5 أكتوبر 2024
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Lebanese al-Jadeed: Hezbollah will respond to the Israeli attack in southern Lebanon according to the "rules of deterrence
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صفا طائرات تدمر مقر شركة الاتصالات الفلسطينية بحي الرمال وسط مدينة غزة
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Escalation in the north Israel: 7 soldiers were injured in an encounter with militants on the Lebanese border, two of them in critical condition
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ارتقاء 4 شهداء جراء استهداف طائرات لشقة سكنية لعائلة أبو شمالة بأبراج النمساوي في خانيونس
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طائرات الحربية تواصل شن سلسلة غارات وسط مدينة غزة
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قصف منزل يعود لعائلة قلجة في محيط الجامعة الإسلامية ومساواته بالأرض
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Clashes between militants and Israeli forces are reported near Kibbutz Karmia, close to the northern border with the Gaza Strip, the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council says
Rockets sirens sounding in Beersheba12 الشهر منذ
Rockets sirens sounding in Beersheba
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The Israeli army Homefront Command instructs Israeli civilians in towns near the Lebanese border to remain in their homes
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A rocket impacted in Abu Ghosh just outside Jerusalem. The rocket reportedly hit near a mosque. At least 3 injured
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الجيش اللبناني: ندعو المواطنين إلى اتخاذ أقصى تدابير الحيطة والحذر وعدم التوجه إلى المناطق المحاذية للحدود
Massive airstrikes on Gaza city12 الشهر منذ
Massive airstrikes on Gaza city
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MDA says 4 moderately injured in Beitar Illit rocket strike
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قصف من الطيران الحربي يستهدف أرض زراعية شرق البريج
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مراسل الميادين في جنوب لبنان: إصابة منزل قرب بلدة يارون جرّاء القصف المدفعي الإسرائيلي المتواصل حتى
The missiles launched from the Gaza Strip hit the Abu Gush Mosque near Jerusalem a short time ago12 الشهر منذ
The missiles launched from the Gaza Strip hit the Abu Gush Mosque near Jerusalem a short time ago
The Israeli military is sending large numbers of reinforcements to the Lebanese border. The Israeli military has struck several Hezbollah targets at this hour12 الشهر منذ
The Israeli military is sending large numbers of reinforcements to the Lebanese border. The Israeli military has struck several Hezbollah targets at this hour
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City of Metula (north) orders residents into protected space
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Seven people were lightly wounded following a rocket impact on Beitar Illit near Jerusalem
Direct rocket impact in Beitar Illit12 الشهر منذ
Direct rocket impact in Beitar Illit
حالة تأهب حمراء في وسط إسرائيل، بما في ذلك القدس12 الشهر منذ
حالة تأهب حمراء في وسط إسرائيل، بما في ذلك القدس
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المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي: مروحيات قتالية إسرائيلية قصفت مناطق حدودية مع لبنان
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This afternoon, UNIFIL peacekeepers detected explosions near Al-Boustan in southwest Lebanon
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Israeli army says combat helicopters are carrying out strikes in Lebanon
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مصادر إسرائيلية: نتنياهو أبلغ بايدن أن إسرائيل مضطرة للدخول إلى قطاع غزة
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The Kassam Brigades fired 80 more rockets at Israel
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Israeli army has bombed a Hezbollah observation post on the Lebanon border
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"وزارة الصحة في غزة": تعطّل مستشفى بيت حانون الوحيد في المدينة من جرّاء القصف المتكرر في محيطه
12 الشهر منذ
لبنان: مراسل الميادين: قصف إسرائيلي على خراج بلدة عيتا الشعب وبلدات محاذية لها
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The thwarted infiltration at the Lebanese border: 3 soldiers were moderately injured in an exchange of fire with militants
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MDA says a 50-year-old man is moderately hurt by shrapnel following a recent rocket attack on Sderot
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مصادر صحفية: غارة إسرائيلية على ميناء غزة.
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وزارة الصحة في غزة: الغارة الإسرائيلية على مخيم جباليا للاجئين قتلت 50 شخصا
Sderot municipality updated that during the recent massive rocket shelling of the city, at least 10 impacts were reported, damage was done, no injuries12 الشهر منذ
Sderot municipality updated that during the recent massive rocket shelling of the city, at least 10 impacts were reported, damage was done, no injuries
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قصف منزل لعائلة الشاعر في قيزان النجار بخان يونس.
غارة  لللطائرات الحربي قرب مروحين12 الشهر منذ
غارة لللطائرات الحربي قرب مروحين
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City of Kiryat Shmoneh orders all residents into shelters until further notice
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سلسلة غارات جوية إسرائيلية قرب مفترق المالية غربي غزة
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مصادر محلية: يستهدف محيط الجامعة الإسلامية في غزة بعدة غارات
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قصف مدفعي شرقي رفح وتحليق للطيران المروحي في أجواء الكيبوتسات
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كتائب القسام توجّه ضربة صاروخية بـ 90 صاروخاً لمغتصبة "سديروت" ضمن معركة
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Israeli army says two mortars were launched from Lebanon at northern Israel earlier.Sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee towns of Iftach and Ramot Naftali.The military says one projectile landed in an open area, causing no injuries, and the other projectile landed short in Lebanon
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٣ شهداء بقصف منزل في الحي النمساوي بخان يونس
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رويترز عن مسؤول في حزب الله: لم ننفذ أي عملية داخل إسرائيل
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Report in Lebanon: The Israeli army fired at several places in Lebanon close to the location of the infiltration
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Massive airstrikes now in Gaza
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صفا طائرات تدمر منزلا لعائلة عباس في حي الدرج بمدينة غزة
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The Israeli army says it is now launching a large-scale attack on many centers of Hamas in the Gaza Strip
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IDF: Israeli army forces killed a number of militants who crossed into Israeli territory from Lebanese territory. The forces continue to scan the area. Also, helicopter gunships are now attacking the area
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Terrorist infiltration reported at Zikim Beach along the northern Gaza border. Residents told to lock doors and windows
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Two of the militants have been killed. One seems to hve returned to Lebanon. Two others may still be in Israeli territory
"At this time, we can confirm the death of nine U.S. citizens" in Israel, an NSC spokesperson tells Al-Monitor
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4-5 militants from Lebanon tried to infiltrate into Israel; there is fire exchange between them and Israeli soldiers
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A report was received about the infiltration of several suspects into Israeli territory from Lebanese territory. Israeli army forces are deployed in the area
Blinken: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack” by Hamas on Israel
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مصادر إسرائيلية: سقوط صاروخين في مدينة رعنانا شمال تل أبيب
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إطلاق نار يستهدف قوات على الجدار الفاصل قرب قرية عربونة شرق جنين.
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حماس تعلن إطلاق رشقة صاروخية جديدة نحو بلدات إسرائيلية في محيط قطاع غزة
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طائرات تقصف أراض زراعية قرب مسجد الدعوة شمال النصيرات
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Arab League chief:If Israel does not change its position, this war will not be the last
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Hamas in talks to free Israeli women, children hostages in exchange for release of 36 Palestinian women and children from Israeli jails - source to @Reuters
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طائرات تستهدف منزلا في منطقة عزاتا بخزاعة شرق محافظة خانيونس.
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Energy Minister Katz: I ordered to immediately cut off the water supply from Israel to Gaza
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طائرات تستهدف منزل عائلة التتر عند مفترق شارع حميد غرب مدينة غزة"
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The Iranian representative left the room in protest as UN Human Rights Committee opened with a minute's silence in memory of the victims in Israel
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قصف منزل يعود لآل الداية في البريج وسيارات الاسعاف تهرع للمكان
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مصادر إسرائيلية: إطلاق 12 صاروخا على الأقل من جنوبي لبنان صوب جبل الشيخ والجليل الأعلى
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مراسلة الحرة: إطلاق نار على فلسطيني بالقرب من مستوطنة ارييل شمالي الضفة الغربية حاول تنفيذ عملية دهس
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القوات الإسرائيلية تأمر بإخلاء المبنى الذي يضم مكتب سكاي نيوز عربية
Rocket alert sirens sounding in northern Israel12 الشهر منذ
Rocket alert sirens sounding in northern Israel
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Egypt has been in close contact with Israel and Hamas to try to prevent further escalation in fighting
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وزارة الصحة في غزة: عشرات القتلى والجرحى في قصف إسرائيلي على مخيم جباليا للاجئين
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Israeli army says it is carrying out "widespread" airstrikes against Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip
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اشتداد وتيرة القصف الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة
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Hamas claims: four Israeli prisoners were killed by Israeli army bombings
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MDA says one seriously wounded in Ashdod from a rocket impact
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MDA says three wounded in Ashkelon from rocket impacts: 75 y/o man in serious condition, two others in light condition
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حماس: توجيه رشقة صاروخية من 120 صاروخا لأسدود وعسقلان
Rocket impact reported in Ashdod12 الشهر منذ
Rocket impact reported in Ashdod
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From one of the rocket impacts in Ashkelon
المتحدث باسم المطارات الإسرائيلية يؤكد عدم سقوط صواريخ على مطار بن جوريون بالقرب من تل أبيب
Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari threatens Hamas's leadership. "Yahya Sinwar is the commander of the campaign, and is a dead man," Hagari says in a press conference. "Its military and political leadership, all of its assets, are attackable, and doomed," he adds
Airstrike on a house near the Abu Hamid square, Khan Younis, southern Gaza12 الشهر منذ
Airstrike on a house near the Abu Hamid square, Khan Younis, southern Gaza
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."
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Rocket impact in an open area near Ben Gurion Airport. No injuries
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Heavy rocket barrage toward Asheklon area and central Israel
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شهود عيان: سقوط صاروخ في مطار بن غوريون الدولي
IDF Spokesperson Hagari says the breaches in the Gaza border barrier will be physically secured by tanks, and supported by combat helicopters and drones. He says the army has evacuated 15 out of 24 towns on the border, and will continue to evacuate the others in the coming day. Sderot will not be evacuated at this stage, he says. Hagari says some 4,400 rockets have been launched toward Israel since the fighting started on Saturday morning
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Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says Israeli troops have regained control of all towns on the Gaza border. He says incidents of clashes between troops and Palestinian militants in the last few hours have been "isolated."
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One rocket landed near Abu Gosh Town near Route 1 NW Jerusalem City
Rocket sirens sounding across central Israel, and as far north as Baqa al-Gharbiyye12 الشهر منذ
Rocket sirens sounding across central Israel, and as far north as Baqa al-Gharbiyye
Large barrage of rockets launched towards Jerusalem and Central Israel12 الشهر منذ
Large barrage of rockets launched towards Jerusalem and Central Israel
Sirens sounding in Jerusalem and across Israel
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Hamas says that the latest strikes on Gush Dan, Jerusalem and the Shefala are "a response to the bombing of civilian homes"
300,000 Israeli reservists have been mobilized. Israeli army is reporting that even more people are showing up than those called
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تغطية صحفية: الصحة: ارتقاء راجح حسام طه متأثرًا بإصابته برصاص في الخليل
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استهداف منزل لعائلة زنون قرب مسجد الزاوية في رفح
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ارتقاء عدد من الشهداء باستهداف لمنزل عائلة القطناني في بيت لاهيا
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Israeli army: "Residents of the Gaza Strip, specifically the area of ​​Abasan al-Kabira, Abasan al-Saghira & the area of ​​Khirbet Khuza'a, pay attention. You must go immediately to Khan Yunis city center for your safety and because your residence is being used by terrorists”
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Hamas-run health ministry says 493 killed and 2,751 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Israeli army estimates it has killed hundreds more in Israeli territory