30 June 2024
2 month ago
Israeli airstrikes now on Nussairat in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Airplanes targeting the north of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Hezbollah: We bombed the Zabdin barracks and the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in Kafr Shuba with missile weapons, and we achieved casualties.
US State Department: We have a permanent assessment of the events and have not concluded that Israel violated international laws
US State Department: There is an agreement regarding Gaza on the table, and we hope that Hamas will not reject it
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a short video statement says "there is a date" for an Israeli army offensive in southern Gaza's Rafah
US State Department: Washington has not seen a date for an Israeli invasion of Rafah
2 month ago
The Israeli Army: We bombed infrastructure and military buildings belonging to Hezbollah in Kafr Shuba and Al-Adisa, southern Lebanon
2 month ago
Two dead in an Israeli bombing near the headquarters of Al-Quds Open University in Al-Maghazi refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Israeli aircraft targeted a house in the Al-Zawaida area in the central Gaza Strip
The Saudi Foreign Minister reviews with the Secretary-General of the United Nations the latest developments in the region and the Gaza file
2 month ago
Airplanes launch a raid on Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Israeli artillery shelling targeted a house for the "Abu Mazyad" family in Al-Zawaida in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Artillery shelling south of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City
2 month ago
A barrage of 15 rockets were fired from Lebanon at the Hanita area in northern Israel a short while ago, according to the Israeli army.The rockets all hit open areas, the Israeli army says.There are no reports of damage or injuries
2 month ago
Israeli warplanes launch a fourth raid on the outskirts of Halta and Kafr Shuba, southern Lebanon
2 month ago
One dead and one wounded in the bombing of the Abu Al-Ajen area, east of Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
The White House: There is no evidence that a major Israeli ground operation in Rafah is imminent
Iranian Foreign Minister: We confirm that the coming days will be difficult for Israel
The White House: The CIA director was in Cairo and attended the negotiations
The White House: We still need to see more humanitarian aid reach Gaza
Israeli army: A short while ago, Israeli army fighter jets struck Hezbollah military infrastructure in the area of Khiam where an operative belonging to the terrorist organization was identified
2 month ago
Israeli artillery targets Al-Astal Mosque, east of Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
Iran FM: Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Al-Nakhalah had high-level talks and significant consultations recently in Tehran
Iranian Foreign Minister: U.S. bears part of the responsibility for the consulate attack, and Israel will be punished
2 month ago
One dead and one wounded in an artillery shelling east of the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Israeli warplanes launched an air strike with missiles targeting the town of Al-Adissa
Iranian Foreign Minister: Punishing Israel is certain and it will receive the necessary response
Iranian Foreign Minister: Israel's war on Gaza comes with American support and we are coordinating with Hamas and Islamic Jihad
Syrian Foreign Minister: Israel's actions are evidence of its desire to expand the scope of the war
2 month ago
Israeli army air strikes in Kafrhamam
The Russian delegation to the Security Council: We call on all members of the United Nations to support the Palestinian request for full membership
2 month ago
Two dead and a number of wounded due to Israeli artillery shelling of a house containing displaced persons in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.
2 month ago
Airplanes launched two raids on Mount Halta and Salamiyah in southern Lebanon
2 month ago
Israeli warplanes launched two missile raids targeting the vicinity of Kafr Shuba and Kafr Hamam
2 month ago
Two Israeli raids targeted Wadi Ebel al-Saqi and the outskirts of the town of Kafr Shuba, southern Lebanon
Iran’s foreign minister: We communicated to the US through appropriate diplomatic means that it is responsible as the full supporter of Israel
The Israeli Army: Our aircraft targeted Hezbollah military infrastructure in the town of Khiam, southern Lebanon
2 month ago
A number of citizens were injured after a house was targeted on Abu Arif Street in the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
Israeli artillery shelling targets Tallet Al-Hamamas in southern Lebanon
Israel security cabinet will meet tomorrow at 19:00
Democratic Senator Tim Kaine to MSNBC: We should only provide defensive weapons to Israel
2 month ago
The Israeli army says an airstrike in the area of Sultaniyeh, Lebanon killed Radwan Force commander Ali Ahmed Hassin. He was responsible for carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians in northern Israel. Two other Hezbollah militants were killed in the strike
2 month ago
The bodies of 42 Palestinians have been recovered from various areas in Khan Yunis since this morning.
Israeli artillery shelling on the town of Khiam, south of Lebanon
2 month ago
One dead in an Israeli air raid on the Abu Khadra area in central Gaza City
Israeli forces storm the town of Kafr Ni'ma, west of Ramallah
2 month ago
Israeli security forces continue to close the town of Husan, west of Bethlehem, since the morning hours
2 month ago
Gaza Health Agency: The Israeli war on the Strip has killed 33,207 Palestinians since October 7
Israeli Defense Minister: The continued pressure on Hamas has allowed us flexibility and freedom to operate in the Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Wounded in Israeli artillery shelling east of the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
Iran FM is in Damascus
The Israeli Air Force announces the formation of a new drone squadron that will operate the Elbit Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle.The 147th Squadron, known as The Battering Ram, was inaugurated at Palmachim Airbase yesterday2 month ago
The Israeli Air Force announces the formation of a new drone squadron that will operate the Elbit Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle.The 147th Squadron, known as "The Battering Ram," was inaugurated at Palmachim Airbase yesterday
2 month ago
Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: A drone crashed after exploding in an open area in the Western Galilee
2 month ago
Confrontations broke out with Israeli security forces in the town of Husan, west of Bethlehem
2 month ago
Lebanese Hezbollah: Israeli attacks have killed 274 of our members since October 2023
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian arrives at Damascus International Airport coming from the Sultanate of Oman as part of a regional tour
2 month ago
Artillery shelling targeting the Al-Mughraqa area, south of Gaza City
2 month ago
Killed as a result of artillery shelling that targeted homes east of Deir al-Balah
2 month ago
The Prisoners' Affairs Authority and the Prisoners' Club: Forces have arrested at least 45 Palestinians from the West Bank since yesterday evening.
2 month ago
Wounded in artillery shelling east of the town of Al-Qarara, north of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.
Israel's Ministry of Defense issued an 'Urgent Tender' due yesterday for 40,000 12-person tents. Simple math shows Israel is planning to accommodate 480,000 people, most likely Palestinians forcibly displaced to Rafah, as part of a planned ground offensive that would see them displaced again
Israeli sources participating in the negotiations: By Tuesday evening, we will know whether it is possible to move forward with the negotiations and wait for Hamas' response
Israeli army artillery towards Khiam, Marjayoun and surroundings
2 month ago
Artillery targets homes east of Deir al-Balah
2 month ago
A young woman was killed by Israeli gunfire east of the city of Tubas in the West Bank
Statement by the United Nations and UNIFIL Coordinator: The expansion of confrontations beyond the Blue Line portends a greater deterioration
2 month ago
A young Palestinian woman was shot and attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Al-Tayaseer checkpoint in the Jordan Valley.
2 month ago
Artillery shelling east of Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Renewed clashes between resistance fighters and forces in Balata camp, east of Nablus
Palestinian media: Israel arrests at least 23 people in several towns in Hebron in the West Bank
2 month ago
Forces storm the town of Qatana, northwest of Jerusalem.
Egyptian media say there is "significant progress" in the ceasefire talks, the delegations will return to Cairo in two days
2 month ago
Jerusalem Post: The Israeli army is conducting a major maneuver along the coast and in the Western Galilee in northern Israel this morning to prepare for fighting on different fronts.
2 month ago
Overnight and this morning, more ATGMs and mortar shells were launched from Lebanon towards Israel. Israeli army retaliated with air strikes and artillery fire.
2 month ago
A bulldozer was targeted with an explosive device during the storming of Balata camp, east of Nablus.
Continuing clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli security forces in Tulkarm camp
2 month ago
Israeli artillery shelling targets the east of Al-Maghazi camp and Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
An army force storms the Ras Khamis area, northeast of Jerusalem.
2 month ago
Israeli security forces storming the village of Al-Mughayir, northeast of Ramallah
2 month ago
Targeting by warplanes east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
New targeting by warplanes on the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Israeli security forces carry out an arrest campaign in Al-Arroub camp in Hebron
2 month ago
Airplanes renewed their raids on the Al-Salam neighborhood in Rafah
2 month ago
Israeli security forces close all entrances to the town of Jayyus, north of Qalqilya.
Israeli security forces storm the city of Dura, south of Hebron, from several directions
2 month ago
Israeli security forces storm the western neighborhood of the town of Beita, south of Nablus.
2 month ago
Army forces storm the town of Al-Samou, south of Hebron.
2 month ago
Israeli security forces storm Ain Sultan camp in Jericho.
Israeli warplanes launched an air strike with missiles targeting the town of Kafr Kila
Israeli security forces storm the town of Attil in Tulkarm.
2 month ago
The truce proposed in the Cairo negotiations includes a prisoner exchange deal and vehicles for the return of the displaced
2 month ago
Renewed Israeli raids on agricultural lands west of the city of Khan Yunis
2 month ago
Palestinian media: Israeli artillery shelling on various areas in Gaza City
2 month ago
A fire resulted from an Israeli raid that targeted a commercial store in Palestine Square in the center of Gaza City
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq: We targeted with drones the Yardun base in the occupied Golan on Sunday morning
2 month ago
Airplanes launched two raids on agricultural land between Khan Yunis and Rafah.
2 month ago
A raid on the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
2 month ago
Young men throw hand grenades towards Israeli security forces near the northern entrance to the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya.
2 month ago
Israeli planes targeted the town of Yaroun in Bint Jbeil, south of the country