2 Липень 2024
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has instructed COGAT to nullify dozens of entry and work permits for the relatives of the terrorist's who conducted the Eli attack
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Victims of the terror attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli: Harel Masood, 21, of Yad Binyamin, Elisha Anteman, 17, of Eli, Ofer Fayerman, 64, of Eli, and Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, 17, of Ahiya,
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Israeli army chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi is holding an assessment at the scene of the shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli
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Israeli army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari says the two gunmen who carried out the terror attack at the gas station near Eli are affiliated with Hamas
ISF opened gunfire at a Palestinian vehicle in Tubas City. One Palestinian was shot dead1 рік тому
ISF opened gunfire at a Palestinian vehicle in Tubas City. One Palestinian was shot dead
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Israeli Channel 13: "3 Palestinians armed with M16 rifles carried out a shooting attack between Nablus and Ramallah, one of whom killed in an armed clash and the others withdrew from the place."
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Initial reports of gunfire at a gas station near the West Bank settlement of Eli. Medics en route
Photo of the Palestinian boy shot dead by ISF in Hussan village W Bethlehem City1 рік тому
Photo of the Palestinian boy shot dead by ISF in Hussan village W Bethlehem City
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Abu Hamza, Islamic Jihad spokesperson: Jenin battalion mourns its two brave dead, Qasem Abu Sarea and Qais Jabarin, who were killed defending the land in Jenin camp where the Al-Quds Brigades fighters ambushed and inflicted direct casualties on many soldiers and military
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Heavy clashes reported in the West Bank city of Jenin as the Israeli army carries out a raid. Palestinian Health Ministry reports at least 14 wounded, including some seriously
Israeli National Security Adviser:nIsrael prepares to take action if Iran enriches uranium above 60%; he says Tehran only briefly enriched over 60% so far in one case; if Iran fully crosses this line it would admit seeking nuclear weapons, he says
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the US Embassy in Brussels. The two discussed advancing security and military coordination on the Iranian issue, with the aim of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, per Israel's readout1 рік тому
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the US Embassy in Brussels. The two discussed "advancing security and military coordination on the Iranian issue, with the aim of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons," per Israel's readout
In a secret vote, Israel's Knesset votes for the opposition candidate in the elections for the judges selection committee, while rejects the coalition candidate who refused to remove herself from the race. That means the talks on the judicial reforms will continue
Syrian air defense destroys an Israeli missile in the sky of Damascus1 рік тому
Syrian air defense destroys an Israeli missile in the sky of Damascus
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Armed clashes reported between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus
ISF fired at least one ENERGIA missile at the surrounded house inside Balata RC1 рік тому
ISF fired at least one ENERGIA missile at the surrounded house inside Balata RC
PM Netanyahu will attend classified security session with Knesset's Defense and Foreign Affairs committee this morning, @MaarivOnline reports. The committee is tasked with reviewing Israel's most sensitive defense issues
Israeli forces arrest the two boys, Amir Skafi and Omar Abu Armila, from the town of Al-Issawiya in Jerusalem
Hamas says it holds Israel responsible for the soaring crime rate in Arab communities. Hamas says Israel “continue to neglect the spread of weapons in the 1948 occupied territories among organised crime groups.”1 рік тому
Hamas says it holds Israel responsible for the soaring crime rate in Arab communities. Hamas says Israel “continue to neglect the spread of weapons in the 1948 occupied territories among organised crime groups.”
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Military alert on the Lebanese-Israeli border due to construction work carried out by Israeli military vehicles
Blinken: The two-state solution is necessary to preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish and democratic state
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Israeli army says there is an ongoing exchange of fire on the Egyptian border
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Israeli Army Radio: Israeli soldiers were shot while trying to thwart smuggling activities near the border with Egypt
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The Israeli army announces the killing of two soldiers in the attack near the Egyptian border
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Israeli army says that there are 2 casualties in a security incident on the Egypt border between Mount Sagi and Mount Hariff areas, exact details being checked
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Israeli media: The number of casualties in the security incident on the border with Egypt is uncertain, and the army is reinforced with large forces around the Nitsana crossing
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Reports in Gaza about an explosion at a Hamas military site: "Explosives ignited because of the heat
IAF chief Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar has ordered to ground the fleet of Apache helicopters after a technical issue was found during routine maintenance. The fleet will remain grounded until all of the choppers are checked for the issue
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Palestinian group says Israeli airstrike targeting its positions in eastern Lebanon has killed five fighters, wounded 10
An Israeli military source denies that Israel was behind the bombing that targeted the headquarters of the "Popular Front General Command" on the Lebanese-Syrian border