17 سبتمبر 2024
Israeli FM Lapid said the only way to stop Iran's nuclear program is to put "credible military threat on the table." Pres Biden committed to preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons but said: "I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome
قمة افتراضية رباعية تجمع قادة الولايات المتحدة والهند والإمارات وإسرائيل
Lapid asked Biden in their meeting how long the U.S. Will continue talks with Iran. Biden told Lapid U.S. wants diplomatic solution with Iran but won't continue talking forever if there is no deal
Biden and Lapid met in 4 eyes for more than an hour. The two main issues were Iran and Saudi Arabia, an Israeli official said
مستشار الأمن القومي: البيت الأبيض يريد قنصلية في القدس الشرقية لكن المحادثات جارية
Iran President Raisi says Biden Middle East trip won't bring 'security' to Israel
2 سنة منذ
Israel's Israeli army: "A Joint Aerial Exercise Between the Israeli Air Force and the Hellenic Air Force took place" yesterday. "As part of the exercise, the two air forces simulated a wide range of aerial scenarios, including advanced air-to-air combat and airborne refueling
Gantz also just spoke with Egypt's Intelligence Chief Abbas Kamel and "addressed reports regarding the graves of Egyptian soldiers who fought in the Six Day War. I assured Director Kamel that the defense establishment will examine the issue with great respect
2 سنة منذ
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: الجيش الإسرائيلي يقرر إحاطة مستوطنة المطلة الحدودية بجدران لمنع تسلل مقاتلي حزب_الله
الرئاسة المصرية: لابيد وعد بتحقيق شفاف بشأن ما تردد حول الجنود المصريين المدفونين في القدس
الرئاسة المصرية: السيسي ولابيد اتفقا على تنشيط مفاوضات السلام في الفترة القادمة
الرئاسة المصرية: السيسي ولابيد توافقا على ترتيب لقاءت ثنائية ومتعددة تجمعهما و محمود عباس
2 سنة منذ
A Lebanese citizen was arrested by the @Israeli army after infiltrating into northern Israel near Misgav Am on Sunday evening
2 سنة منذ
First phone call between Israeli Prime Minister Lapid and Turkish President Erdogan: Thank him for the co-op in thwarting terrorist attacks against Israelis, the two stressed the importance of relations between the two countries
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Lebanon border incident: Israeli forces capture suspect who crossed into Israel, entered abandoned military post
الجيش الإسرائيلي: تدريبات عسكرية تنتهي بحلول مساء اليوم استعدادا لزيارة الرئيس الأمريكي
ISF pursued a suspicious vehicle in Taybeh City, Central Israel.  The suspect was apprehended after ramming into ISF vehicle2 سنة منذ
ISF pursued a suspicious vehicle in Taybeh City, Central Israel. The suspect was apprehended after ramming into ISF vehicle
2 سنة منذ
Khamenei: The Arrogant West has become weaker by the day in our region &, more recently, throughout the world. The failure of the United States and its criminal accomplice, the Zionist government, can clearly be seen in the recent events of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen & Afghanistan
2 سنة منذ
Khamenei: The situation in Palestine is a manifestation of the phenomenon of Resistance that has been able to bring down the Zionist government from its state of aggression to a defensive stance & impose problems on it. Brilliant examples of Resistance can be seen in Lebanon, Iraq & Yemen
Defense Minister Gantz met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah tonight, his office says
2 سنة منذ
وزارة إسرائيلية: إسرائيل وتركيا توقعان اليوم اتفاقية طيران ثنائية هي الأولى منذ عام 1951
2 سنة منذ
وزارة إسرائيلية: الاتفاقية ستسمح للطائرات الإسرائيلية بالهبوط في عدة مطارات تركية
2 سنة منذ
Syrian media reports an Israeli drone strike in the town of Hader in the Quneitra province near the Israeli-Syrian border killed 1 person
Two policemen who attempted to break up a brawl in East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood were lightly hurt by stones hurled at them, police say. One of the officers opened fire into the air amid the incident
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In crackdown against Russian Jews Russia orders the Jewish Agency– the quasi-governmental body that facilitates immigration to Israel– to halt all operations in country. Israeli government "considering next steps"
Defense Minister Benny Gantz reveals satellite images he says show unusual Iranian maritime activity in the Red Sea in recent months. He says it is the most significant such activity in the past decade2 سنة منذ
Defense Minister Benny Gantz reveals satellite images he says show "unusual" Iranian maritime activity in the Red Sea in recent months. He says it is the "most significant" such activity in the past decade
2 سنة منذ
ماكرون: نحن بحاجة للدفاع عن الاتفاق_النووي مع إيران وأن نأخذ مصالح الشركاء الإقليميين في الحساب مثل إسرائيل
2 سنة منذ
.@yairlapid is heading to France to meet with Macron to discuss Iran. Before departing he said "It is important for us to make our case.Israel opposes a return to the JCPOA. In the same breath, we do not oppose a deal. We seek a very strong deal
The IAF begins a drill over Romania, dubbed Blue Sky,  aimed at training the C-130 and C-130J transport aircraft for flights in unfamiliar territory at low altitudes, the military says2 سنة منذ
The IAF begins a drill over Romania, dubbed "Blue Sky," aimed at training the C-130 and C-130J transport aircraft for flights in unfamiliar territory at low altitudes, the military says
الجيش الإسرائيلي: المياه الاقتصادية جزء من إسرائيل وليست منطقة نزاع ولا نقاش بشأنها