3 Juli 2024
CO of the Israeli army Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox, has signed off on a demolition order against the home of Maher Shalloun, the Palestinian accused of killing dual American-Israeli citizen Elan Ganeles on the Route 90 highway in February
Hamas in Gaza is conducting a missile test towards the sea, within the framework of developing its combat capabilities1 jaar geleden
Hamas in Gaza is conducting a missile test towards the sea, within the framework of developing its combat capabilities
1 jaar geleden
The attack was aimed at killing Jews was plotted by intelligence services linked to the IRGC. According to sources, the operation to thwart potential assassinations was carried out in cooperation with Cyprus' intelligence together with Western partners
Israeli army chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai in a joint statement say the recent settler attacks on Palestinians are "against every moral and Jewish value and are nationalist terrorism in the full sense of the word
PIJ announces that PIJ's leader, Ziyad Nakhala's trip to Tehran (Iran) has concluded after several days of stay and meeting Khamenei and other officials
1 jaar geleden
Gaza Interior Ministry reporting that a leader in one of the factions and his son were killed in a shooting in northern Gaza and that the shooter is barricaded in a house that police are surrounding
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Israeli media reports that Israel delivered a message to Lebanon through international mediators, and to number of countries, that if not removed - 2 new border outposts set up by Hizbullah right on the border in the area of Mount Dov will be “removed by military force”
1 jaar geleden
Hamas says in a statement that a response for the drone strike that killed three Palestinian militants will “not pass without a response and punishment from out people.”
Palestinian reports claim Ashraf Al-Saadi, Suhaib al-Ghoul and Muhammad Awais died in an Israeli army airstrike tonight in the northern West Bank. The three were members of Islamic Jihad's Jenin branch1 jaar geleden
Palestinian reports claim Ashraf Al-Saadi, Suhaib al-Ghoul and Muhammad Awais died in an Israeli army airstrike tonight in the northern West Bank. The three were members of Islamic Jihad's Jenin branch
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Israeli army says it killed an armed squad in a drone strike located in the northern West Bank
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Police say an officer opened fire at a Palestinian suspected of shooting at security forces in Turmus Ayya
Netanyahu: We fully support the police and security forces and we will not accept riots anywhere
Minister van Defensie Yoav Gallant sprak met zijn Oekraïense tegenhanger, Oleksii Reznikov, zegt zijn kantoor. Het paar sprak over de Russische invasie en de Iraanse dreiging voor beide landen
1 jaar geleden
Israeli media: Two Palestinians were killed north of Ramallah. The Israeli army claimed they intended to carry out a shooting attack
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Palestinian Health Ministry says three are wounded by live fire during the settlers attack and clashes with the Israeli army in Turmus Ayya. No comment yet from the military
1 jaar geleden
ISF shot dead two Palestinians at Shilo Settlement Junction on Route 60, between Ramallah and Nablus Cities. The circumstances are unclear yet
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has instructed COGAT to nullify dozens of entry and work permits for the relatives of the terrorist's who conducted the Eli attack
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Victims of the terror attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli: Harel Masood, 21, of Yad Binyamin, Elisha Anteman, 17, of Eli, Ofer Fayerman, 64, of Eli, and Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, 17, of Ahiya,
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Israeli army chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi is holding an assessment at the scene of the shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Eli
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Israeli army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari says the two gunmen who carried out the terror attack at the gas station near Eli are affiliated with Hamas
ISF opened gunfire at a Palestinian vehicle in Tubas City. One Palestinian was shot dead1 jaar geleden
ISF opened gunfire at a Palestinian vehicle in Tubas City. One Palestinian was shot dead
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Israeli Channel 13: "3 Palestinians armed with M16 rifles carried out a shooting attack between Nablus and Ramallah, one of whom killed in an armed clash and the others withdrew from the place."
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Initial reports of gunfire at a gas station near the West Bank settlement of Eli. Medics en route
Photo of the Palestinian boy shot dead by ISF in Hussan village W Bethlehem City1 jaar geleden
Photo of the Palestinian boy shot dead by ISF in Hussan village W Bethlehem City
1 jaar geleden
Abu Hamza, Islamic Jihad spokesperson: Jenin battalion mourns its two brave dead, Qasem Abu Sarea and Qais Jabarin, who were killed defending the land in Jenin camp where the Al-Quds Brigades fighters ambushed and inflicted direct casualties on many soldiers and military
1 jaar geleden
Heavy clashes reported in the West Bank city of Jenin as the Israeli army carries out a raid. Palestinian Health Ministry reports at least 14 wounded, including some seriously
Israeli National Security Adviser:nIsrael prepares to take action if Iran enriches uranium above 60%; he says Tehran only briefly enriched over 60% so far in one case; if Iran fully crosses this line it would admit seeking nuclear weapons, he says
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the US Embassy in Brussels. The two discussed advancing security and military coordination on the Iranian issue, with the aim of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, per Israel's readout1 jaar geleden
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant met his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin, at the US Embassy in Brussels. The two discussed "advancing security and military coordination on the Iranian issue, with the aim of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons," per Israel's readout
In a secret vote, Israel's Knesset votes for the opposition candidate in the elections for the judges selection committee, while rejects the coalition candidate who refused to remove herself from the race. That means the talks on the judicial reforms will continue
Syrian air defense destroys an Israeli missile in the sky of Damascus