2 Júla 2024
9 Mesiac Pred
Hamas continues with its escalation on the border fence with Israel, more border rioting is set to take place today (after 5PM) along the border Gaza
9 Mesiac Pred
Israeli army says a Palestinian gunman opened fire from the West Bank town of Dayr Sharaf toward a nearby army post this morning. Also overnight, Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the Salem checkpoint. No injuries in both incidents
9 Mesiac Pred
The Erez border crossing with the Gaza Strip, closed during Rosh Hashanah, will remain shuttered for another 24 hours following the recent riots on the border
9 Mesiac Pred
Israeli army says Palestinian gunmen targeted an army post near the West Bank town of Shuweika, adjacent to Tulkarm, earlier today, without causing injuries. Troops scanning for suspects in the area were targeted with gunfire and explosive devices. The soldiers returned fire. No injuries
9 Mesiac Pred
Hundreds of Palestinians rioting on the Gaza border. Israeli army responding with crowd dispersal means. No immediate reports of injuries
Terror Attack in Central Tel Aviv: at 06:00 an explosive device was detonated by militants in a central park of the city; later that day 2 Arab-Israelis were arrested
Earlier this morning there was a large blast in Tel Aviv's Hayarkon Park. Authorities are investigating a possible connection between the explosion and the car stopped on Route 431
Israeli police arrest a young Palestinian man who was driving a car containing explosive devices on Route 431 near Ramla
X CEO Elon Musk is expected to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in California over controversy regarding antisemitism on the social media platform
Ashdod Customs Clearance revealed an attempt to smuggle 16 tons of rocket material destined to reach the Gaza Strip
9 Mesiac Pred
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) carried out a missile test of advanced Barak MX air defense system in Azerbaijan, shooting down a ballistic missile. The company said it recently carried out the operational demonstration without saying where it was carried out. But the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense said it had carried out an air defense firing drill in which the Ildirim 8-ER (believed to be the local name of the Barak MX) was used to shoot down a ballistic missile
The Beirut-based al-Mayadeen reports that IAF fighter jets launched missiles from over northern Lebanon toward the Syrian city of Homs.
9 Mesiac Pred
Hamas-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip raises the death toll of the explosion on the border to five. 25 others wounded in the blast and by Israeli army riot dispersal means.
9 Mesiac Pred
SANA, an agency affiliated with the Assad regime, announces the killing of two members of Assad's forces and the wounding of 6 others in an Israeli bombing of a military site in Tartous.
Syrian media reporting a blast in the Tartus area9 Mesiac Pred
Syrian media reporting a blast in the Tartus area
9 Mesiac Pred
The Syrian Observatory: 3 Hezbollah members were killed in explosions that rocked its warehouses in the Syrian countryside of Tartous
COGAT and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's office both deny reports that Israel has allowed the transfer of 1,500 rifles to the Palestinian Authority. They do not deny reports that the US will hand the PA armoured vehicles
9 Mesiac Pred
Hebrew sources: Two settlers were injured in a shooting operation in Hawara, south of Nablus
Izraelský premiér Netanjahu sa na VZ OSN stretne s ukrajinským prezidentom Zelenským, čo bude prvé stretnutie izraelského lídra so Zelenským od ruskej invázie
Palestinian factions in Gaza holding a drill, including launching rockets toward the sea9 Mesiac Pred
Palestinian factions in Gaza holding a drill, including launching rockets toward the sea
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says9 Mesiac Pred
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says
Lebanese media: The sound of explosions in the border areas in southern Lebanon, caused by Israeli warplanes violating the sound barrier9 Mesiac Pred
Lebanese media: The sound of explosions in the border areas in southern Lebanon, caused by Israeli warplanes violating the sound barrier
NATO's deputy chief says defense alliance very worried about Iran-Russia partnership, wants to bolster cooperation with Israel
Riaditeľ Mossadu David Barnea uviedol, že Irán mal v úmysle poskytnúť Rusku okrem UAV, ktoré predal, aj rakety krátkeho a dlhého doletu. Toto bolo zmarené, hovorí. "Majú v úmysle predať ďalšie zbrane, ktoré budú tiež zmarené. Obávame sa, že Rusi na oplátku prevedú pokročilé zbrane Iráncom, čo určite ohrozí náš mier a možno aj našu existenciu tu."
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has instructed the Israeli military and emergency services to prepare to aid Morocco following the deadly earthquake there, his office says
9 Mesiac Pred
Last night Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the Jalamaleh checkpoint, near the Salem checkpoint, and near the Israeli town of Meirav adjacent to the northern West Bank security barrier. No injuries caused
9 Mesiac Pred
Israeli army warns that areas in the Machtesh Ramon crater in southern Israel will be closed due to undisclosed “military activities” (probably weapons tests) from 10th to 11th of September
9 Mesiac Pred
Netanjahu a Zelenskij vo vzácnom telefonáte diskutujú o ukrajinských utečencoch a izraelských pútnikoch do Umanu
A man in his 50s has been stabbed and seriously wounded near the Jaffa Gate entrance to Jerusalem's Old City. Suspected terrorist arrested,
Initial reports of a stabbing incident at the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. At least 2 wounded