5 October 2024
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact2 year ago
Israel Defense Minister and the King of Bahrain sign a defense pact
Days after PM Bennett offered MBZ intelligence, security assistance, senior Israeli officials met w senior UAE military officials, who requested aid in the area of missile defense and against UAVs
A suspected Iranian disinformation unit ran an elaborate network on Facebook targeting nationalist and ultra-religious Jews in Israel in an attempt to stoke division and inflame tensions with Palestinians, according to research shared exclusively with BBC
Police say Border Police troops came under gunfire and IEDs were hurled at them during arrests at dawn in the West Bank town of Tubas. One Palestinian suspect was shot, police say. According to Palestinian media reports, one person was arrested. Video shows clashes in the area
Israeli army confirms the shooting attack, says forces searching the area
2 year ago
Reports of a drive by shooting targeting a military post near Nablus in the northern West Bank. No injuries reported
Israel Defense Minister says Lebanon army was offered with help amid the economic crisis, which makes Hezbollah stronger. Gantz says 5,000 soldiers left Lebanon army over the crisis
2 year ago
Israeli Defense Minister @gantzbe has arrived in Bahrain for an official visit. During the visit, he will sign an memorandum of understanding on defense security cooperation between Israel and Bahrain
2 year ago
Israeli Forces close the shops in the center of the town of Hawara, south of Nablus, amid the firing of gas bombs
US Department of State: The U.S. remains deeply concerned by the circumstances of Omar Assad's death in the West Bank. We expect a thorough criminal investigation and full accountability. The @StateDept has no higher priority than the safety and security of U.S. citizens abroad
2 year ago
With the US Air Force observing, the Israel Air Force conducted a drill simulating a massive attack on Iran's nuclear program two weeks ago, which employed dozens of fighter jets, Kan news reports
PM Bennett says the Israeli army will begin to use a laser-based projectile interceptor within a year, initially as a trial in southern Israel, and then in full operational use
Israeli army says hundreds troops operated last night in the Jordan Valley "to thwart terror activity"; nine suspects arrested; 16 illegal vehicles, a handgun, and stolen military ammunition and equipment seized; Palestinians hurled rocks and an IED at troops amid the operation
2 year ago
An Israeli army soldier is lightly hurt from a stone hurled at him near Ofarim Junction on Route 446 in the West Bank. He is taken by medics to Beilinson Hospital
Israeli army says it will be conducting a reservist call-up drill today in the Southern Command using a new "innovative" system "designed to enable the recruitment of reservists in an emergency in a fast, simple manner using a variety of channels
The Observatory: The Israeli bombing near Damascus targeted Hezbollah warehouses in the Al-Qutayfah area
At early morning hours; ISF undercover unit injured and arrested two Palestinians in Qatana village NW of Jerusalem City
Israeli army: Troops come under fire near Nablus, damaging vehicle; no injuries via @timesofisrael
Israeli army says shooting targeted a military vehicle in the area, which was damaged in the attack
2 year ago
Reports of a drive by shooting targeting troops between the settlement of Yitzhar and the illegal Gilad Farms outpost in the northern West Bank. No injuries are reported
Sirens to be heard tomorrow morning in the Ramat David airbase, during a joint military, police, MDA, and firefighting drill, the Israeli army says
3 Palestinians arrested overnight for allegedly attacking policemen in East Jerusalem yesterday. An additional suspect was arrested for attacking officers during the arrest operation in Isawiya. Dozens detained Wednesday night and Thursday over unrest amid the snowstorm
2 year ago
UAE convoy of one million COVID19 vaccines reaches Gaza
Forces attack youths and families rejoicing in snow in Bab al-Amoud Square in Jerusalem, and fire stun grenades at them
2 year ago
Earlier this morning Israeli army troops detained two Palestinian suspects who crossed from southern Gaza into Israel. They were armed with a grenade and a knife, according to the military
Ongoing confrontations/ scuffles between a group of Palestinians and Israeli settlers at Al Shuhada Street in Hebron Old City
Settlers throw rocks at Palestinian vehicles near Homesh outpost, Israeli army says via @timesofisrael
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to his Israeli counterpart: U.S. committed to diplomacy as best way for prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but it is preparing alternative options, in coordination with its partners, should diplomacy fail
Israeli Energy Minister: We are ready to continue the maritime border talks with Lebanon
2 year ago
Overnight Israeli army troops detained two Palestinian suspects who crossed from southern Gaza into Israel. They were armed with a grenade, according to the military