5 Кастрычнік 2024
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Israeli security forces disperse rally in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah
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Hezbollah says it launched the UAV that entered Israeli airspace earlier today. The group claims the aircraft was 70km deep in Israeli airspace for 40 minutes, before heading back to Lebanon unscathed
Israeli army says a preliminary investigation shows that the Iron Dome failed to intercept the drone that entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon, and it shortly thereafter returned to Lebanon
Israeli army says it lost contact with the drone that entered Israeli airspace
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Israeli Army says "Iron Dome" missiles intercepted a explosive drone launched from Lebanon
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Home Front Command announces that the sirens were set off after a drone flew into Israel from Lebanon and Iron Dome interceptors were fired to intercept it. Fighter jets were scrambled to the scene
Israeli army says a UAV entered Israeli airspace from Lebanon. Iron Dome interceptor missiles fired, jets scrambled, the military says
IAF Ra'am activity, northern Israel Israeli2 рок таму
IAF Ra'am activity, northern Israel Israeli
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Air raid sirens in northern Israel. Israeli officials say could be a result of an infiltration of a hostile drone into Israeli airspace
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Explosions were heard in the Upper Galilee region, northern Israel
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Red alert: 18/02/2022 11:58:18 at Lower Galilee region: Hukok; Upper Galilee area:Kahal, Kadarim
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Israeli army says details of sirens in northern Israel being looked into
Чырвоная трывога на поўначы Ізраіля2 рок таму
Чырвоная трывога на поўначы Ізраіля
Israel's security forces are bracing for more potential violence in east Jerusalem and the WestBank on Friday after days of clashes in the flashpoint neighborhood of SheikhJarrah
Israeli army and police say troops foiled a weapons smuggling attempt on the Jordan border. 50 pistols seized2 рок таму
Israeli army and police say troops foiled a weapons smuggling attempt on the Jordan border. 50 pistols seized
During an initiative by Israeli army forces from the Judea Territorial Brigade in cooperation with the Israel Police in Hebron, four M16 weapons and other illegal weapons were confiscated. Two suspects were also arrested2 рок таму
During an initiative by Israeli army forces from the Judea Territorial Brigade in cooperation with the Israel Police in Hebron, four M16 weapons and other illegal weapons were confiscated. Two suspects were also arrested
Israeli army says troops seized 4 rifles and weapon parts during a raid in Hebron. Two Palestinian suspects arrested
Israel says it won't cooperate with UN human rights probe
Israeli army says troops downed a drone that crossed into Israeli airspace from Gaza earlier today
Israeli army Chief of Staff Kohavi is heading to Singapore for the annual airshow. The military says he will also conduct security meetings there. In his absence, deputy CoS Herzi Halevi will fill his place
Israeli President Herzog met today in Jerusalem with Turkish president Erdogan's senior adviser @ikalin1 ahead of his planned visit to Turkey in March
Israeli army says troops downed a Hezbollah drone that crossed into Israeli airspace from Lebanon
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Міністэрства замежных спраў Украіны выклікала амбасадара Ізраіля ў Кіеве з патрабаваннем тлумачэнняў пасля паведамленняў ізраільскіх СМІ аб тым, што Ерусалім папрасіў Маскву дапамогі ў эвакуацыі сваіх грамадзян з Украіны ў выпадку вайны.
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Syrian MoD confirm Israeli strike on Zakiyah, Damascus, with surface to surface missile from occupied Golan Heights. No AD was activated
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Israelis conducted an operation near Damascus tonight, reportedly they had been waiting to do it for quite some days according to reports from @YehoshuaYosi, the Russians didn't interfere, looks like an Iranian-linked target was bombed
Israel told Russia ahead of a possible invasion of Ukraine it will need help in evacuating its citizens & diplomats from the country. Israeli officials said the message was passed today in a phone call between foreign ministry DG @AlonUshpiz & Russian DFM Bogdanov
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The military wing of Hamas announces the death of a member due to a tunnel collapse in Gaza. It is not immediately clear when the collapse occured
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Israel Police arrest 17 Israelis suspected of being behind attacks on Palestinians in northern West Bank town of Hawara last month. Convoy of cars drove through Hawara (key artery in Nablus region) throwing rocks at stores/passersby. TBD if indictments actually come down
Black smoke in the center of Tel Aviv: A fire broke out this morning very close to the Habima Theater
Felt reports collected in the last 6 min from Israel Jordan and Palestinian territories. Likely a moderate magnitude one (below M4.5).2 рок таму
Felt reports collected in the last 6 min from Israel Jordan and Palestinian territories. Likely a moderate magnitude one (below M4.5).