6 יולי 2024
9 חודש לפני
Aircraft targeted several areas in the northern Gaza Strip
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In a military communique, Islamic Jihad says it used kamikaze drones against Israeli army targets
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Palestinian Red Crescent: One dead and one injured by live bullets from confrontations at the Qalandiya checkpoint in Jerusalem
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Shooting and throwing explosive devices and bombs towards the "Gerizim" military point in Nablus
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Bombardment at Al-Hamid Building on Jaffa Street, east of Gaza
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An armed clash with forces at the Qalandiya checkpoint, north of Jerusalem
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Planes bombed agricultural land in the Sheikh Radwan area in Gaza City
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כוחות מג"ב עצרו 3 חמושים שניסו לחדור לשכונת הר שמואל בגבעת זאב מכיוון הכפר
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Al-Qassam in Jenin announces at these moments that it has launched fireworks towards the Shaked settlement, west of Jenin
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Infiltration alert issued for Migdal Oz
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Warplanes bombed several targets on Al-Mahkamah Street in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip
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12 dead as a result of the bombing of the Shamlakh family home in Gaza City
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מזכ"ל הג'יהאד האסלאמי: יש בידנו 30 שבויים ישראלי
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Eilat: Security incident in Eilat City, South Israel; More updates will follow
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Hamas-run health ministry says 413 killed and 2,300 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
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@SecDef announces he has directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean, a show of force after Hamas attacks on Israel. He has also taken steps to augment U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, & A-10 squadrons in the regions
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Itizens of kibbutz Zikim should stay sheltered till further notice until Israeli army will investigate reports of suspects that were seen in the area
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NBC US military is planning to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support
Reports in Israel that talks to form a new unity government will start soon
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Confrontations and throwing of homemade bombs towards the Al-Jalama checkpoint northeast of Jenin
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Huge explosions now along the Gaza border near Sderot
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גורמים בצה"ל: חילופי ירי בין הצבא למחבלים בבא"ח זיקים @ItayBlumental
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Israeli army instructs residents of Kibbutz Mefalsim and the city of Sderot to remain in their homes until further notice
דובר צה''ל: יש עדיין אויב בשטח, חלקו ניסה לברוח לתוך עזה ונהרג על הגדר
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke for the second time in two days with US President Joe Biden. The US is expected to announce more military aid for Israel later today
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נשיא איראן הגדיר את מתקפת הפתע של חמאס כ"ניצחון", בשיחה עם מנהיג ארגון הטרור איסמעיל הנייה. "שימחת את האומה האיסלאמית עם היוזמה הזו", אמר הנשיא האיראני איברהים ראיסי להנייה על הטבח שביצע חמאס במאות אזרחים וחיילים
Confrontations erupt with Israeli forces in the town of Beit Ijza in Jerusalem9 חודש לפני
Confrontations erupt with Israeli forces in the town of Beit Ijza in Jerusalem
Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri praised glorious Palestinian military operation in the occupied territories9 חודש לפני
Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri praised "glorious Palestinian military operation in the occupied territories"
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The Fars news agency quoted IRGC Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, a military adviser to Khamenei, as saying: ‘We will stand by the Palestinian fighters until the liberation of Palestine and Al-Quds [Jerusalem].’
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President Ebrahim Raeisi of Iran has warned Israel that the regional equation has changed and warmongering would be detrimental to Israel
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Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Turkey is determined to increase diplomatic efforts to achieve peace in Israel and Palestine
Planes target the headquarters of the National Islamic Bank in the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City9 חודש לפני
Planes target the headquarters of the National Islamic Bank in the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City
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Israeli aircraft bombed a house of the Harara family in the Al-Mintar area, east of Al-Shuja'iya, east of Gaza City
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Successive missile barrages from the Gaza Strip towards adjacent settlements
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Gunfire in the Karmia settlement near the Gaza Strip
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Red Crescent: 3 injured by Israeli forces' bullets during the confrontations at: the northern Al-Bireh checkpoint, Beit Aynoun, and Bab Al-Zawiya in Hebron
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A new infiltration from Gaza and militants managed to get to Route 232 where security forces are engaged in a firefight with them
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In a joint operation within the "Al-Aqsa Storm" battle, the Al-Quds Brigades and the Al-Qassam Brigades targeted with intense fire a gathering of vehicles and howitzers in the Yad Mordechai settlement.
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Process of evacuation of population from the Gaza envelope areas suspended due to a security situations, all civilians should proceed to the shelters
Warplanes target agricultural land in the Qalibo area, north of the Gaza Strip9 חודש לפני
Warplanes target agricultural land in the Qalibo area, north of the Gaza Strip
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An Israeli air strike east of the Al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City.
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One person killed as a result of a series of raids that targeted the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip
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שר הביטחון גלנט הנחה על פינוי היישובים בעוטף עזה, ואף באזור הצפון
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New missile launches from Gaza
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Hamas-run health ministry says 370 killed and 2,200 wounded in the Gaza Strip
Shooting at the Salem military checkpoint, west of Jenin
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Intense shelling and missiles were launched from Gaza towards Sufa
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Gunboats are now heard bombing several places in Gaza
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Shooting at Israeli vehicles near the entrance to Azzun, east of Qalqilya, and the perpetrators withdraw from the site
בלינקן: אנחנו עושים כל שביכולתנו כדי שלא תקום חזית נוספת בסכסוך הזה, כולל עם חיזבאללה בלבנון.
.@SecBlinken today says Americans have been killed in Israel over the last 24 hours and there are missing Americans as well
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Very violent clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli forces in the "Be'eri" settlement, and helicopters fire intensely
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Israeli army says it identified a suspicious object in the air approaching northern Israel and fired an interceptor at it. After investigation, it was revealed to not be a drone. Israeli army did not strike in Lebanon
משרד החינוך: בשל המצב הביטחוני, לא יתקיימו לימודים בכל רחבי הארץ מחר וביום שלישיn@lirankog
Airplanes launched a series of violent raids on the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip9 חודש לפני
Airplanes launched a series of violent raids on the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip
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מנהיג חמאס, הנייה, בשיחת הטלפון עם נשיא איראן, איבראהים ראיסי: "המערכה שהחלה מעזה תתפשט לשאר הזירות
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דיווח בלבנון, אחרי שיגור הפטריוט: ישראל תקפה בחוות שבעא
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Israeli soldiers reported shooting at them near Huwwara
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Unconfirmed reports of a drone interception in Safed, northern Israel
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A commander in the Al-Quds Brigades: Our Mujahideen holed up in the settlements of Kafr Saad, Kafr Azza and Sderot are confronting repeated attempts by enemy forces to storm them
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Warplanes launch a series of violent and successive raids on Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip
Confrontations broke out at the northern entrance to the city of Al-Bireh, opposite the Beit El settlement
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Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi calls the Jordanian King about the situation in Gaza
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בדקות אלו: התקלות עם מחבלים ביישוב חולית, יש נפגעים במקום
Israeli forces are randomly sending text messages to tens of thousands of Gaza residents, asking them to evacuate their homes immediately9 חודש לפני
Israeli forces are randomly sending text messages to tens of thousands of Gaza residents, asking them to evacuate their homes "immediately"
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Chairman of the Executive Council of Hezbollah: We are not neutral in the battle currently taking place against the Israelis
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Death toll from Hamas's terrorist attack on Israel rises to 400 per Channel 12 news. Health Ministry says more than 2,000 wounded
A number of Palestinians were arrested in Tel Aviv
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Planes bombed a house in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City
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Security incident at the Tzealim base. More details will be published later
דיווחנו כעת במשדר המיוחד בכאן 11: נתניהו דילג על הממשלה והקבינט המדיני בטחוני החליט הלילה על הפעלת סעיף המלחמה בחוק יסוד הממשלה
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9 members of the Al-Zaanin family were killed as a result of the bombing of their home in the northern Gaza Strip.
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Minister of National Defense of Poland: The Polish Army is preparing to evacuate Poles from Israel. We will send C-130 Hercules transport planes for our compatriots
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Israeli army says it is evacuating civilians from the following towns: Nahal Oz, Erez, Nir Am, Mefalsim, Kafr Aza, Gevim, Or Haner, Ibim, Netiv Ha'asara, Yad Mordecai, Karmia, Zikim, Kerem Shalom, Kissufim, Holit, Sufa, Nirim, Nir Oz, Ein HaSlosha, Nir Yitzhak, Be'eri, Magen, Reim, Sa'ad and Alumim
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Shooting attack reported near Umm al-Fahm, and large forces are heading to the location
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An Israeli raid results in the destruction of the "Watan Tower" in Gaza City
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Israeli army announces the start of the evacuation of the remaining residents of the Urim, Be'eri, Nahal Oz, Netiv Haasra and Zikim
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Israeli army says it killed two Palestinian militants who infiltrated into Israel via the Zikim beach on the Gaza border
אל״מ רועי לוי מי שהיה מפקד גדס״ר גולני ונפצע באורח קשה במבצע צוק איתן, חזר למסלול פיקד על יחידת אגוז, הצטרף אתמול ללחימה כמפקד היחידה הרב מימדית, נהרג אתמול כשחתר למגע בהתקלות עם מחבלים בקיבוץ רעים שבה חוסלו 10 מחבלים.nאיזה בחורnיהי זכרו ברוך9 חודש לפני
אל״מ רועי לוי מי שהיה מפקד גדס״ר גולני ונפצע באורח קשה במבצע צוק איתן, חזר למסלול פיקד על יחידת אגוז, הצטרף אתמול ללחימה כמפקד היחידה הרב מימדית, נהרג אתמול כשחתר למגע בהתקלות עם מחבלים בקיבוץ רעים שבה חוסלו 10 מחבלים.nאיזה בחורnיהי זכרו ברוך
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Palestinian militants hijack a new car in the Mefilsim settlement
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עשרות נעדרים ממסיבת הטבע שהסתתרו הלילה הגיעו ברגל לנתיבות
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Israeli warplanes bombed a site south of Rafah
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Israeli forces use artillery during clashes with militants from the Qassam Brigades in Kibbutz Magen, east of Gaza
Israeli MFA confirms two Israelis and one Egyptian dead and one Israeli tourist wounded in police shooting9 חודש לפני
Israeli MFA confirms two Israelis and one Egyptian dead and one Israeli tourist wounded in police shooting
Metrics show that internet disruptions in Gaza are ongoing amidst an escalating conflict with Israel; Palestinian operator Fusion has attributed the incident to a 'sudden failure' of internet access points in the Gaza Strip9 חודש לפני
Metrics show that internet disruptions in Gaza are ongoing amidst an escalating conflict with Israel; Palestinian operator Fusion has attributed the incident to a 'sudden failure' of internet access points in the Gaza Strip
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אופקים: אין חשש לחדירת מחבלים בעיר
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Israeli army pushes armored tanks to Kibbutz Magin to confront Palestinian fighters, after the Israeli elite forces failed to eliminate them
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אופקים: התושבים מתבקשים להיכנס לבתים ולנעול דלתות, חשש שמחבלים מסתובבים בעיר
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A house next to Abdullah Mosque in Ezbet Beit Hanoun was targeted, and a body was recovered from under the rubble
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Al-Qassam said in a statement that it had replaced some of its forces on the battle fronts
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The Israeli army opened fire a short while ago to remove a number of suspects from the infrastructure area that was attacked earlier today in the Har Dov area (Shebaa Farms).
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3 מחבלים חוסלו. נבדק אם יש מחבךים נוספים שפרקו מהרכב
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A gunman/ Egyptian police officer opened gunfire at an Israeli tourist bus in Alexandria City in north Egypt; Several Israelis were killed and seriously injured
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Clashes continue in Mivtachim
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Ongoing exchange of gunfire between Palestinian militants and ISF in the area between Ashkelon and Ashdod cities South Israel
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Targeting by warplanes east of Bureij
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הירי הרקטי לשדרות: 6 פגיעות ישירות במבנים ו-2 נפגעים שמטופלים על ידי צוותי מד"א
Palestinian militants raise the Qassam Brigades flag at the Kissufim military site9 חודש לפני
Palestinian militants raise the Qassam Brigades flag at the Kissufim military site
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt9 חודש לפני
The Hezbollah tent that was attacked by the Israeli army this morning was rebuilt
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דיווחים על התחדשות הירי של צה"ל ללבנון, לאזור כפר שובא