't just refer to Muslims at the time of the Prophet. It means the sufferings of the Muslims in Palestine, Myanmar, etc. today grieve his pure soul
1 سنة منذ
الصحة الفلسطينية: مقتل فلسطينيين اثنين برصاص الجيش الإسرائيلي في جنين
الرئيس اللبناني يعلن موافقة لبنان على الصيغة النهائية لاتفاقية ترسيم الحدود البحرية بين لبنان وإسرائيل
1 سنة منذ
Defense Ministry shutters the Jalamah crossing in the northern West Bank after Palestinians opened fire toward it. No injuries or damage caused, according to the ministry
Israeli settlers protected by ISF throwing stones at Palestinians in Huwwara village main road, Route 60, S of Nablus City1 سنة منذ
Israeli settlers protected by ISF throwing stones at Palestinians in Huwwara village main road, Route 60, S of Nablus City
مراسلة الجزيرة: مواجهات بين قوات والفلسطينيين في حي عين اللوزة في سلوان بالقدس
مراسلة الجزيرة: وزير الأمن الداخلي الإسرائيلي يأمر بتعزيز عناصر الشرطة في القدس بأربع سرايا من قوات الاحتياط
1 سنة منذ
التقى محمود عباس ببوتين في أستانا
PM Lapid to hold a meeting later today on the unrest in East Jerusalem, with Shin Bet chief, police chief, and other law enforcement officials
Media coverage: Israeli forces raid Qalandiya camp, north of Jerusalem1 سنة منذ
Media coverage: "Israeli forces raid Qalandiya camp, north of Jerusalem
Israel PM says the agreement with Lebanon diminishes the chances of war with Hezbollah
1 سنة منذ
The Palestinian health ministry says an 18-year-old was killed by Israeli army fire amid clashes in the al-Aroub refugee camp in the West Bank. No immediate comment from Israeli army
The Israeli government plenary approved the principles of the maritime border agreement with Lebanon and its tabling in the Knesset for a 14 day review and a discussion in the foreign relations & security committee. After 14 days the government will vote again
Shops shut on east Jerusalem's main commercial street, as Palestinians strike in support of residents of Shuafat refugee camp, where Israeli forces launched a days-long operation after an Israeli soldier was shot dead nearby, "collective punishment" an Israeli-Arab MP said
مراسلة الجزيرة: قوات الإسرائيلي تقتحم مخيم شعفاط شمالي القدس
Full maritime border agreement between Israel and Lebanon published
1 سنة منذ
Israeli army confirms closures in a statement, saying some routes have been left open, in which Palestinians may enter and leave Nablus following "a strict security check
US Prez. Joe Biden held phone call with Lebanon's Michel Aoun following historic Maritime Deal between LB & Israel brokered by US today. Source: Lebanese Presidency
1 سنة منذ
Soldier hurt in shooting near Shavei Shomron died of his wounds at Meir Medical Center in Kafr Saba earlier today, Israeli army formally announces
1 سنة منذ
رويترز عن مسؤولين لبنانيين: حزب الله وافق على اتفاق ترسيم الحدود البحرية مع إسرائيل
Shooting attack near Shavei Shemron Settlement Junction W Nablus City.  One Israeli settler was shot and injured; Suspect(s) fled the scene.  The area is currently blocked by ISF on both sides; Ongoing ISF search operation in the vicinity1 سنة منذ
Shooting attack near Shavei Shemron Settlement Junction W Nablus City. One Israeli settler was shot and injured; Suspect(s) fled the scene. The area is currently blocked by ISF on both sides; Ongoing ISF search operation in the vicinity
Israeli Prime Minister Lapid announced Israel accepts the U.S. proposal for a maritime border agreement with Lebanon. The Israeli security cabinet and the full government will convene tomorrow to approve it
لابيد: اتفاقية ترسيم الحدود البحرية مع لبنان تلبي مطالب إسرائيل الاقتصادية والسياسية
Israel PM Lapid says Israel and Lebanon have reached an historic deal on their maritime border