5 October 2024
At around 02:00, a rocket launched from southern Gaza landed in an open area near a town on the border. Israeli army says an alert was activated in an open area, no siren sounded in town
MARCH - Um Al Fahem: Palestinians (with Israeli citizenship) are currently marching in Um Al Fahem City in North Israel, in solidarity with Al Aqsa Mosque. Clashes expected with ISF
2 year ago
The Israeli army: a second rocket fired from Gaza fell into the Strip
2 year ago
Reports of 2 rockets launched from northern Gaza toward Israel. The rockets apparently fell short of their intended target and landed inside the Gaza Strip
Another video shows the two rocket launches at southern Israel, one which fell short2 year ago
Another video shows the two rocket launches at southern Israel, one which fell short
Video: A Palestinian was shot, seriously injured and arrested by ISF earlier today at Al Aqsa Mosque Yard. The Palestinian is in serious condition and being treated at Hadassah Hospital in Ein Karem W of Jerusalem City
Palestinians try to put out fires that erupted in trees inside the courtyards of Al-Aqsa, after the Israeli police fired tear gas and sound bombs at Palestinians after storming the mosque this morning.
The Palestinian Red Crescent: The number of injured as a result of the forces' suppression of worshipers in Al-Aqsa Mosque has risen to 57
4 injured by rubber bullets during the clashes that erupted in the town of Kafr Qaddoum, Qalqilya district
Video: Al Aqsa Mosque Yard; Now. : Situation is calm now. Approximately 70.000 Palestinian worshippers are inside Al Aqsa Compound; About 150 Palestinians were injured by ISF today. Clashes expected to resume after noon prayers
ISF stormed Al Aqsa Mosque Yard; Ongoing clashes
A video showing ISF elements at Western Wall monitoring CCTVs showing Al Aqsa Mosque Yard. Clashes expected following Al Fajr prayers
Ramadan "Day 22 - 3rd Friday": Intensive ISF presence at Jerusalem Old City/ Gates; Roadblocks set on roads leading to Jerusalem Old City. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque & visit Jerusalem Old City. Clashes expected
A car was struck by bullets in the town of Shlomit, close to the border with Egypt earlier today. The Israeli army says the shots were likely errant from Egypt
Israeli Forces arrest journalist Muhammad Khairy and his wife, journalist Majdoleen Hassouna, at a checkpoint near Jericho.2 year ago
Israeli Forces arrest journalist Muhammad Khairy and his wife, journalist Majdoleen Hassouna, at a checkpoint near Jericho.
2 year ago
Hamas chief Haniyeh, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov discuss developments in Jerusalem and Gaza - Haniyeh's office in statement
Israel Defense Forces:In response to the rocket attack on Israel last night, we struck terror targets in Gaza, including an underground complex used to produce rocket engines, a Hamas launch compound & anti-aircraft missile storage facility. We hold Hamas responsible for all terrorist activity in Gaza
A 29 y/o man who was lightly hurt near Jerusalem's Old City was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center by MDA. He told he was assaulted on Ha-Nevim street. The identity of the assailant is not immediately clear
Palestinian Foreign Minister: The international community must force Israel to respect the historical status quo in Jerusalem
Palestinians are clashing with Israeli police at the al-Aqsa mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Fireworks launched, tear gas deployed
Five people were taken to Barzilai hospital from the overnight rocket attacks. 2 for anxiety, and 3 for minor trauma after falling over while running to bomb shelters. They have all been released
Israeli army publishes a video of overnight strikes against what it says is an anti-aircraft missile facility
Shortly before 06:00, a rocket was fired from Gaza at Israel, but fell short of the fence, the Israeli army says. The launch triggered an alert in an open area near the border
Ramadan "Day 21": Intensive ISF presence at Damascus Gate area. Large numbers of Palestinian worshippers will pray in Al Aqsa Mosque after Iftar time. Large crowds of Palestinians expected to gather at Damascus Gate. Confrontations/ clashes expected
Ongoing clashes between Palestinians and ISF at Al Aqsa Mosque Yard
Israeli army says 4 rockets intercepted over Sderot
2 year ago
Last video of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot, I promise
2 year ago
Footage of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot a short while ago
2 year ago
More footage of Iron Dome interceptions over Sderot
2 year ago
Eyewitnesses reports several interceptions over Sderot