7 Heinäkuu 2024
10 kuukausi sitten
Egyptian Presidency: Al-Sisi and the Jordanian Foreign Minister stressed the importance of intensifying international efforts to settle the Palestinian crisis
10 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says troops opened fire at Palestinians hurling explosives in Zababdeh. 32 wanted Palestinians detained in overnight raids across West Bank. Palestinian health ministry says a 17-year-old was shot dead by Israeli forces during clashes in the West Bank town of Zababdeh, near Jenin. No immediate comment from Israeli army
10 kuukausi sitten
Reports in Gaza: at least a dozen of suspects arrived to the border fence areas east to Gaza city and are burning tires and throwing garbage at the fence, Israeli army is deploying tear gas and anti riot measures
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UN Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process: I call on the Israeli authorities to stop the demolition of Palestinian property
10 kuukausi sitten
UN Coordinator for the Peace Process in the Middle East: All settlements in the West Bank are illegal and an obstacle to peace
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Two seriously wounded after coming under fire near Hebron, MDA says
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Israeli army confirms Iron Dome launched against an unidentified object flying over the Gaza Strip. Further details still unclear
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Two Israeli men, one in his 30s and the other in his 60s, are undergoing resuscitation by MDA medics after being shot in Huwara
10 kuukausi sitten
Violent explosions were heard in and around Damascus
Violence in East Jerusalem tonight: After a 3-year-old girl fell from a height to her death in the Shuafat refugee camp, police say officers entered to collect evidence, when a vehicle accelerated toward them. Officers shot at the car, seriously wounding a passenger.In a separate incident in Silwan, police say officers opened fire and seriously hurt a 15-year-old Palestinian who was allegedly holding a Molotov cocktail to throw at forces.
10 kuukausi sitten
An Israeli army officer was lightly hurt by gunfire during a patrol near the northern West Bank village of Burqa. Ten suspects detained in overnight raids
Israeli army says troops detained two Palestinian gunmen in Jenin, killed a third. Forces also destroyed explosive devices found in the area. One Border Police officer is lightly hurt by shrapnel amid clashes.10 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says troops detained two Palestinian gunmen in Jenin, killed a third. Forces also destroyed explosive devices found in the area. One Border Police officer is lightly hurt by shrapnel amid clashes.
10 kuukausi sitten
Hamas says it has seized an Israeli reconnaissance Orbiter drone that crashed in the Gaza Strip yesterday. The drone was operated by the Shin Bet, not the Israeli army
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A group calling itself the Al-Ayyash Battalion claims to have launched a rocket from the northern West Bank toward the settlement of Shaked. No reports of damage. Israeli army checking the report.
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For the third time in four days, Palestinian gunmen opened fire from Yabed at a nearby Israeli army post, the military says. Troops returned fire. No injuries
Shin Bet says a nine-man Hamas cell was arrested over the past month over plans to carry out shooting, bombing and kidnapping attacks in the West Bank.
10 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says two unarmed Palestinians were detained by troops after attempting to infiltrate into Israel from southern Gaza
10 kuukausi sitten
Palestinian gunmen opened fire from Yabed at a nearby military post overnight, causing no injuries, the Israeli army says. Troops returned fire and later found shell casings near a mosque in the West Bank town.
11 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says that during an operation in Tulkarm this morning, Palestinian gunmen blocked roads and opened fire at troops, causing damage to military vehicles. Soldiers returned fire, killing one Palestinian.
11 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says a Palestinian suspect got out of a car and attempted to stab two civilians at a bus stop near the West Bank settlement of Nili, before throwing the knife to the side and fleeing the scene by car
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U.S. and Saudi Arabia have agreed on the broad contours of a deal for Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel in exchange for concessions to the Palestinians, U.S. security guarantees and civilian nuclear help, according to U.S. officials
11 kuukausi sitten
Poliisi kertoo, että kaksi israelilaista on pidätetty ja viisi israelilaista pidätetty, koska heidän väitetään osallistuneen palestiinalaisen murhaan Länsirannalla Burqan kylässä viime yönä.
11 kuukausi sitten
Palestinian health ministry reports a 19-year-old killed by Israeli fire near the northern West Bank village of Burqa. No immediate comment from Israeli army
Israeli army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi toured the northern border amid tensions with Hezbollah11 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi toured the northern border amid tensions with Hezbollah
11 kuukausi sitten
An Israeli motorist came under fire near the Hamra junction in the Jordan Valley. Medics say one lightly hurt. Israeli army forces heading to the scene
MDA: 4 wounded in Maaleh Adumim shooting: Man in 40s in serious condition, Men aged 28, 29, and 37 in moderate condition. Border Police say officer shot the terrorist
Medics say two Israelis moderately wounded in the attack in Maaleh Adumim
Israeli Defense Ministry says it has signed a contract with Elbit to procure tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells for the Israeli army's Artillery Corps, in a deal valued at over $60 million
Netanyahu held an assessment with the defense and strategic affairs ministers, Israeli army chief, Mossad head, Shin Bet head, and other defense officials. "The Prime Minister accepted the recommendations and courses of action proposed by the Israeli army and the defense establishment," PMO says
11 kuukausi sitten
Israeli army says a Palestinian gunman opened fire from a passing vehicle at a military post near the West Bank village of Tell overnight. No injuries. Israeli army searching for assailant