6 October 2024
Hamas has issued a statement warning that the  Israeli authority's approval of Jews visiting the grounds of Al-Aqsa Mosque beginning Thursday will drag the region into an escalation. As it did during Ramdan, Hamas calls on people to mobilize in defense of its identity”2 year ago
Hamas has issued a statement warning that the Israeli authority's approval of Jews visiting the grounds of Al-Aqsa Mosque beginning Thursday will drag the region into an escalation. As it did during Ramdan, Hamas calls on people to mobilize in defense of its "identity”
Israeli army says troops foiled a weapon smuggling from Jordan, near the Palestinian town of al-Auja earlier today. Three suspects arrested, 10 handguns seized, the Israeli army says
2 year ago
La delegació de Hamàs va arribar a Moscou per a converses
2 year ago
Assessor de l'oficina del president d'Ucraïna: Al principi, declaracions antisemites de Moscou, ara atacs massius de míssils contra ciutats ucraïneses. Lviv, Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad, Zakarpattia. S'ha de reconèixer a Rússia com a patrocinador del terrorisme. Cada cop hi ha menys diferència entre el Kremlin i l'ISIS, fins i tot a nivell verbal
Israeli army Chief of Staff: We are facing threats from all fronts and are preparing for any development
Israeli army troops detained an unarmed Palestinian who crossed the border from southern Gaza into Israel, the military says. He is being questioned at the scene
2 year ago
Israeli forces arrest a young man near the eastern entrance to Qalqilya
2 year ago
It's propaganda
El Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors rus va acusar Israel d'"un curs per donar suport als neonazis a Kíev"
2 year ago
The military wing of Hamas says it takes responsibility for the deadly shooting attack at Ariel on Friday night
El FM israelià Yair Lapid critica l'afirmació del FM rus Lavrov que Hitler tenia "sang jueva". "Els seus comentaris van ser imperdonables i ridículs, i una greu inexactitud històrica. Els jueus no es van assassinar durant l'Holocaust"
El ministre d'Afers Exteriors d'Israel, Lapid: "Els comentaris del ministre d'Afers Exteriors Lavrov són alhora una declaració imperdonable i escandalosa i un terrible error històric. Els jueus no es van assassinar durant l'Holocaust. El nivell més baix de racisme contra els jueus és acusar els mateixos jueus d'anti- Semitisme"
L'ambaixador rus a Israel ha estat convocat al Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors d'Israel després de la declaració antisemita del ministre d'Afers Exteriors rus Lavrov que "Hitler tenia sang jueva"
Forces accompanied by undercover soldiers storm the town of Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem
Gunfire incident reported at Mamila Mall entrance W of Jerusalem City; Criminal motivations suspected. More updates will follow
2 year ago
The Israeli army imposes a comprehensive closure on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip crossings, starting from Tuesday
Clashes that erupted in the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, after the Israeli forces stormed the town2 year ago
Clashes that erupted in the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, after the Israeli forces stormed the town
Israeli army says troops mapped out the homes of the two Palestinians accused of committing the deadly shooting attack at Ariel, ahead of a potential demolition
Photo of the guns used in the attack near Ariel, according to Police
Israeli army Spokesman: Arrest of the perpetrators of the Ariel settlement attack
2 year ago
Khamenei: Some countries want to repeat Egypt's experience of 40 years ago in its establishing ties with the Zionist government. This is harmful to both themselves & the Palestinians. Of course, it won't help the Zionist government either and they won't benefit from this
2 year ago
Khamenei: Thinking the way to help Palestinians is to establish ties with the Zionist government is a big mistake. Egypt & Jordan established ties with the Zionist government 40 years ago. Have their crimes become less during these 40 years No, they have become 10 times as much
2 year ago
Clashes erupt between youths and Israeli forces in the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya
Hamas praises the deadly shooting attack near Ariel, calling it a "heroic operation"
20 year old man killed in the shooting near Ariel, MDA says
Israeli army says it is looking into reports of shooting near Ariel
2 year ago
Khamenei: I send my greetings to the souls of Palestinian dead & Palestinians taken captive but resisting with a firm willpower. I call on the world of Islam, especially the youth, to participate in this field. Our concluding call is: "All praise is due to God, the Lord of the worlds"
2 year ago
Khamenei: Some Arab govts have asked US to accelerate solving the Palestinian issue. If by that they mean U.S. should remove obstacles in the way of the Zionist government, before it leaves the region, then they have been 1stly traitorous & 2ndly naïve because the blind can't lead the blind
2 year ago
Khamenei: Iran advocates and supports the camp of Resistance. It advocates and supports the Palestinian Resistance. We have always said this, we have always acted on this, and we have stood by it
2 year ago
Khamenei: You self-sacrificing youth in WestBank & 1948 lands, you fighters in Jenin & Quds & Gaza & the residents of Palestinian camps outside of Palestine are important parts of the Resistance. Greetings be on you. Know that, "Verily God will defend those who believe" [Quran, 22:38]
2 year ago
Khamenei: Resistance fights against intl terrorism, helps the resistant people of Yemen in the war imposed on them, wrestles with Zionist usurpers in Palestine & will bring them to their knees by God's grace. It also highlights the issue of Quds & Palestine for global public opinion