6 أكتوبر 2024
2 سنة منذ
An officer was killed overnight adjacent to the Gilboa Crossing in an exchange of fire with Palestinian militants. The officer's family has been informed of his death. The Israeli army expresses its condolences to the family & will continue to support them
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المتحدث باسم حركة حماس حازم قاسم: جنين تواصل قتالها ومقاومتها ضد المحتل وترسم معالم مرحلة جديدة عنوانها الثورة المستمرة
2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops came under gunfire at the Jalamah crossing in the northern West Bank earlier. Two Palestinian gunmen shot. The Israeli army says it will provide more details later
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Maintenance vehicle comes under fire at northern West Bank barrier/checkpoint at Jalameh; Israeli army launches manhunt
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Israeli army says it arrested 4 Palestinians and confiscated two vessels at sea off the coast of Gaza overnight. The military suspects they were involved in a smuggling attempt
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz2 سنة منذ
Defense Minister Gantz to envoys of UN Security Council and Abraham Accords counties: Iran has tripled enrichment rate at Fordo underground site, doubled amount of advanced centrifuges at Natanz
The national anthem of Morocco plays at the Israeli military headquarters, welcoming the chief of the Moroccan Armed Forces, Belkhir El Farouk, ahead of a conference hosted by the Israeli army
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التقى وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف بوفد من حماس برئاسة رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس إسماعيل هنية في موسكو اليوم.
Israel's Mossad head says dozens of Iranian plots abroad were recently foiled
المتحدث باسم الخارجية الإيرانية يدعو الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية لعدم الرضوخ لضغوط إسرائيل
Israel thinks that at the current point in time no nuclear deal is going to be signed before the U.S. midterm elections on November 8th, a Senior Israeli official said in a briefing with reporters
PM Lapid on Israeli strikes in Syria: "Israel is working to prevent Iran from establishing terrorist bases throughout the Middle East and especially in Syria. I want to emphasize from here, Israel will not allow Syria to be used as an axis for the transfer of weapons to terrorist organizations, and will not accept the establishment of Iranian bases or militia bases on our northern border."
ISF discovered and seized several weapons and ammunition in Silwad village NE of Ramallah City; Several Palestinians were arrested over several gunfire attacks in Ramallah Govornorate
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4 إصابات برصاص خلال قمع مسيرة كفر قدوم الأسبوعية المناهضة للاستيطان شرق قلقيلية
Israeli army says troops arrested 5 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops arrested 5 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank
A Palestinian was caught by Israel Police carrying two pipe bombs and a machine gun at the Clock Square in Jaffa. The suspect was in Israel illegally and was arrested and transferred for questioning
Israeli army neutralized Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militant named Yunes Tayeh in an op in Tubas, West Bank. PIJ in a statement confirmed that he was an active operative2 سنة منذ
Israeli army neutralized Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militant named Yunes Tayeh in an op in Tubas, West Bank. PIJ in a statement confirmed that he was an active operative
مصادر إسرائيلية تؤكد أن الغارات على حلب هدفها منع شحنات السلاح من إيران
مقطع فيديو يظهر الأضرار التي لحقت بمطار حلب الدولي في حلب بعد استهداف صاروخي إسرائيلي
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رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي: مستعدون لأي تهديد وأي سيناريو للتعامل مع إيران
PM Lapid at the Nevatim airbase in southern Israel: If Iran keeps trying, it will discover Israel's long arm and capabilities2 سنة منذ
PM Lapid at the Nevatim airbase in southern Israel: "If Iran keeps trying, it will discover Israel's long arm and capabilities"
السفارة الأوكرانية في تل أبيب تحذر الإسرائيليين من الذهاب إلى مدينة الحج أومان في رأس السنة الهشة2 سنة منذ
السفارة الأوكرانية في تل أبيب تحذر الإسرائيليين من الذهاب إلى مدينة الحج أومان في رأس السنة الهشة
Israeli army says troops detained 10 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank; searched the homes of the gunmen who attacked a bus carrying soldiers in the Jordan Valley on Sunday, in the town of Jiftlik2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained 10 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank; searched the homes of the gunmen who attacked a bus carrying soldiers in the Jordan Valley on Sunday, in the town of Jiftlik
Israeli army demolished the apartment of Ra'ad Hazem, the Palestinian terrorist who committed the deadly attack in Tel Aviv in April killing three, in the Jenin refugee camp2 سنة منذ
Israeli army demolished the apartment of Ra'ad Hazem, the Palestinian terrorist who committed the deadly attack in Tel Aviv in April killing three, in the Jenin refugee camp
2 سنة منذ
Hezbollah has issued a statement lauding yesterday's attack against a bus carrying Israeli army recruits in the Jordan Valley. The attack resulted in a number of wounded soldiers and the arrest of two attackers
Israel army report says 'high possibility' Israeli soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Defense Minister, Benny Gantz: "The relationship between Israel and the US continues to grow stronger in face of the region's increasing threats and challenges, in order to maintain our security and regional stability
Israeli army says troops detained 17 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank; weapons seized; manhunt for 3rd Jordan Valley gunman continues; Palestinian media reports one killed in clashes near Jenin2 سنة منذ
Israeli army says troops detained 17 wanted Palestinians during overnight raids across the West Bank; weapons seized; manhunt for 3rd Jordan Valley gunman continues; Palestinian media reports one killed in clashes near Jenin
الحكومة الإسرائيلية تقر اتفاقية مع أنقرة لتسيير رحلات طيرانها إلى المدن التركية
Israel's Mossad Director David Barnea will, tomorrow (5 September 2022), depart for Washington where he will hold a series of meetings with senior officials from the White House, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon, State Department & additional security agencies on Iran