2 Июль 2024
9 месяц назад
COGAT and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant's office both deny reports that Israel has allowed the transfer of 1,500 rifles to the Palestinian Authority. They do not deny reports that the US will hand the PA armoured vehicles
9 месяц назад
Hebrew sources: Two settlers were injured in a shooting operation in Hawara, south of Nablus
9 месяц назад
Премьер-министр Израиля Нетаньяху встретится с президентом Украины Зеленским на ГА ООН. Это будет первая встреча израильского лидера с Зеленским после российского вторжения
Palestinian factions in Gaza holding a drill, including launching rockets toward the sea9 месяц назад
Palestinian factions in Gaza holding a drill, including launching rockets toward the sea
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says9 месяц назад
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reveals that Iran is establishing an airport in southern Lebanon, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Israeli border, which is being used “for terror purposes.” Gallant says the airport is being built in the Qalaat Jabbour mountain region. “In the pictures, you can see the Iranian flag flying over the runways, from which the Ayatollah government plans to operate against the citizens of Israel,” Gallant says
Lebanese media: The sound of explosions in the border areas in southern Lebanon, caused by Israeli warplanes violating the sound barrier9 месяц назад
Lebanese media: The sound of explosions in the border areas in southern Lebanon, caused by Israeli warplanes violating the sound barrier
NATO's deputy chief says defense alliance very worried about Iran-Russia partnership, wants to bolster cooperation with Israel
9 месяц назад
Директор Моссада Дэвид Барни говорит, что у Ирана были намерения предоставить России ракеты малой и большой дальности в дополнение к проданным им БПЛА. По его словам, это было сорвано. У них есть намерения продать другое оружие, которое также будет сорвано. Мы опасаемся, что русские взамен передадут иранцам современное оружие, что, безусловно, поставит под угрозу наш мир и, возможно, даже наше существование здесь.
9 месяц назад
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has instructed the Israeli military and emergency services to prepare to aid Morocco following the deadly earthquake there, his office says
9 месяц назад
Last night Palestinian gunmen opened fire at the Jalamaleh checkpoint, near the Salem checkpoint, and near the Israeli town of Meirav adjacent to the northern West Bank security barrier. No injuries caused
9 месяц назад
Israeli army warns that areas in the Machtesh Ramon crater in southern Israel will be closed due to undisclosed “military activities” (probably weapons tests) from 10th to 11th of September
9 месяц назад
Нетаньяху и Зеленский обсудили украинских беженцев и израильских паломников в Умань в редком телефонном разговоре
10 месяц назад
A man in his 50s has been stabbed and seriously wounded near the Jaffa Gate entrance to Jerusalem's Old City. Suspected terrorist arrested,
10 месяц назад
Initial reports of a stabbing incident at the Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. At least 2 wounded
10 месяц назад
Reports of stabbing attack, old city of Jerusalem, Israel
10 месяц назад
Secretary General of the League of Arab States: The international community has a great responsibility to stop the deteriorating situation in Palestine
10 месяц назад
Eyewitnesses: Israeli special forces storm the vicinity of Jenin camp
10 месяц назад
Police say a Palestinian suspect opened fire at Border Police troops near the Argaman junction in the Jordan Valley. One officer lightly hurt. Gunman shot dead
10 месяц назад
Palestinian Presidency: America must intervene immediately to stop Israeli incursions and not be satisfied with the "policy of statements"
10 месяц назад
Palestinian media reporting one killed during an Israeli army raid in the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarm
10 месяц назад
Police say a Palestinian woman attempted to stab an officer in the Old City. Forces subdued her without gunfire. No injuries
10 месяц назад
Palestinian media reporting one wounded by Israeli army fire on the outskirts of the Jenin camp.
10 месяц назад
PM Netanyahu confirms: Israel to build new security fence on Jordan border; massive barrier needed to block arms transfers to terror groups. Reminder: Israeli forces recently foiled smuggling of powerful Iranian explosives via Jordan
10 месяц назад
Israel's Defense Ministry has submitted an official letter of request to the US military’s F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office, to advance the procurement of a third F-35I squadron, bringing Israel's fleet to 75 total aircraft in the coming years
Israeli army Soldier Murdered In Truck-Ramming Attack, 5 Injured10 месяц назад
Israeli army Soldier Murdered In Truck-Ramming Attack, 5 Injured
10 месяц назад
Defense Intelligence in Iran announces the thwarting of a "complex plan" to carry out an Israeli operation in the country's defense industries sector
Police say officers raided a gun workshop in the West Bank city of Beitunia overnight, seizing seven lathes, six handguns, three assault rifles, and arresting one  Palestinian suspect10 месяц назад
Police say officers raided a gun workshop in the West Bank city of Beitunia overnight, seizing seven lathes, six handguns, three assault rifles, and arresting one Palestinian suspect
10 месяц назад
Truck ramming attack reported at the Maccabim checkpoint near Modi'in. 3 injured, 2 seriously
10 месяц назад
Initial reports of an attempted stabbing and gunfire at the Shivtei Israel light rail station in Jerusalem
10 месяц назад
Iranian Ministry of Security: Dismantling an Israeli network that planned bombings