2 July 2024
Hamas publishes footage of it launching anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli jets over the Gaza Strip, amid airstrikes in response to a rocket attack on southern Israel last night1 year ago
Hamas publishes footage of it launching anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli jets over the Gaza Strip, amid airstrikes in response to a rocket attack on southern Israel last night
Israeli army says troops detained seven wanted Palestinians during overnight arrest raids in the West Bank. Troops fired at two suspicious vehicles that allegedly accelerated toward them near the Qalandiya refugee camp
Israeli army says it struck a Hamas rocket manufacturing site and a tunnel in the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket fire on southern Israel. Additionally it struck an observation post after anti-aircraft missile fire toward IAF jets that set off rocket alerts in Israel
1 year ago
Israeli army confirms 1 rocket launched from Gaza at south. No Iron Dome activated
A stabbing attack happened a short time ago on an Israeli army soldier in Huwarra. The assailant was shot1 year ago
A stabbing attack happened a short time ago on an Israeli army soldier in Huwarra. The assailant was shot
1 year ago
Two Border Police officers lightly hurt in Huwara. Stabber reportedly shot dead
Alleged stabbing attenpt near Huwwara Checkpoint, Route 60, S of Nablus City. ISF shot and seriously injured a Palestinian.  The area is currently blocked by ISF1 year ago
Alleged stabbing attenpt near Huwwara Checkpoint, Route 60, S of Nablus City. ISF shot and seriously injured a Palestinian. The area is currently blocked by ISF
Israeli army says troops arrested a Palestinian man in Nablus, Ahmed Bassem Haraz, suspected of numerous shooting attacks in the area and manufacturing explosives1 year ago
Israeli army says troops arrested a Palestinian man in Nablus, Ahmed Bassem Haraz, suspected of numerous shooting attacks in the area and manufacturing explosives
Palestinian Islamic Jihad's Jenin branch published a video showing the funeral of two militants killed overnight during an Israeli operation. Going by the video, it appears Zubeidi was also a member of PIJ and not al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades as previously thought
Hamas reportedly test-fired a rocket toward the sea from the Gaza Strip a short while ago1 year ago
Hamas reportedly test-fired a rocket toward the sea from the Gaza Strip a short while ago
Lapid: The joint maneuvers simulate several threats, on top of which is the Iranian threat
Israeli army troops reportedly operating in Ya'bad, near Jenin1 year ago
Israeli army troops reportedly operating in Ya'bad, near Jenin
1 year ago
A police spokesman says undercover Border Police troops arrested a wanted Palestinian suspected of involvement in terror activities in Jenin a short while ago
An IED explodes near an Israeli security force's jeeps in the northern West Bank Palestinian town of Zababdeh. No injuries were reported in the incident1 year ago
An IED explodes near an Israeli security force's jeeps in the northern West Bank Palestinian town of Zababdeh. No injuries were reported in the incident
Under the coalition agreement between the Likud and Otzma Yehudit party, Itamar Ben Gvir as "National Security Minister" will be given control over the Border Police West Bank division, a unit historically subordinate to the army and Defense Ministry
1 year ago
Footage published of the attack by Moses Staff was obtained from a surveillance camera belonging to a major security org. Not police or the Jerusalem municipality
Police are investigating a suspected ramming attack in Beersheba this morning. An 18-year-old is moderately hurt, and the driver was arrested
1 year ago
Shin Bet says a 30-year-old Palestinian from Gaza, with a work permit to enter Israel planned to bomb a bus in southern Israel on behalf of the Islamic Jihad. He was arrested on October 30
1 year ago
The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry says a 22-year-old man wounded in clashes with Israeli army in Nablus last night succumbed to his wounds
Prime Minister designate of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu visits the injured in the twin terror attack of this morning in Jerusalem. One teenager was killed and 18 injured in the twin terror attacks by Palestinian militants
1 year ago
"We condemn unequivocally the acts of terror overnight in Jerusalem," says @PressSec in a statement
ISIS in WestAfrica has claimed responsibility for two consecutive attacks targeting two Nigerian army encampments in Borno, purportedly killing 30 soldiers and wounding dozens of others last Saturday
Jerusalem: Security officials say there is significant infrastructure behind the two blasts, including intelligence, and the obtainment & preparation of explosives, as intelligence services work to identify the organization behind the attacks
The Israeli police arrested 3 people suspected of being linked to the two bombings in Jerusalem
One person was killed and 15 others were wounded in two explosions in Jerusalem on Wednesday morning. Israeli police and security officials say it was a terrorist attack
1 year ago
Israel closes the Jalamah and Salem checkpoints in the northern West Bank following the snatching of a body of an Israeli man by gunmen in Jenin
A senior officer in the IRGC air force was killed in a roadside bombing near Damascus on Monday, IRGC says in a statement and blames Israel for the assasination
Reports of a second explosion near the Ramot junction
Explosion at a bus stop near the entrance of Jerusalem causes 7 injuries, including two seriously
Israel and the US will hold a joint air exercise next week simulating scenarios against Iran and the Shia militias in the Middle East