19 سبتمبر 2024
شرطة  الإسرائيلي تواصل قمع الاحتجاجات الحاشدة في منطقة النقب الرافضة لأعمال التجريف في قرية الأطرش وقامت باعتقال شبان فلسطينيين بينهم سيدات وأصابت آخرين بعد اعتداءات بالهراوات وقنابل الغاز  قناة_الغد   فلسطين   الصورة_بكل_الأبعاد2 سنة منذ
شرطة الإسرائيلي تواصل قمع الاحتجاجات الحاشدة في منطقة النقب الرافضة لأعمال التجريف في قرية الأطرش وقامت باعتقال شبان فلسطينيين بينهم سيدات وأصابت آخرين بعد اعتداءات بالهراوات وقنابل الغاز قناة_الغد فلسطين الصورة_بكل_الأبعاد
Clashes between Palestinians (Bedouin Community members) and ISF personnel at Negev Junction in South Israel2 سنة منذ
Clashes between Palestinians (Bedouin Community members) and ISF personnel at Negev Junction in South Israel
رئيس وزراء إسرائيل لبوتين: يجب ضمان عدم وصول إيران للسلاح النووي
In a phone call with Russian president Putin Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says the international community must act with resolve and stop the progress of Iran's nuclear program
اشتباك مسلح بين مقاومين وقوات  خلال اقتحامها مدينة طوباس2 سنة منذ
اشتباك مسلح بين مقاومين وقوات خلال اقتحامها مدينة طوباس
The Israeli army officers who were killed in the friendly fire incident are named as Major Ofek Aharon, 28, and Major Itamar Elharar, 262 سنة منذ
The Israeli army officers who were killed in the friendly fire incident are named as Major Ofek Aharon, 28, and Major Itamar Elharar, 26
2 سنة منذ
The two company commanders from the Commando Brigade were patrolling around the Nabi Musa base near Mitspe Yeriho when they identified a suspected and opened fire in the air. Another soldier thought the shooting was an attack, and returned fire, killing the officers
Two Israeli army officers were killed last night from friendly fire due to an apparent misidentification in the Jordan Valley, the military says
"We can confirm the death of US citizen Omar Asaad in a city near Ramallah," says @StateDeptSpox. US in touch with the Israeli government "to seek clarification" and supports a "thorough investigation”
Israel has arrested 4 women and a man who are accused with working for Iran, including spying after US embassy in Jerusalem. This is the picture of their Iranian operator, according to Security Services
Shin Bet says 5 Israeli women charged with being in contact with an Iranian intelligence source on Facebook. They were asked to perform various tasks for money, including photographing sites in Israel, and one was asked to send their son to the Israeli army Intelligence Directorate
إعلام الأسرى: محكمة  العسكرية في عوفر تحول الأسير وليد المزين من مخيم العروب شمال الخليل للاعتقال الإداري لمدة 4 أشهر2 سنة منذ
إعلام الأسرى: محكمة العسكرية في عوفر تحول الأسير وليد المزين من مخيم العروب شمال الخليل للاعتقال الإداري لمدة 4 أشهر
Shots fired towards ISF personnel operating in Qabatiya village2 سنة منذ
Shots fired towards ISF personnel operating in Qabatiya village
Shots were fired towards ISF personnel operating near Qabatiya village entrance S Jenin City; No injuries.  Video: Ongoing ISF operation in Qabatiya village; Clashes expected. Armed clashes cannot be ruled out2 سنة منذ
Shots were fired towards ISF personnel operating near Qabatiya village entrance S Jenin City; No injuries. Video: Ongoing ISF operation in Qabatiya village; Clashes expected. Armed clashes cannot be ruled out
Israeli army says troops shot at a group of Palestinians who hurled molotov cocktails at a military post near Halhul in the West Bank. One suspect hit and taken for medical treatment, two others fled
صور قوات تنتشر في حي بئر أيوب ببلدة سلوان عقب إحراق عامود كاميرات تابع لها بالحي
A Palestinian driver was arrested after ramming one ISF personnel near Halamish Settlement entrance NW Ramallah City
Israeli army says the incident near Halamish is a ramming attack
Iran's foreign minister met with Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar today2 سنة منذ
Iran's foreign minister met with Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar today
واعد - وحدة الرصد اندلاع مواجهات بين شبان فلسطينيين وعناصر من شرطة إسرائيلي التي حضرت لحماية آليات تجريف الأراضي في قرية "الأطرش" بمنطقة "النقب" جنوبي فلسطين.:? : ?
Ongoing ISF operation in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood along with gatherings by Israeli right-wing activists in the vicinity. Confrontations/ Tension expected with Palestinian local residents
Shots fired towards the gas station at Route 443, NW Jerusalem City. Intensive ISF presence at scene2 سنة منذ
Shots fired towards the gas station at Route 443, NW Jerusalem City. Intensive ISF presence at scene
نادي الأسير الفلسطينيّ أكّد أنّ معلومات وردته حول تصاعد انتشار فيروس كورونا بين الأسرى الفلسطينيين في سجون الإسرائيلي. إليك التفاصيل
2 سنة منذ
Israeli national was shot dead in Almaty during the demonstrations, MFA spokesman @LiorHaiat says
Israeli army says troops foiled a drug smuggling attempt along the border with Egypt overnight. 100kg of an unnamed drug were seized, according to the military
بيت لحم: صورة من آثار استهداف قوات  منازل المواطنين في خربة الدير ببلدة تقوع بقنابل الغاز والصوت2 سنة منذ
بيت لحم: صورة من آثار استهداف قوات منازل المواطنين في خربة الدير ببلدة تقوع بقنابل الغاز والصوت
Israeli army says a drone that was recently downed by troops over the Lebanese border contained photos that appear to prove it belonged to Hezbollah
President Biden nominated Army Lt. Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla to be the next commander of U.S. military operations that include the Middle East
2 سنة منذ
Israeli army personnel fired several shots towards several suspects approached the vicinity of Technical Fence near Kiryat Shmona City, northern Israel borders with Lebanon; No injuries
Israeli army says while troops were operating in the area to arrest a suspect, armed men opened fire. Troops returned fire and killed one. No injuries to Israeli troops, and the suspect was arrested