30 June 2024
8 month ago
Hezbollah: We targeted an Israeli soldiers' rally point opposite the town of Ramia, and we caused confirmed casualties, including one dead and one wounded
Head of the Israeli National Security Council: We will return Lebanon to the Stone Age if we attack Hezbollah
Head of the Israeli National Security Council: The Lebanese state is a hostage in the hands of Hezbollah
8 month ago
Hezbollah: We targeted with automatic weapons the Israeli army positions in Zarit, Al-Sadh, Jal Al-Deir, Al-Malikiyah, and Birkat Risha.
8 month ago
The Israeli Army: 3 people, including soldiers, were injured as a result of an anti-tank missile being fired from Lebanon towards northern Israel
8 month ago
Hezbollah orgnization announces the death of two its militants during a "Jihad" mission near the Israeli/Lebanese borders
8 month ago
Hamas announces the killing of Al-Qassam Brigades commander Ayman Nofal in an Israeli bombing of the Bureij camp in central Gaza
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: We rule out the possibility of receiving refugees from the Gaza Strip
8 month ago
A large number of dead and wounded in the bombing of the Arhim family's home near the Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi Mosque in the Zaytoun neighborhood.
Explosion of missiles fired by Iron Dome in the airspace of Kafr Kila - Al-Adisa
Hamas says it bombed the town of Netivot, southern Israel, with a missile
Airstrikes on Khan Younis and Al Bureij, southern and central Gaza8 month ago
Airstrikes on Khan Younis and Al Bureij, southern and central Gaza
8 month ago
Lebanese Airlines transports 5 aircraft to Turkey as a precaution in the event of an escalation of the conflict with Israel
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We call on Israel to stop targeting the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing
8 month ago
Israeli shelling kills four people in southern Lebanon, security sources in Lebanon say - Reuters
8 month ago
Al-Qassam Brigades: We bombed the Ra'im military base with a missile attack
8 month ago
Hezbollah statement: Today we targeted an Israeli tank in the Ramim barracks and caused casualties
French Foreign Ministry: The number of French victims of the Hamas attack has risen to 21 dead
Strategic Communications Coordinator for the US National Security Council: Biden will stress during his visit to the region the necessity of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza
8 month ago
Israeli shelling on Maroun Al Ras. Possible casualties
8 month ago
Airstrike at Al Bureij, central Gaza
8 month ago
Israeli army says another anti-tank guided missile fired from Lebanon, at the northern town of Zar'it. Troops responding with artillery fire
8 month ago
Israeli media: A missile was fired at an Israeli tank in the town of Shatula in the Western Galilee, near Lebanon
8 month ago
Bombing near Al-Ansar Mosque in the town of Al-Zawaida
Airstrike in Abu Iskandar, Sheykh Ridwan, Gaza city8 month ago
Airstrike in Abu Iskandar, Sheykh Ridwan, Gaza city
Palestinian government spokesman: All indicators show a plan to forcibly displace the residents of Gaza
Palestinian government spokesman: We do not want to see this conflict expand to other regions
8 month ago
Two Israeli soldiers were injured by an anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon
8 month ago
New Israeli raids on the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the Gaza Strip
8 month ago
The Israeli army: We targeted Hezbollah sites in response to the launch of anti-tank weapons
Airstrike on Jabaliya camp, northern Gaza8 month ago
Airstrike on Jabaliya camp, northern Gaza
8 month ago
Airstrike at Khan Younis, southern Gaza
8 month ago
Ministry of the Interior in Gaza: dead and wounded in an Israeli bombing that targeted the homes of citizens in the Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip
8 month ago
A Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh meets with the Russian President's special envoy to the Middle East, Mikhail Bogdanov, in Doha
The Pentagon announces that two thousand U.S. soldiers are on alert in anticipation of a possible deployment in the Middle East
8 month ago
Israeli army says two more anti-tank missiles were fired toward an area on the Lebanon border, near Kibbutz Yiftah. More gunfire also targeted several Israeli army posts. No soldiers hurt. Israeli army says it is responding with tank and artillery fire against Hezbollah posts in the area
8 month ago
Planes bombed a house in Jabalia and launched a series of violent raids on the northern Gaza Strip
8 month ago
Israeli artillery shelling on the vicinity of the town of Markaba, south of Lebanon
Israeli bombing on the vicinity of the towns of Al-Dahaira and Al-Bustan in southern Lebanon
Spying, photography and military collection equipment were targeted by Hezbollah at the Jal al-Dir site in the central sector
8 month ago
Palestinian Ministry of Health: Al Karama Hospital in the Gaza Strip was out of service as a result of the Israeli bombing
Israeli military targets the vicinity of the town of al-Bustan, in southern Lebanon, following several attacks from Lebanon
8 month ago
Hezbollah targeted spying, photography, and military collection equipment were targeted at the Al-Malikiyah site in the central sector
Israeli shells targeted an unfinished building in the town of Markaba on the road leading to Hula, which was also subjected to search barrages, in addition to the bombing of Wadi Hunin and the outskirts of Markka, Hula and Al-Abad. Jabal Al-Dobat in Aitaroun and the outskirts of Aita Al-Shaab, Rmeish and Al-Bustan were also subjected to artillery shelling - the bombing has now stopped - continuous aircraft overflights.8 month ago
Israeli shells targeted an unfinished building in the town of Markaba on the road leading to Hula, which was also subjected to search barrages, in addition to the bombing of Wadi Hunin and the outskirts of Markka, Hula and Al-Abad. Jabal Al-Dobat in Aitaroun and the outskirts of Aita Al-Shaab, Rmeish and Al-Bustan were also subjected to artillery shelling - the bombing has now stopped - continuous aircraft overflights.
8 month ago
Intense Israeli bombardment on several areas in the Gaza Strip
An Israeli raid with at least three missiles targeting a target west of the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.8 month ago
An Israeli raid with at least three missiles targeting a target west of the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.
An Israeli raid with at least 3 missiles on a target north of the Nuseirat camp8 month ago
An Israeli raid with at least 3 missiles on a target north of the Nuseirat camp
A missile fell in southern Ashkelon
Sirens are sounding in Ashkelon in conjunction with a missile strike from the Gaza Strip
8 month ago
Airstrikes on Al Bureij's entrance, central Gaza
8 month ago
Rocket landed in Rishon Letsyion, southern Israel
The Jordanian Royal Court: The Jordanian King hosts a four-way summit in Amman that includes the presidents of the United States, Egypt, and Palestine.
8 month ago
Reports of strikes near the Rafah crossing point Israel Gaza
8 month ago
Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: Flights from Tel Aviv were temporarily suspended after rockets were fired into central Israel
8 month ago
The management of 3 hospitals in northern and central Gaza refused to evacuate and insisted on receiving the injured until their last breath.
Warplanes bombed a target west of Gaza City8 month ago
Warplanes bombed a target west of Gaza City
8 month ago
Israeli army shelling Hezbollah positions in Rmeish, southern Lebanon
Explosions sounded as the Iron Dome intercepted a missile batch launched towards several cities, including Ashkelon and Tel Aviv.
Rockets are now Inbound towards Southern Tel Aviv
8 month ago
The Israeli army bombed with a number of shells the hills of the town of Markaba in southern Lebanon
8 month ago
IDF: A short time ago, anti-tank missile was fired at an Israeli army post near Margaliot on the Lebanese border, in addition, small arms fire was fired at several points on the border fence. The Israeli army is now responding with artillery fire at the sources of the fire.
Iranian media, quoting a military official: Another shock wave is on the way if Israel does not put an end to the atrocities in Gaza
Intermittent bombing targets the town of Al-Dhahira and its surroundings
Israel PM Netanyahu has vetoed proposals from his government of a pre-emptive strike against Hezbollah. Keeping the war confined to Gaza is a key US & Israeli priority.
8 month ago
Planes bombed a house in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City
Secretary-General of the League of Arab States: We must work with all force to avoid the complete collapse of the humanitarian situation in Gaza
8 month ago
Violent Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip
8 month ago
Reports of an Israeli army strike in Alma Al Chaeb (right near Hanita)
8 month ago
Turkish Foreign Minister: The war in Gaza may cause the outbreak of larger wars or may result in a historic peace
8 month ago
Turkish Foreign Minister: The dominant media forces have long forgotten the world about the nature of the problem between Israel and Palestine, and it is time to put an end to that.
Lebanese Foreign Minister: Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon add "oil to the fire" and threaten to ignite the front
The Jordanian King: The danger of expanding the war on Gaza is real and the consequences of that are dire for everyone
8 month ago
Gaza: The coming hours will witness a forced halt of more hospital services due to the running out of fuel and medicines
An Israeli military spokesman: The next phase of the war may defy expectations
8 month ago
UNICEF spokesman: Medical teams face a difficult choice regarding who receives priority for treatment due to the lack of supplies
8 month ago
World Food Program: Food stocks in Gaza stores are sufficient for four or five days
8 month ago
Strikes in Shujaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza city
WFP: We are currently storing supplies in Al-Arish to send to Gaza via Rafah
8 month ago
World Food Programme: Our stocks in Gaza are almost exhausted
Metulla tells residents it's forbidden to drive or walk in the Yishuv due to the security situation
Iran’s leader says that if Israel’s attacks on Palestinian people continue, “nobody will be able to stop Resistance groups and Muslims”. He said, Israel will not be able to compensate it “humiliating defeat”
Iran's Khamenei says Gaza bombardments must stop immediately
8 month ago
Hamas confirms the killing of crossing official Fouad Abu Butihan in an Israeli bombing of his house in Nuseirat, central Gaza.
Rocket launch from Gaza towards Beer Sheva
An Israeli military spokesman: We are preparing for the next stage of the war. Everyone is talking about a ground operation, and there may be something else
Reports of 2 light injuries following an anti-tank missile attack near Metulla, on the Israel-Lebanon border. The Israeli army is responding with artillery fire
Hezbollah has taken responsibility for mortar fire this morning on the Lebanon-Israel border
Report: Suspected anti-tank fire in the direction of Metula
Israeli army Spokesman: Focused on Gaza, Lebanon should ask itself if it is worth risking for ISIS militants
8 month ago
Israel offers a $250K award for Gazans who provide informatin about the locations of the hostages. Messages were distributed in Gaza
8 month ago
An Israeli raid targets the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah
8 month ago
Strikes near Jabaliya Gaza
Commander of US Central Command from Tel Aviv: We will provide Israel with everything it needs to defend itself
8 month ago
70 dead were recovered from the rubble as a result of targeting homes in the city of Rafah and Khan Yunis
8 month ago
At least 70 Palestinians confirmed dead tonight, all while trying to 'shelter' in homes to the south of Gaza Strip, where Israel ordered them to evacuated. Many more injured
This morning, a militant cell from Lebanon tried to place an IED along the Israeli border near Hanita. The Israeli army responded and killed four militants8 month ago
This morning, a militant cell from Lebanon tried to place an IED along the Israeli border near Hanita. The Israeli army responded and killed four militants
8 month ago
Israeli army says it struck more than 200 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip overnight. The sites, according to the Israeli army, include an HQ where a number of Hamas members were killed and a bank used by Hamas
Ahead of Biden visit, Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi says Israel will allow humanitarian aid into southern Gaza, but that if Hamas steals it, they won't allow in more aid
8 month ago
A new raid a short while ago targeted the center of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip
8 month ago
Israeli Security Forces operation in the town of Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah, and the town of Qatana, northwest of Jerusalem